April 2005 | Light 5 - Ray 2 |
Dedicated to Our Four Fallen RCMP Members |
to the spring 2005 edition of the C.R.A. newsletter. In this issue we
have three excellent articles to share with you. Our stories submitted
this month are from Joanne Stevens of Burlington, Kirk Pleasant from Vancouver
and Claudette Godin from Richmond. We always look forward to hearing from
you, and your Reiki stories. We hold the intent that all that our new
and old reiki practitioners can learn from your experiences with Reiki.
For all that dropped by CRA booth at the Wellness show in Vancouver this
past February was pleasantly surprised by its new look. Barb Weston spent
many hours designing and sewing new table covers and backdrops for the
booth that included the CRA colours and logo. Not only did the booth look
very professional, it looked fantastic. I would like to thank Barb and
all of her team members for making the wellness show a huge success for
the CRA.
Work in Toronto with the Municipal Licensing & Standards Department to
give Holistic Practitioners their own business license separate from the
adult trade industry is still ongoing. We are moving slowly in order to
protect the vested interest of our own Reiki practitioners but of other
modalities. We are having monthly meetings at City Hall with all the stakeholders.
Revisions to the bylaw drafts are ongoing and followed up by conference
calls with all parties concerned. I will keep you all advised when developments
of these efforts move on to the next stage. Once again I would like to
remind all members of the AGM coming up in Vancouver July 9th. We have
a wonderful day planned and hope to see you at the Lonsdale Quay where
your board members look forward to meeting with you. Registration will
be required to ensure that we have the appropriate space booked for the
day and we can confirm our planned luncheon with the caterers.
Bonnie Smith
President CRA
The Canadian Reiki Association: We provide our members with a national
voice; encouraging high educational standards through our Code of Ethics,
promoting ethical practices and teaching; assisting the public with referrals
to Practitioners and Teachers; and is committed to enlightening and educating
our communities about Reiki.
Editorial Committee
Editor: Mary Weston
Layout: Judy Cain
Website: Sue Chepelsky, Sue
Board of Directors
Bonnie Smith
Barbara Weston
Carol Romanella
Joselin Ratto
Nicole Lafleche
Mailing Address
PO Box 74072, Hilllcrest RPO
Vancouver, BC V5V 5C8
Phone: 1.800.835.7525 or
Local: 604.669.9049
Fax: 604.521.9557
Email: reiki@reiki.ca
or members@reiki.ca
Website: www.reiki.ca
CRA Newsletter is Published on:
January 15, April 15,
July 15, October 15
You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give
you a look that says, 'My God, you're right!
I never would've thought of that!'
-- David Barry
We truly welcome your comments, criticisms, and feedback. Letters may
be edited for length and clarity.
Advertise your business, sell merchandise or place job ads in
the newsletter. On review of the content, non-members can also advertise
in our newsletter. |
Ad Size |
Members |
Non Members |
Full |
6.5” x 8.5” |
$140 |
$280 |
1/2 |
3” x 8.5” |
$70 |
$140 |
1/4 |
3” x 4.25” |
$40 |
$80 |
1/8 |
3” x 2.125” |
$20 |
$40 |
1/16 |
3” x 1” |
$10 |
$20 |

Lafleche, RP-CRA, Vancouver, BC
Tell us how you were introduced to Reiki
A few years ago, I became determined to change my lifestyle and improve
my health. My journey began at home with short daily meditations where
I worked hard to find focus. I finally realized that all I had to do
was open up my heart, listen, see and hear the messages that were coming
my way. One of those messages was Barb Weston's (currently the Vice-President
of the CRA) advertisement in the Common Ground beckoning me to try Reiki.
At that time I had no idea what Reiki was but understood a bit more
after reading Barb's website and I knew instantly that Reiki would help
me. Indeed it has, in ways that I would not have begun to imagine all
those years ago. After my third treatment I knew I wanted to learn how
to use this amazing 'tool' that made me feel so good, that energized
me and relieved the stress and tension of my daily life. I wanted to
use Reiki with my family and friends and anyone who would let me practice
with them. Through great fortune, I had people lining up to experience
this 'magical thing' I was doing with my hands. I was always quick to
explain that Universal energy was being channeled through me to the
recipient and the constant reaction of "wow that was amazing"
after each session propelled me forward. I wanted to become a full-time
practitioner and have my own business so that I could help as many people
as I possibly could. I thought and planned and researched and practiced.
Suddenly I was confronted with "the" dilemma that so many
of us face - how can I charge people for something that doesn't belong
to me, for something that is Universal, something that promotes such
good for people. So I analyzed, and debated and discussed this issue
with myself, my Guides, my family, my friends and my mentors. Then one
day, with great clarity, I realized that Reiki is not for sale, that
one cannot charge for Reiki, but one can charge for their skills, their
time, their effort, and their space. From that moment on I set my plan
in motion. I was living in China at the time and knew that I would return
home, to the majestic west coast of British Columbia where I would begin
my business. And that's what I did just a few short months ago. With
the love, support and encouragement of my family, my partner Joe and
my friends, Reiki Plus opened its doors in January 2005. I am thrilled
to report that I am practicing and teaching Reiki regularly and that
I love every minute of it. My ultimate goal in life is to help create
world peace and I have no doubt whatsoever, that Reiki helps us to find
our inner peace, and as we find that inner peace, we become another
link in the chain of people working towards a happier, healthier more
peaceful world.
What is your major focus for 2004?
My intention is to practice, teach and promote Reiki and other healing
modalities on a full-time basis, not only as part of my business but
as a person in service. I'm drawn to the Children's Hospital and I am
currently developing a presentation to bring forward when the time is
right so that Reiki can be shared with all those little ones who are
Tell us about the contribution you see yourself making to the CRA
I am committed, in a professional and ethical manner, to promoting
the CRA as the great national organization that it is and to help it
gain more visibility.

by Kirk Pleasant, RP-CRA
The Shang Han Lun, written in 200 A.D. by Zhang Zhongjing, describes
the course of external and internal pathogens in many unique ways. This
classic describes the basic principles of syndrome differentiation used
today in the clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine. This
book, whose title translates into the treatise on Cold diseases and miscellaneous
disorders, follows these pathogens through six meridians (liu jing), which,
if studied well, could stop and prevent disease from going deeper into
the organs of the body. When a cold disease attacks the body, the first
place to feel it is on the back of the neck in the Taiyang meridian, affecting
the sinuses and oral cavity. This meridian is known as the urinary bladder
meridian and travels in two great lines down the back on either side of
the posterior midline or Du meridian. If the disease goes deeper, it enters
into the Yangming meridian of the stomach and large intestine, creating
havoc on the digestive system. Deep to this is the gallbladder and san
jiao Shaoyang meridian, where the primary symptoms are fever and chills.
A pathogen can go deeper still into the Taiyin, Shaoyin and deepest into
the Jueyin channels where, if not stopped, the disease could separate
the yin and yang, causing death. This classic describes briefly and accurately
each passage of a cold disease into these six meridians. Zhang Zhongjing
wrote that if treated properly and in a timely fashion with the correct
treatment, a febrile disease could be stopped and expelled from the body.
As reiki practitioners, we have the effective tool of warming our hands
when doing a treatment. Our treatments are often guided by a spiritual
intention that lingers within us; however, this shouldn't prevent us from
actively exploring every aspect of health and wellness that we can. If
we study and practice, applying new knowledge and participating with our
clients, we can improve the health of those we are treating. The more
we fully focus our attention on our hands during a treatment, the warmer
they can become. A mind still and receptive can generate great power and
heat in the hands of a skilled practitioner. The warmth from our hands
could, in my opinion, slow, stop, and ultimately dispel the cold conditions
described in the Shang Han Lun.
Heating and warming tools such as Moxabustion and heat lamps are used
extensively today to expel cold and warm the body in traditional Chinese
medicine's clinical practice. Arthritis is a common example of a primarily
cold disease affecting the joints, which is treated with heat. Cold pain
is the dull chronic kind that aches, lasts, and is often debilitating.
Even using heating pads or hot water bottles regularly can vastly improve
this condition. The heat in all of these methods acts to dilate the pores
and enter the superficial area, gradually spreading to the meridians.
When the correct treatments are used consistently, we can prevent a disease
from going further into the organ systems. Chinese medicine uses these
tools to achieve the goal of warming and dispelling the cold, which can
become stuck in the meridians. We can, by simply using our hands, mimic
a moxabustion stick, heat lamp, heating pad, etc. with the added bonus
of passing on a very unique energy that we cultivate ourselves and combine
with what comes to us from the universe. This warmth that we generate
greatly surpasses any electrical device available, because it is coupled
with our pure intentions, guided by our intuition, and created from our
inspiration. Never forget common sense when treating a patient and if
they display signs of heat, i.e. inflammation, hot and burning pain, red
complexion, yellow tongue coating, heat is counter-indicated. Harm reduction
should always be our number one principle.
Acupuncture has been for me a wonderful way of harmonizing reiki with
traditional Chinese medicine. The needles act to direct the focus of attention
on very specific points, while reiki acts to fill the person with spiritual
energy. This energy flows along the meridians, which have been so accurately
mapped out and can be thought of as the vessels of the spirit. Reiki opens,
warms and tonifies the meridians with energy and, if done with a solid
working knowledge of them, it can be gloriously effective in unblocking
the stagnations, harmonizing the imbalances, and boosting the deficiencies
that form within. Using these two methods simultaneously can have miraculous
results because they compliment each other so well. Both work on the energy
systems of the body and both are guided by the practitioner's intention.
Of course, acupuncture is a very in-depth course of study and it takes
years to acquire competence; however, anyone can study the points and
meridians themselves and use this knowledge in their application of Reiki
treatments. Crystals, wands, or pointed fingers can be used to direct
energy into specific points, activating stagnancies or tonifying deficiencies.
Coupling these specific focuses with the general open hand reiki treatment
will have a similar effect. It is my goal to facilitate integration in
all the facets of healthcare we can. The modes and methods are plentiful
and ours for the grasping if we only reach for them. Inspiration, intuition,
and intention are three words that I like to combine in expressing what
is required for maintenance, and fruition in the modern healer. We have
only to think of the new way to approach our respective fields and we
have become equivalent to Zhang Zhongjing. To create an entirely new system
of comprehension based on experiences with multiple methods is what our
future is going to remember and what we, as helpers to those in need,
must manifest.
J. Kirk Pleasant, Reiki Teacher & Practioner
Vancouver, BC

by Jo-Anne Stevens, RT-CRA
This is a story about how we are all connected, and it is a story that
proves we can all do whatever we believe we can do.
In the fall of 2003 I noticed a small wasp nest inside the false Cypress
tree that grows alongside our front pathway. Seeing that it was uninhabited,
I decided to leave it. Knowing that wasps and hornets do not set up a
colony in a "used" nest, I saw no harm in my lack of action.
In the spring of 2004 I was in the process of removing winterkill from
my trees and shrubs. I had my right hand inside the Cypress tree roughly
tearing away, when I felt pain. Thinking I had scraped my hand on a branch,
I continued. Then I felt more pain, and then I realized what was happening.
I quickly ran to the other side of the yard.... very quickly. Wildly swarming
around my tree were these pretty black and white insects. For some reason,
one of the Queens had decided to move back into the abandoned nest and
enlarge her old home. The 4 stings on my knuckles were remedied after
25 minutes of Reiki.
For years I have "talked" in my head to various creatures.
The numerous yellow jacket wasps that live in the Noma lights of our back
deck never leave their nests when we have company. I ask them not to,
because they frighten people. They always comply. So the next day gently
pulling the Cypress branches aside, I "told" the wasps that
I was their friend and I wouldn't hurt them. I could now safely place
my hand on their nest, or tap on it to get them to come out and visit
with me. After a while I started to pet them, lightly stroking their bodies.
These diligent little creatures just kept doing their work on the nest.
Many of my clients and students trusting me, enjoyed this wonderful experience
as well. At last measurement in mid August, the nest was 16 1/2 inches
long from the top to the bottom entry hole.
One morning I went out to visit my friends and say hello, as this was
my morning custom. The nest was totally destroyed and there were pieces
all around the ground under my tree. Raccoons perhaps? I'm not sure. Only
10 wasps remained, milling about one small piece of their home that remained
attached to a branch. I kept petting them and telling them I was sorry.
The next morning they were gone. A few days later one sole wasp buzzed
around and then left. I took this as a final goodbye. I had never seen
their species before, and because of this I had looked them up on the
Internet. Like many so called hornets, they are actually wasps. They were
rather large and were very pretty with the contrasting black and white.
I am so happy that I had taken photographs of them and my hand, prior
to the devastation. I hope that one of the Queens was fertilized, and
got away safely. Every time I pass my Cypress tree I remember my little
friends, and I miss them. I thank the Universe for allowing others and
myself to enjoy them. I'll be looking for them this Spring. Maybe our
home will be blessed by their presence again.
I believe I can communicate with insects.... so I can. Some native peoples
believe they can walk on hot coals, so they can, and without burning their
feet. My "truth" is that we can all do everything. We just have
to believe it in our hearts.
Essential Wellness Centre
Promoting Your Natural Ability To Heal
Conventional & Holistic Treatments
Jo-Anne Stevens
Tel: 905-319-9429

On February 4th, 5th and 6th 2005, at the Vancouver Convention &
Exhibition Centre at Canada Place in Vancouver BC, the 13th Annual Wellness
Show took place. With over 200 exhibitors participating in the show there
was something of interest for everyone who attended this event to see
and experience.
The Canadian Reiki Association participated in the show again this year
hosting a bold new look using their logo colors of gold and maroon to
decorate their 10 x 20 booth. In previous years we have set up two Reiki
tables in a 10 x 10 booth but this year we decided to double the size
of our booth and add a third table. Adding the extra Reiki table to our
booth enabled us to provide 51 more sample sessions over last year.
Over the three day period we provided 131 fifteen minute sample Reiki
sessions for show attendees. We charged a small $10.00 fee for each sample
session and to our delight, the majority of people stopping by our booth
to try Reiki were "newcomers".
1st table left - Adrian Dunham at side & Nicole Filler
at head
2nd Table - Yuriko Araki at feet, Nicole Fast at side
& Jinny Rodrigo at head
3rd table - Nicole Lafleche at feet & Barb Weston side |
Twenty three enthusiastic Reiki practitioners provided the necessary
support for the threeReiki tables at our booth over the three day period.
This level of participation enabled us to have a minimum of two Reiki
practitioners at each table and at times there were as many as three or
four practitioners at each table channeling Reiki. Without the support
and participation of these practitioners, the weekend would not have been
such a success.
Sincere thanks to the following CRA Registered Practitioners for their
excellent role in supporting the CRA booth:
Roak Citroen provided 25 hours of support
Judy Cain provided 25 hours of support
Nicole Lafleche provided 25 hours of support
Wendy Fast provided 20 hours of support
Jinny Rodrigo provided 17 hours of support
Catherine Zuest provided 8 hours of support
Andrew Gilson provided 8 hours of support
Nebilah Malfet provided 8 hours of support
Melissa Sevigny provided 7 hours of support
Nicole Filer provided 7 hours of support
Adrian Dunham provided 6 hours of support
Sabina Sanghar provided 6 hours of support
Yuriko Araki provided 5 hours of support
Sandra Sinclair provided 4 hours of support
Asha Parashar-Reynolds provided 4 hours of support
Anne Whitmore provided 4 hours of support
Valerie Farley provided 3 hours of support
Janusz Ostrowski provided 3 hours of support
Setareh Riahi provided 2 hours of support
Sharon Storoschuk provided 2 hours of support
Lorelei Lester provided 2 hours of support
A very special thank you to Judy Cain, Roak Citroen, Nicole Lafleche
and my husband, Mark Weston for helping set up the CRA booth on Thursday
February the 3rd the day before the show.
Left to right: Judy Cain, Roak Citroen,
Lorelei Lester, Jinny Rodrigo & Barb Weston |
Mark also took pictures of the booth over the weekend. The pictures may
be viewed at www.innerfocus.ca/gallery.htm.
Once you load the website, click on "Vancouver Wellness Show 02/06/05"
to see the pictures.
Judy Cain played a special role again this year by focusing her efforts
on greeting people who were stopping by our booth, answering their questions
and then booking them in for a sample Reiki session Her warm smile and
loving energy was hard for show attendees to resist. Thank you Judy for
doing such an excellent job again this year.
My personal feeling is that the show was a wonderful success. We touched
51 more people with Reiki this year than last year and that is the purpose
of these shows, to reach as many people as possible and spread the loving
vibration and frequency of Reiki to the general public.
Left to right: Nicole Lafleche,
Barb Weston and
Asha Parasher-Reynolds |
The show is also a wonderful opportunity for our CRA Registered Practitioners
to participate and hand out their business cards and brochures to promote
their own individual businesses. It is also a wonderful way to meet other
fellow practitioners and develop some new friendships and contacts.
If you are a Level II or higher CRA Registered Practitioner residing
in the Lower Mainland of BC and you wish to participate in the 14th Annual
Wellness Show in 2006 or you have questions about the show, please contact
me at barb@innerfocus.ca or call me at 604 985-7302. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Congratulations and thank you to all of the CRA Registered Practitioners
who participated this year.
Signing off with much Love and Light,
Barb Weston, RT-CRA
Usui Reiki Master Practitioner / Teacher
CRA Vice President
The process of healing a personal illness is, in fact, a rite
of passage, designed by yourself as one of the greatest learning
tools you will ever encounter.
Excerpt from Light Emerging by
Barbara Ann Brennan. |

by Claudette Godin, RT-CRA
As Reiki practitioners we are very much aware that energy follows intent.
It is therefore that much more exciting to read or hear about the scientific
community confirming what we, as energy workers, have known since we have
offered ourselves as instruments for the Universal Life Force.
Quoting Dr. Douglas Baker's book The Jewel in the Lotus, "Many years
ago, a photograph was taken by a radionic camera at the Delawarr Laboratories
of some water tap revealing normal radiatory patterns. The water was then
taken to a church where it was blessed. It was again photographed and
revealed energy patterns in the form of a crucifix, which the reverend
minister of the church said was the visual image he held in his mind when
he blessed anything. The phenomena associated with the continuum are all
related to two factors. The first is magnetism, is some form and degree
of subtlety, and the second is the energy source which comes from the
higher subplanes of all planes of what is called etheric matter."
We have seen kirlian photography of healing hands emanating and releasing
energy while the healer is sending distant healing. But when we see a
picture of the power of intention, it really hits home on how careful
we must be of own personal thoughts and the need to be focused while administering
healing or during any energy sessions. This can be brought further into
our daily thought patterns - what are we creating for ourselves?
An exercise that I use to demonstrate the power of thought is as follows:
1. Have the person measure their hands - palm to palm - noting the
area used for measurement for continuity.
- in most people one hand's fingers is longer - in this case we pick
the shorter hand for next step. (If they are the same - it doesn't matter
which hand is used first)
2. Look at your shorter hand and with loving energy tell the fingers
to ... grow longer ... longer still ... even longer... Keep looking
at your hand to remain focused and keep lovingly repeating the same
words for 1 1/2 minutes without stopping.
3. When the time is up - measure the hands again from the same area
as previously done - what happened? The fingers are longer.
4. Look at the same hand again and say once only, " Fingers go
back to normal."
5. Measure the hands again from the same area as previously done -
what happened? The fingers are back to normal.
You repeat steps 1-5 with the longer hand but this time you lovingly
tell your fingers to grow shorter. It is a wonderful fun way to get the
point across not only with student but also with family and friends.
Love & Light
Claudette Godin, RT-CRA
Wings of Dove Holistic Centre
Steveston, BC

The Canadian Reiki Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting
on July 9th, 2005 and this year it will be taking place in Vancouver,
BC. Additional information will be emailed out to all members in good
standing the middle of April, 2005 (eg: Agenda, Proxies, Registration
Barbra Hudson, past CRA President and Founder of Blue Matrix Energetics
will be presenting an introduction to Blue Matrix healing.
Topics covered will be:
- What is universal life force energy and where does it come from?
- Understanding various frequency dimensions in running energy
- Understanding Multi Dimensional Healing Assistants
- The Blue Matrix Merkaba technique
- The importance of the Blue Matrix Body template
Ryon Wexler is a Reiki Master and a certified Aromatherapist and Store
Manager of Saje Natural Wellness at the Lonsdale Quay in North Vancouver.
Ryon's presentation at the 2005 CRA AGM will include:
Safety and precautions of using essential oils during Reiki sessions
Benefits of using essential oils during a Reiki Practice
Different properties of the essential oils used in a Reiki Practice
(with tester oils for people to sample)
Methods of application for both client and practitioner
Chakras and corresponding essential oils
History of how essential oils and aromatic substances have been used
in healing and ritual purposes in the past (ie: Ancient Civilizations)
Ryon will provide an information handout for everyone attending.

by Jo-Anne Stevens, RT-CRA
I call in a number of helpers when performing Reiki treatments. I don't
know who does what, but I have learned to be specific with them. Last
year I was teaching a Reiki Level I course. The students were in the midst
of practicing the hand placements for a full body treatment. Suddenly
one of the girls said her hands and arms were uncomfortably hot. I told
her that sometimes that does happen, and to just ask your helpers to cool
you down. Well this girl was too quick for me! Before I could go on to
tell her to be specific and place a request to her helpers that she would
cool down to a comfortable temperature, I heard her say - "now I'm
too cold". Well she had asked for help and she had received it! I
explained how to ask, and she was comfortable with that in no time at
all. We all had a laugh. It was also a good lesson; a lesson in "listening",
in performing Reiki treatments, and a lesson that we definitely do have
Essential Wellness Centre
Promoting Your Natural Ability To Heal
Conventional & Holistic Treatments
Jo-Anne Stevens
Tel: 905.319.9429
art of healing comes from nature....'
--Paracelsus |

"The Five People You Meet in Heaven"
By Mitch Albom
little, yet powerful book was a #1 New York Times Bestseller. It is appropriate
for all ages, and is a quick read for those with limited time. It is a
moving story about a man's life, revisited after his untimely death. After
his passing, the main character Eddie has five spirits that take him through
his life. This is an uplifting tale of how we are all connected, that
seemingly small acts can have such an impact on others. This story might
make you laugh and it might make you cry, but it will undoubtedly touch
you to the very core.
Essential Wellness Centre
Promoting Your Natural Ability To Heal
Conventional & Holistic Treatments
Jo-Anne Stevens
Tel: 905-319-9429

British Columbia
Canadian Reiki Association Exchange
There is no share on February 5th. Come out and see us at the 13th
Annual Wellness Show on February 4, 5, 6th. The next share will
be March 12th and then back to the first Saturday of each month,
subject to change
Nikkei Japanese Heritage Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby
1:30 pm to 4:30pm
Donation: $5
All levels of Reiki Practitioners are invited. Newcomers are welcome.
Come and try out Reiki.
Comments: We begin with a meditation, and a Reiju Empowerment
for anyone who would like to participate. Then we exchange Reiki.
Bring your pamphlets and business cards to share.
Contact: Judy Cain, RP-CRA
Phone: 604.525.1764
Email: reiki@reiki.ca
The Tri-Cities Reiki Exchange
2nd Friday of the month
Aura Wellness Centre, Coquitlam
7 pm to 10 pm - Doors close at 7:15 pm
Suggested donation of $2.00
Comments: All are welcome to come and experience Reiki. A
Reiju Empowerment will be given to those who wish it and who have
not yet been attuned to Reiki. Cozy space so book early. We have
room for two tables and one chair-Reiki set-up at our current location.
Please call ahead for directions.
Contact: Lyn Ayre, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.524.8565
Email: LynAyre@telus.net
3rd Friday of the month
Wings of Dove Holistic Centre
140-12031 First Avenue
Steveston Village, Richmond
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: This is a time to share our experiences & discoveries,
and to receive further coaching if necessary. Meditation and healing
open to all Reiki Levels. Please call or email that you are attending.
Contact: Claudette
Phone: 604.275.7774
Website: www.wingsofdove.ca
White Rock
Reiki Social Night
Last Wednesday of every month; the date varies. Please email for
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Comments: As Reiki is meant to be shared, I am holding a
social night once a month at my home in White Rock, BC. This evening
is meant to discuss Reiki specifically, with other practitioners
in the area. I believe it's beneficial for all of us who really
want to practice Reiki and be involved with it on a daily basis,
to share experiences and information that would benefit others.
A Reiki table will be set up for demonstrations or short sessions.
Please email me if you would be interested in coming.
Contact: Nancy Caljouw, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.531.6171
Email: howdy2@telus.net
Website: www.ReikiandRhyme.com
4th Monday of the month
Banff Seniors Centre, except July & August
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: Dates subject to change due to availability of
space please visit www.reiki-rocks.ca
for up to date information.
Contact: Noortje Vanderelst, RT-CRA
2nd Thursday of the month
Canmore Recreation Centre, except July.
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: Dates subject to change due to availability of
space please visit www.reiki-rocks.ca
for up to date information.
Contact: Noortje Vanderelst, RT-CRA
Healing Co-op Reiki Share
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
165 - 3rd Avenue S (The Birks Building)
We meet in front of the elevators between 7 pm to 7:15 pm
Donation: $2.00 off sets the cost of cups & water.
Comments: Reiki Level 1 is required to be a part of our share.
We ask interested Reiki people to contact us if you are interested
in joining us.
Contact: Darlene, RT-CRA
Phone: 306.933.2800
Email: healingcoop@shaw.ca
1st Monday of every month
Yorkton Acupuncture & Wholistic Health Center
275 Bradbrooke Drive, Yorkton
7 pm to 8:30 pm
Comments: Everyone welcome that has Level 1 or higher. Time
for sharing and short treatments. You are asked to call ahead so
we know how many will be attending. Hope to se you!
Contact: Pat Bjarnsson, RT-CRA
Reiki Master/Teacher
Phone: 877.783.1560
Reiki Shares / Healing Circles
Held regularly every 2nd month
Dates to be announced
Donation:Voluntary donations accepted to cover expenses for
the evening.
Comments: For Practitioners, Teachers and their invited guests.
Contact: Shelly, RT-CRA
Phone: 204.724.6855
Email: mayers@mts.net
In the Spirit of Truth
3rd Sunday of each month
Dr Sara O'Neill's Chiropractic Office
52 Toronto, Barrie
1 pm to 4 pm
Donation: none
Comments: This share/exchange if open to all persons - practitioners
(any lineage) and the general public.
Contact: Lorinda Weatherall
Phone: 705.722.4052
Email: info@inthespiritoftruth.com
3rd Thursday evening of the month
Holiday Inn Select
30 Peel Centre Drive, Brampton
7 pm to 9:00 pm
Donation: not noted
Comments: This is open to local CRA members as well as my
Contact: Mark Brewer, RP-CRA
Phone: 905.791.8320
Email: mark@reikitoronto.com
Aura Care Reiki Balance Centre
3rd Thursday of the month
130 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, ON
6:00 pm Social; 7:00 pm check in/mediation
7:30 pm to 10:00 pm Reiki Share
Donation: Potluck snacks/drinks
Comments: Any/all levels and lineages. Special interest in
musical and/or alternative Reiki techniques. Bring a bed if you
have one! Please RSVP.
Contact: Laura Gautherier
Phone: 519.622.1269
Email: Balance@auracarereiki.com
You are never too old to set another goal
or to dream a new dream
-- Les Brown
Guelph Reiki Share
2nd Wednesday of each month
Held at the offices of Hospice Wellington
75 Speedvale Avenue East, Guelph
7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: $5
Comments: Welcome Level One and higher
Contact: Barbara McKell, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.823.2162
Email: barbara@soulconnection.ca
Guelph Pathways Healing Share
Last Thursday of each month except for July, August & December
7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: Small donations or snacks, juice, etc. are accepted
by not required.
Comments: Meditation and Healing Share open to all levels
and lineages. RSVP if you would like to attend.
Contact: Bonnie Adam, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.763.7948
Email: themoondancer7@hotmail.com
Hamilton Reiki Share
4th Wednesday of each month
Call for location
7:00 pm start time
Donation: $10
Comments: Welcome Level One and higher
Contact: Mary Catherine Darling
Phone: 905.318.8630
Email: soulhealer3@yahoo.ca
1st Tuesday of each month
Sacred Journeys Healing Arts Centre
115 King Street West, Kingston
Donation: $10.00 drop-in fee
Comments: RSVP is required. Everyone is welcome! Anyone who
has taken Reiki or would like to come and experience what Reiki
is all about. Come to be treated, to treat others, to share Reiki
stories, or exchange new information about Reiki.
Contact: Cheryl Hiebert
Phone: 613.542.2325
Email: cdh@kingston.net
Website: www.sacred-journeys.ca
Call for date, time, and location.
Comments: I am in London, Ontario and have been holding group
Reiki exchanges so we can have evenings together. It is often a
small group of 6 but we all truly enjoy the time together and go
away feeling light and refreshed. Some, who come and do not practice
Reiki other than on friends and family members, are pleased to join
together and experience receiving a treatment.
Contact: Mercedes Mancari
Phone: 519.660.3664
Email: Mercedes@execulink.com
3rd Tuesday of each month
Universal Energy Training & Learning Centre
2393 Sixth Line, Six Nations Reserve
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5 per person
Comments: An informal drop-in group. Any level of Reiki is
welcome. Please come and check out our facility. Refreshments provided.
Call for directions or more information.
Contact: Michelle Thomas or
Jane Burning
Phone: 519.445.1904
Reiki Associates
3rd Monday of the month
106 - 2211 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00 requested to be donated to Make a Wish Foundation
Comments:Everyone welcome. Check our website for confirmation
of time and place: www.reikiassociates.com
Contact: Richard Wardel, RP-CRA
Email: reikiassociates@superage.com
Reiki Associates
3rd Monday of the month
2368 Christie Lake Road, Perth, ON
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00 requested to be donated to Make A Wish Foundation
Comments: Everyone welcome. Check our website for confirmation
of time and place: www.reikiassociates.com
Contact: Denise Carpenter, RT-CRA
Phone: 613.913.2803
Email: reikiassociates@superaje.com
2nd Thursday of each month
Email for details on location
6 pm to 9:30 pm
Donation: not noted
Comments: All who have first level Reiki or Learning Path
Integrated Technique are welcome to join us.
Contact: Diane Young, RT-CRA, of Healing Integration.
Email: diane@healingintegration.com
Reiki Intro. Talk & Share
Date: Saturdays - call for next dates
1 pm to 5 pm
Donation: $10.00 and $8 for students, seniors & low income.
Comments: An icebreaker will be followed by a guided meditation,
Reiki talk and an afternoon of Reiki sessions.
Please bring something comfortable to lie on: a pillow, foam or
yoga mat, bed sheet, pillowcase, towel. Massage tables are greatly
appreciated too!
Contact: Stephanie Norwich, RT-CRA Reiki Master/Instructor
Phone: 416.604.3448
Email: sgiver@yahoo.com
Toronto Central Reiki Clinic
Every Wednesday
At College and Spadina.
Please call for details.
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Donation: $10 requested
Open to general public and all channels from all Masters
Comments: Time in the clinic is tracked for CRA qualification.
New first-time channels must complete a short intro course on clinic
procedures and group hand positions, as we work in teams of 2 or
more. Cost: $45.00. Proof of current Reiki Level is required.
Contact: Roman Szymczak, RT-CRA
Phone: 416.531.1141
Email: Roman@HandsOfaHealer.com
Every 2nd Thursday of each month
Call for location
7 pm to 10 pm
Comments: We welcome any new Reiki Types” for an evening
of discussions on various matters before group treatments.
Contact: Debbie Boehlen-Maier
Phone: 905.714.0298
Email: debb@iaw.com
The last Wednesday of each month
142 Braemar Drive Dartmouth
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Comments: Everyone with Reiki Level I and above are welcome.
Contact: Gail Piccott Bannister
CRA & AURA Member
Phone: 902.463.1775
Whitehorse Reiki Exchange
Once a month
Whitehorse Public Library
Contact: Faye Eby, RT-CRA, for
more information
Phone: 867.667.4979
Share/Exchange Format
Please send your notice of Reiki gatherings in your own area to
Name of the Share/Exchange
Date (and is it ongoing?)
Who is welcome
Contact info (name, phone, email)
We can do no great things ... only small things
with great love
-- Mother Teresa

Shop at The Reiki Corporate Store:
CRA merchandise featurine our logo is available! T-shirts
in navy and red available in sizes S, M, L, XL plus we have Navy baseball
caps all available for $15.00 each. Send cheque or money order to:
Corporate Store,
c/o Canadian Reiki Association
PO Box 74072 Hillcrest RPO
Vancouver, BC V5V 5C8
Please include size and colour preferences where applicable!
Allow 4 weeks for delivery.
The CRA is interested in ways to bring the membership together so they
can get to know each who frequent the Internet via e-mail and website
e-mail list discussion group; subsucribe at: cra_news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Extra copies of the newsletter are available for special events or to
use for promotional purposes. They're great to have for Reiki Shares &
Wellness Shows. For additional copies contact: Judy Cain at: reiki@reiki.ca.
We are always looking for items of interest for our members & the
public. Send in your articles, special sayings, up and coming workshops,
and notices that you would like included in the newsletter. We would
also appreciate receiving your book reviews.
'I accept life unconditionally. Life holds so much --
so much to be happy about always.
Most people ask for happiness on condition.
Happiness can be felt only if you don't set conditions.'
-- Artur Rubinstein

In Coquitlam, BC, Canada
Offering Sessions & Courses in
*Chakras & Chi*
*Crystal Healing*
*EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)*
*Karuna Ki and Usui Reiki*
*Meditation Techniques*
Sessions Only In:
*Aromatherapy, Massage, Sound Healing*
For more information,
please call Lyn Ayre
604.524.8565 or LynAyre@telus.net
In Toronto, Ontario,
Offering workshops and
sessions in Reiki
Learning Path Integrated Technique
Axiatonal Alignment
Energy Sensing and Clearing Techniques
Contact Diane: 416.690.6336
'You can do what you believe
you can do.'
-- submitted by Jo-Ann Stevens
Through the Canadian Centre for Indian Champissage.
10.5 CEUs.
Classes are available and ongoing throughout Canada.
Contact Debbie Boehlen-Maier at 905.714.0298 or see website at
for upcoming workshop dates.

@2003 - 2005 Canadian Reiki Association
May not be reprinted without written permission.