February 2009 | Light 9—Ray 1 |
Message From The President
We are well into the cold snow laden days of January with two months to go until the spring solstice. Many of you may be enjoying your favourite winter sport or you may be choosing to curl up with a good Reiki book by the fire enjoying a hot
drink. You may be looking at this occasion creatively by designing
a new business plan for your Reiki practice. Remember that
the universal flow of Reiki Energy is always with you and it will
align you to your new plan.
Now that you have some awareness
of your purpose for the coming year, it is now time to manifest
them into your consciousness. It is a time to stay focused while
you create your dreams by turning them into your reality. Trust
that you will have the total support of the Universe with you at
all times.
I would like to remind everyone of the Annual General Meeting
scheduled for May 23rd, 2009. This year it will be held in
North Vancouver at the Lonsdale Quay Hotel. Before your
schedule is booked with appointments or classes make a date
to come and join us. We will be sending out information
packages in the coming months.
The CRA was present at the 17th Annual Wellness Show held on
February 6th, 7th, & 8th at the Vancouver Convention &
Exhibition Centre, in Vancouver. This was our second year for
the Calgary Health Show held at the Roundup Centre, at
Stampede Park on February 7th, 8th. Both shows were well
attended and we thank all who stopped by for a Reiki treatment.
Our YTB Fundraising campaign is ongoing and I will be more
actively promoting and sharing information with you over the
coming months. It is time for all us to take an active part, which
will help the Canadian Reiki Association in its financial growth.
Reiki Blessings,
Bonnie Smith

About the CRA
The Canadian Reiki Association: We provide our members with a national voice and encourage high educational standards. Through our Code of Ethics, we are promoting ethical practice and teaching. We assist the public with referrals to CRA Registered Practitioners and Teachers and we are committed to enlightening and educating our communities about Reiki.
Editorial Committee
Editor: Doug Feltis
Layout: Judy Cain
Website: Sue Chepelsky, Sue Studios
Board of Directors
Bonnie Smith
Barbara Weston
Tania Bakas
Louise Vigneault
Carell Mehl
Mailing Address
Box 54570, 7155 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5E 4J6
Phone: 1.800.835.7525 or
Local: 604.669.9049
Fax: 604.521.9557
Email: reiki@reiki.ca or membership@reiki.ca
Website: www.reiki.ca
We welcome your comments, criticisms, and feedback. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
"We can be sure that the greatest hope for maintaining equilibrium in the face of any situation
rests within ourselves."
~ Henry S. Haskins |
Advertise your business, sell merchandise or place job ads in the newsletter. On review of the content, non-members can also advertise in our newsletter. |
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Non Members |
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Book Review -
“Entangled Minds – Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality”
by Dean Radin
People tend to back off and cringe as soon as they hear terms like quantum physics, quantum mechanics, or quantum this and that. As for me those terms peak my interest. Research in these fields reinforces our energy work and provides validation for those who need it. Radin provides scientific evidence on areas of psychic phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. He delves into the tragedy of 9/11 for those who aren’t aware of the RNG results during that time period.
A quantum object has no location in time or space when unobserved. This can relate to Reiki distance treatments. In Gendai Reiki one learns how to treat past Karma. This makes perfect sense on the quantum basis that time is fractal and not linear. Since there is no past or future…it’s all just here…then distance treatments to the linear way of thinking can go into the past or the future. We respond emotionally prior to a situation occurring. How? It’s because we know what is going to happen. This is presentiment.
People respond uncomfortably when being stared at by someone in a totally separate room. Lab tests for perceptual psi (ESP) have people describing hidden objects, some of which are many miles away. Modern Ganzfeld tests are well known to scientists because they are so close to the perfect psi experiments. Radin writes about: the power of group intention, the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), and studies performed by the PEAR Lab with RNG units where people changed the randomness of these machines.
Psi work is still considered to be controversial. I think this is largely due to the fact that the general public isn’t aware of the vast quantity of research that has been performed over the years. This book can’t help but open your eyes. What many have long considered to be intangible is in actuality part of acceptable scientific circles.
Jo-Anne G. Stevens
RT/P-CRA, Axiatonal Re-Alignment
Teacher/Practitioner, Masseuse,
S.I. Therapist Level II,
Metaphysical Healer

An Introduction to Reiki as a Healing Modality
By Karen D’Alessio, M.S.W.,
RSW Reiki Master and Holistic Social Worker
What is Reiki
Reiki can be defined as a “light touch” therapeutic system and set of techniques for natural healing . Reiki involves a series of hand positions and placements, therefore, it is often referred to as “hands on healing.” The actual word “Reiki” is a Japanese one, which when translated to English means “Universal Life Force Energy.” Reiki is believed by many to be as old as humankind, and the capacity for Reiki is thought to be somewhere within all of us. The “Ki” in Reiki refers to the same vital life force that is called “chi” in Chinese or “prana” in the Indian tradition.
Today, Reiki as a healing art is being practiced and taught around the world, and is being experienced as a powerful form of energy medicine. Most modern practitioners of Reiki follow the traditional teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui , who lived in Japan in the 1800’s. It has been documented and widely reported that the Usui method of Reiki (formally called Usui Shiki Ryohoi) is a re-discovered ancient Tibetan mode of healing. [i] Reference to hands-on healing can be found in ancient Buddhist sutras, although Reiki is not confined to certain religious sects – quite the opposite, in fact .[ii] Reiki is being practiced today by Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and many others. Reiki does not contradict any religious practices, and one does not have to be religious to practice Reiki, as many agnostics and atheists have fully enjoyed its benefits. [iii]
The Reiki Precepts
All practitioners of Usui Reiki reflect daily on five Reiki principles, which have been translated in a range of socio-cultural contexts, and presented in similar variations of the following:
Just for today....
I will not get angry
I will not worry
I will earn a living honestly and decently
I will be grateful
I will show love and respect for every form of life [iv]
What happens during a Reiki Session
During a Reiki session, a client will remain fully clothed and lie on a massage table or may also sit in a chair. The Practitioner will follow a sequence of hand positions which will be placed lightly on or slightly above key energy centres or points commonly referred to as chakras. The Reiki Master or practitioner may also work with acupressure points, thereby working to release blocked life force energy.
Most clients report deep relaxation during a session, however each session is individually different. There are varied client experiences documented including muscle twitching, falling asleep, noticing new perspectives, feelings, thoughts, and even images. Some clients fall into a meditative state while others may experience emotional release – this may be expressed as tears or a sense of joy and/or peace. Often, people report feeling a significant drop or rise in body temperature and the alleviation of pain. For example, a headache may disappear. Spiritual clarity, and feelings of comfort are often reported. [v]
Immediately after the Reiki session, it may take a period of 10-20 minutes to come back into full awareness and alertness. For the next few days, some may experience mild to moderate detoxifying effects, so extra water and rest may be needed. Reiki is always safe and can be used anytime, and will not interfere with medications and other healing modalities. One word of caution is that Reiki should not be given during or immediately prior to surgery, as there have been client reports of the anesthetic drug wearing off too quickly when Reiki is applied at the time of an operation.
Course of Treatment for Reiki
For relaxation and wellness, many people enjoy just one Reiki session from time to time for rebalancing and re-energizing. To deal with a chronic or specific health issue, it is generally recommended that three, preferably four sessions be received, as close together as possible, ideally for 4 days in a row. After this initial block of 4 sessions, Reiki should continue until the client's health issue has been resolved.[vi]
Client Benefits, Testimonials and Research Applications for Reiki
In the United States, Hawayo Takata brought her own Reiki testimonial from Japan to the West. Mrs. Takata of Hawaii was experiencing many health issues, involving asthma, gallstones, and other problems, including those related to a tumor. She was able to avert surgery, and was healed after months of daily Reiki treatments at a clinic in Tokyo.[vii] This was in the 1930’s. Her healing inspired her to learn Reiki in Japan, and then bring the Usui teachings in Reiki to the U.S. and Canada.
Mrs.Takata was the first Usui Reiki Master in North America. We owe much thanks to Hawaya Takata for sharing her Reiki experiences and her personal story of healing. Her immeasurable and immensely valued contributions to Reiki world-wide are still being honoured today, as Reiki benefits are being enjoyed across the globe.
These days, client testimonials are many, and are slowly but surely being included more and more into modern research clinical trials and the mainstream media. Dr. Andrew Weil, for example, has discussed Reiki as an adjunct treatment for acute or chronic pain, and has reported on its applications related to wound healing and other long standing health issues. [viii]
Pamela Miles is a Reiki Master who has helped introduce and implement Reiki programs in New York area hospitals. Within these hospitals, doctors, nurses and volunteers are being trained in Reiki and are publishing first-hand observed patient benefits, including dramatic effects on surgical recovery. In Portsmouth Regional Hospital in New Hampshire, Reiki was made available wide-spread and program evaluations are showing that patients receiving Reiki need less pain medication and leave hospital sooner. [ix]
In 2003, hospital-based researchers published results of Reiki with Cancer patients and HIV/AIDS patients. In one study, advanced cancer patients who received Reiki in addition to pain medication, reported improved pain control and better quality of life. In a study reported on in 2004, people who received a 1 to a 1.5 hour Reiki session each week for six weeks reported reductions in depressive symptomology. Research has also measured decreased levels of stress hormones and reductions in heart rate and blood pressure in clients during full Reiki sessions. [x]
Dr. Larry Palevsky is the former head of pediatric emergency at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. After being trained in Reiki, he began to use it in the delivery room and stated that when a newborn would exhibit breathing problems, he would initially apply Reiki and in 99 out of 100 times, the babies required no further medical intervention, which would otherwise be standard in these situations. [xi]
Much more research can be found by visiting ReikiInMedicine.org or by visiting drweilselfhealing.com.
Regularly, common and everyday reported benefits of Reiki include client pain relief, and a diminishing or alleviation of many conditions related to sinus problems, allergies, back pain, arthritis, muscular tension, insomnia, depression, diabetes, mental illness, addictions, and even stroke recovery. [xii]
How to Choose a Reiki Practitioner
When choosing a Reiki practitioner, some considerations may include:
- What level of training does the practitioner have, and how long has he/she been practicing Reiki?
- Does the Reiki service provider adhere to a national or international Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics and professional standards, such as the standards of the Canadian Reiki Association or an international standardized, professional body?
- Can the practitioner show evidence of his/her certification and membership in a governing body that monitors standards and best practices in Reiki?
- Does the practitioner follow the directive for daily self treatment? As Reiki Master Pamela Miles shares, a daily self-treatment protocol is “the foundation of Reiki at all levels and the discipline that matures our understanding.” [xiii]
- How does the Reiki practitioner describe Reiki? Are unprofessional or unethical claims being made? For example, Reiki should never be prescribed as a “cure” for any ailment. Although anecdotal evidence and client testimonials are often nothing short of miraculous, each individual will experience different results of Reiki. In addition, there is general consensus in the professional Reiki community, that this healing practice brings general “wellness consciousness” [xiv] and cumulatively, treatments will provide wide-ranging improved health, insight and self-empowerment toward enhanced quality of life.
How to Learn Reiki, How to Grow as a Person
Only a Reiki Master can teach Reiki. The considerations for choosing a Reiki Master should be similar to the considerations taken in finding a Reiki practitioner (see earlier section: “How to Choose a Reiki Practitioner”). For persons wanting ongoing Reiki treatments, first degree Reiki training (often referred to as Reiki Level 1) is ideal and economical, since the training provides students with the methodology to use Reiki on themselves every day, and as often as needed. In addition, graduates of Reiki Level 1 are perfectly qualified to provide Reiki services to others. However, it is recommended that one practice for many months on self, and on family and friends, prior to offering services to others. [xv]
There is no need to continue on in Reiki training beyond First Degree, unless one feels strongly drawn to the practice. A student may wish to continue on the Reiki journey toward Level 2 training, and eventually, even training as a Reiki Master. Each Reiki Master will have different guidelines for a “waiting period” involving intense Reiki practice, between each level of training.
The cornerstone of learning Reiki is to practice it every day. As most Reiki practitioners and Masters agree, the power of Reiki comes not with certifications or levels, but with daily practice and deep commitment. Reiki must be experienced to be learned – it cannot be taught using the Western pedagogy of reading and writing. Rather, students of Reiki must watch, learn and do. As they engage in “hands on” work each day, they will grow to experience the profound healing effects of this practice; as they grow in their commitment to Reiki, so too will they grow as fully functioning human beings, as healers and hopefully, as role models for how we were all intended to live.
For more information, Karen D’Alessio can be reached at: (416) 347-6540 / www.tripath.ca
[i] Stein, Diane. Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art , p.12. Crossing Press, 1995.
[ii] The history of Reiki comes to us primarily via oral tradition, therefore historical accounts vary slightly. We know that Dr. Usui from Japan had experience both as a Christian Minister, and as a Zen monk who spent years studying ancient scripts and meditating to develop his spiritual practice. An interesting article about a personal connection to the Reiki story is: A Personal Journey to Know the Reiki Symbols by Fokke Brink (Reiki Magazine International, February 2000), p.12. In addition, the writings of Pamela Miles, Paul David Mitchell, Diane Stein and William Lee Rand provide various (albeit sometimes conflicting) and valuable pieces of the Reiki history.
[iii] It is most likely that any Reiki Master will be able to share stories of treating persons from all walks of life and all religious backgrounds. For an interesting perspective on Reiki bringing together people of various faith backgrounds, see “Reiki in the City of Peace” by Barbara McDaniel (Reiki Magazine International, January 2003). This article tells the story of a Reiki Master who launched “Reiki for Peace” to work with Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East.
[iv] The writer of this article is forever grateful to VivianEilON (Reiki Master, Toronto, Ontario) who passed on this version of the Reiki precepts.
[v] The author of this article has personally witnessed clients experiencing these reactions, and many more. More client testimonials can be found in most articles or books written on Reiki. By far, the best test of Reiki’s restorative powers is the personal experience of Reiki itself.
[vi] Burden, Philippa. “Four Days of Reiki Treatments - Musings on the Value of Multiple Days of Treatment” in Reiki Magazine International (March, 2001), page, 33.
[vii] First Person: Mrs. Takata Tells Her Story” – a series of recorded interviews with John Harvey Gray, published in Reiki Magazine International (Feb.2000 issue, p.9 and June 2000 issue, p.9).
[viii] Reiki Magazine International (March 2001), p.40
[ix] “Reaping Reiki’s Benefits” (April 2006). E-article in: www.drweilselfhealing.com
[x] ibid
[xi] “What the Doctor Ordered” – feature article in Reiki Magazine International (March, 2000)., p.27
[xii] “Miracle in Seattle” – feature story of stroke recovery in Reiki Magazine International (March 2001), p.24
[xiii] Miles, Pamela. Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide (New York). Penguin Group, 2006., p.73
[xiv] Canadian Reiki Association, What is Reiki (info pamphlet), 2007.
[xv] Traditional Usui Reiki protocol emphasizes self-treatment prior to treatment on others. See more on treatment protocols in: Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide by Pamela Miles, New York: Penguin Group, 2006 (see pages 82-115).

Manifesting the New Year with
Reiki Energy
By Selina Khan, RT-CRA
Manifestation has been a hot topic ever since the
release of the movie “The Secret”. Using energy, focus and intention to help create the best outcome in our lives is not a new concept. How does Reiki fit into
Reiki energy carries the essence and vibration of love.
Love is the only energy that is real. Everything else is
illusion. When channeling Reiki energy toward a
future vision, the vibrational quality of Reiki helps to
attract situations, people, and opportunities to us that
also carry that same vibration.
Just as we must let go of the outcome when giving a
Reiki healing, in manifestation, we must do the same.
Holding onto and becoming invested in our vision in a
needy, or rigid manner means that we are operating
from a level of fear. Fear is a different vibration than
love and will create more situations where our fears
are triggered. This can be a learning opportunity and a
chance to transform ourselves as the universe always
mirrors our core beliefs.
From my own experience, I manifested a job after
being out of work for nine months. I used a Reiki
Manifestation Triangle. Here is how you construct the
- On a large sheet of paper, draw a triangle.
- Beside the left point, write your name.
- Beside the right point, write your goal in a brief
sentence. For example, “to own and live in my
own house”.
- Above the top point, write the outcome. The outcome
needs to be very specific and detailed. If
you ask for vague, you manifest vague. Here is an
example - “a two‐story house, in Etobicoke, with
three bedrooms, cream coloured wall to wall
carpeting, with finished basement newly painted
in green pastel where I spend each evening relaxing
with a great book, etc”. You get the idea.
- In the middle of the triangle, write “I am now
manifesting this or something even better for the
highest good of all.” Or use your own words.
Everyday I reviewed each corner of the triangle. I
would draw a Reiki symbol over it, read it out loud
and send energy over the words. In order to help me
visualize the Reiki Symbols, I used a pen to draw
symbol number one over each corner.
I started with my name, moved to the goal, and then
to the outcome. When I sent energy to the outcome, I
visualized it with as much emotion and focus as I
could. I saw myself happy in my new job, loving my
coworkers, and feeling fulfilled. Then I would end the
session by reading the statement in the middle of the
triangle. The final step is to give thanks and let it go.
Just trust that it is starting to take shape in the
energetic realm.
It took less than a month using the Reiki Manifestation
Triangle before I was working again. There are
many manifestation techniques that you can incorporate
Reiki energy. Try this one and may you manifest a
life full of love, joy, and peace.
Selina Khan is a Reiki Master, Psychic, and Medium. She has helped people to transform their lives
through energy healing, intuitive guidance, and workshops.
Her expertise stems from over 20 years
experience in the intuitive and holistic fields.
To contact her visit: www.TorontoPsychicServices.com.

Promote Reiki, Promote Yourself!
By Jennifer Thibodeau, RP-CRA
Whether you are a level one Reiki practitioner or a
Reiki teacher with years of experience, there are
many ideas and tools you can use to build and
promote your Reiki practice. Using some basic
marketing techniques will help more potential
clients and students find you, and best of all, will help
them find Reiki. The first line of the Komyo Reiki Kai’s
First Degree training manual says the purpose of Reiki
is “to promote a wider spread of Reiki hands-on healing
art and make it easily available to everyone.” This
is a worthy goal of any Reiki practitioner or teacher,
and there are a number of ways to achieve this.
Business Cards
Get some business cards made, and carry them with
you at all times. Social events, work, even a trip to
the grocery store can be an opportunity to pass them
on. Business cards give people a physical reminder of
their conversation with you, and allow them to
contact you in the future. Include information such as:
- your name
- business name
- what services you offer (i.e.: are you offering only
Reiki treatments, or do you teach classes as well?
How about other modalities of healing?)
- email and website addresses
- phone number
- working hours
Word of Mouth
This is an invaluable source of clients. How many
times have you tried a new restaurant or hairdresser
based on the recommendation of someone you trust?
Make sure you give all clients and students your
business cards and ask them to share them with anyone
they know who might be interested in your
Refer-a-Friend Discount
If a client or student refers you to a friend, offer each of them a discount off their next class/treatment.
Everyone wins, including you!
Free Treatments
This is a great way to build a clientele list, and to build your confidence level. Free Reiki sessions allow people to experience the healing energy themselves
without having to make a financial commitment, and a full 60 minute session qualifies for your
Canadian Reiki Association practicum requirements. Each hour-long treatment is worth one Continuing
Education Unit (CEU) when performed at Reiki Shares
hosted by a CRA Master. See www.reiki.ca/criteria.htm for more information on CEUs and the CRA practicum.
Donate a Reiki Treatment
Consider donating a Reiki treatment to a local charity fundraiser. They can be used in a silent auction, as a door prize, as a reward for volunteers, etc.
Family & Friends
Make sure you give Reiki treatments to family and friends! As a present, you could give them vouchers
for a free Reiki session with you. They will get to experience your new talent, you can help to relax and
de-stress them, and they will be your Reiki ambassadors. These sessions can also be used to complete
your CRA CEUs.
Get a Website
Like it or not, technology is here to stay! Websites are becoming increasingly common, and a 2007 survey reported 108,810,358 distinct websites on the internet. They are a great way to communicate with prospective clients and students about who you are and what you offer. You can hire a website designer to create one for you, or if you are somewhat computer savvy there are companies that create
website templates that allow you to ‘build’ your own website.
Some important information you will want to include on your website are:
- A home page
- A biography of yourself, including your Reiki lineage
- A list of services (treatments, classes) you provide, with prices clearly listed
- A way for people to contact you
Links from Other Websites
Ask your teacher to place a link on their website to yours. A supportive teacher will have no problem doing this, and will probably offer to do so before you get the chance to ask! Many Reiki people have a ‘reciprocal links’ section of their website and this is another good way to increase traffic to your website. Add a link to your website to the signature on your email – then every email you send will potentially bring people to your website.
Canadian Reiki Association - Practitioner/Teacher Listing
The CRA has an online register of all Registered CRA Practitioners and Teachers. You can request to be included on these lists. If you do not have a website, you can get a biography page made for this site, and this will help prospective clients and students learn
more about you.
Write for the Canadian Reiki Association
The CRA is always looking for articles to include in their newsletter. If you have a talent for writing this might be a good way for you to promote your Reiki practice.
Most Importantly, Send Reiki to Your Reiki Practice
Sending the positive energy of Reiki to your own
practice will bring good results. Request that you find
clients and students if it is for your highest good.
These ideas are all free or low-cost, and should be
enough to get you started on building (or increasing)
your Reiki practice. Try the ones you think would work
for you, and don’t be afraid to try something new!
Continue to work on yourself as you work to build
your practice. You can do this by meditating to raise
your Reiki energy levels, reading books or taking
additional classes to expand on your knowledge of
Reiki, and receiving attunements as often as possible.
Make sure you attend as many Reiki shares or student
practice nights as you can. If you feed your passion for
Reiki it will show, and the people around you will
want to learn more. And don’t forget, the goal is to
promote Reiki and make it easily available to everyone!
Jennifer Thibodeau B.A., B.Ed., is a Reiki teacher and
practitioner in Surrey, B.C. Her teacher is Hyakuten Inamoto, founder of Komyo Reiki Kai. She lived in
Japan for five years, and studied traditional Japanese Reiki in Kyoto, the birthplace of Reiki. Her website is

The Effect of Reiki Energy on Seed Germination
Demonstrate that Reiki energy has a
beneficial influence on seed germination and the
amount of Reiki energy makes a difference on the
growth speed of the plants.
One experiment was performed using wheat
seeds germinated in hydroponic ‘lots’, in three
identical porcelain plates. The lots were placed in very
close proximity, in order to ensure identical light and
temperature conditions. Also, an equal quantity of
water was given three times a day to each plate in
order to ensure the same humidity level. The first lot
was treated twice a day with Reiki energy, without
using any Reiki symbols and without any specific
intention, for 5 minutes at a time. The second lot was
treated in the same way only once a day. The control
lot was not treated at all.
The Reiki energy has a significant effect on
the number of seeds sprouted compared to the
control lot. The growth speed of the plants is
significantly higher in the treated lots compared with
the control one, and increases with the amount of
Reiki energy administered.
This experiment suggests that Reiki
energy affects living biologic systems directly and the
seeds and plants can detect and use this energy for
their development.
I remember a New Year custom in the times I
was a little kid. On the New Year’s Day, my mom used
to put a handful of wheat seeds on a layer of cotton… on a small plate and asked us to water it daily. If the
seeds germinated and grew nice green grass, it was a
sign that the New Year will be prosperous. I suppose
this is a common custom in many agrarian societies.
With this memory in mind, I decided to do a small
Reiki experiment. I knew that Reiki would influence
seed germination, but I wanted to show this to other
people too. So, I decided to take pictures of my
experiment daily.
Plants are complex multi‐cellular organisms considered
as sensitive as humans to different types of
energy. Sound is known to affect the seed germination.
Sometimes seeds are treated with ultrasounds in
order to speed up the germination process. Music has
a known effect on plant vitality. Mozart’s music has a
benefic effect on plant growth, while heavy metal
music may damage them. Many plant lovers know
that talking daily to their plants can help them grow
healthy. In the last decade there have been a few
scientific studies on the effect of healing
energy on the seed germination and plant growth. Unfortunately, these studies do not have a wide
The experiment
I took three saucers that were the closest thing to
Petri dishes I found in the house. I placed a small
sticker with numbers from 1 to 3 on the dishes. I laid a
rectangular cotton pad (the kind ladies use to remove
make‐up) in each of the saucers.
I took some wheatgrass seeds (counted three groups
of 100 wheat seeds) without taking any selection,
and placed them randomly on the three pads. I added
enough water to moist the pads, without covering the
I then placed the three dishes on a windowsill next to
each other, in ascending order from left to right. This
arrangement was meant to ensure identical light and
temperature conditions to all three lots. At this point I
took the first picture.
I gave equal quantities of water to all three saucers,
three times a day, in order to maintain identical
humidity conditions to all of them. I used tap water
filtered through a Nikken counter-top filter.
In order to give Reiki to a saucer, I would take that
saucer and put it on a nearby table and give Reiki to it
for 5 minutes at a time. I placed my hands on each
side of the dish, without touching it, and gave Reiki
without using any Reiki symbol, meditating, or setting
up a certain intention. At the end of the session, I
placed the dish back on the same spot by the window. Every morning and evening I would give Reiki to the
seeds in the first lot, and every noon to the ones in
the second lot. I never gave Reiki to the seeds in the
third lot.
I took a picture every afternoon/evening. I wasn’t able
to go by the same schedule for the pictures everyday,
but the changes were so slow that this did not make
any difference.
After three days, because the size of the seeds was
increasing due to their humidity and they had started
to fall off the pads, I replaced the rectangular pads
with bigger, circular ones. None of the seeds had
started to germinate at that point in time.
After 20 days, when it became obvious that the plant
growth had hit a plateau, I stopped the experiment. I
took all the seeds and plants from the saucers and
placed them on three paper towels to dry them off.
Then I measured and counted them. I also took a
picture of each lot of seeds placed on a sheet of
Visual Observation
Day 1, 2 and 3 |

Day 4, 5 and 6 |

Day 7, 8 and 9 |
Day 10, 11 and 12 |

Day 13, 14 and 15 |

Day 16, 17 and 18 |

Day 19, 20 and 21 |
The pictures above were taken every day. Due to
the fact that the seeds germination process was so
slow and the daily changes were not visible enough,
only one out of the three pictures is displayed bigger.
It is easy to see in all pictures that the largest number
of germinated seeds and plants are in lot 1 which was
treated twice a day with Reiki, followed by lot 2 was
treated only once a day and lot 3 which was never
treated with Reiki.
Another evident thing is the fact that the average
height of the plants in lot 1 is visibly bigger than the
average height in the other two. The plants in the lot
2 have almost the same average height as the ones
from lot 3 ‐ the control lot.
Comparing the successive photos, it is visible that the
growth speed of the plants in lot 1 is higher than the
other two, and that the plants in lot 3 are the slowest
to grow.
Another easy to observe fact is that on both the
second and the third lots, the plants are more developed
on the left side than on the right side, despite
the uniformity of conditions.
Also, if we compare the last four pictures, it is visible
the fact that after the 18th day the plants stopped
growing visibly. At this point I decided to put an end
to the experiment.
The following pictures were taken two days after the
end of the experiment.
In these pictures the plants from each lot are placed
in descending order of their height, from left to right,
on a lined paper. The non-germinated seeds from
each lot are placed in columns of 10 on the same
The lot treated with Reiki twice a day (lot 1) is
displayed at the top, followed by lot treated only once
a day (lot 2), and the lot which never received a Reiki
session (lot 3).
Some of the observations made during the experiment
are even more evident on these pictures. The
most evident things the influence of Reiki had on the
number of germinated seeds and the average height
of the plants.
The visual observations are confirmed by statistic methods applied to the three lots.
Function |
Lot 1 |
Lot 2 |
Lot 3 |
Value [cm] |
Variation [%] |
Value [cm] |
Variation [%] |
Value [cm] |
Variation [%] |
Number of plants |
56 |
47% |
50 |
32% |
38 |
N/A |
Max. height |
23 |
0% |
21 |
-9% |
23 |
N/A |
Min. height |
0 |
N/A |
0 |
N/A |
0 |
N/A |
Average height |
10.68 |
34% |
7.90 |
-1% |
7.95 |
N/A |
Median height |
12 |
50% |
8 |
0% |
8 |
N/A |
Standard Height Deviation |
5.51 |
0% |
5.35 |
-2% |
5.49 |
N/A |
The total numbers of plants, so the number of germinated
seeds in the three lots, presents a large
variation from lot to lot. The number of germinated
seeds in the control lot is 38 out of 100. The number
of germinated seeds in lot number 2 is 50 out of 100,
32% more than in the control lot, while the number of
germinated seeds in lot number 1 is 56 out of 100,
47% more than in the control lot.
The maximum height of the plants in the three lots is
sensibly equal: 23, 22 and 23. If we correlate this with
the fact that in the last two days of the experiment
there wasn’t a significant increase in plant height, this
number reflects the maximum potential of plant
growth in the given conditions.
Since we had non‐germinated seeds in all three lots,
the minimum height in all three lots is 0.
The average height of the plants in the three lots
is: 10.68 cm, 7.90 cm and 7.95 cm, which correlate
with the median point of the samples in the three
lots: 12 cm, 8 cm and 8 cm. This means that even
though the number of plants is bigger in the second
lot compared to the control lot, the small amount of
Reiki given to the second lot was not enough to
increase the growth speed of the plants in that lot.
The growth speed is significantly increased in the first
The standard deviation of the height of the plants in
all three is similar: 5.51 cm, 5.35 cm and 5.49 cm. This
reflects the fact that the three lots are relatively
The first and the most important conclusion of this
experiment is that the Reiki energy produces an
important increase in the number of germinated
seeds. This can be explained by the increase in the
vital energy of the seeds, following the Reiki
The second conclusion is that the Reiki energy
contributes to a faster growth of the plants. As we
know, all a biologic system needs for development is
energy. Usually, it takes it from the seed in the
beginning, and from the air, water, and soil after that.
In this case, a portion of the necessary energy was
provided during the Reiki sessions.
A third conclusion is that the Reiki energy was
absorbed evenly by all the seeds and plants, and this
is reflected in the uniformity of the three lots (same
standard deviation). The fact that not all the seeds
sprouted in the two treated lots is due to the fact
that, in some cases, the additional energy was not
enough to reach the threshold were the seeds are
able to germinate. Given a bigger amount of Reiki
energy, those seeds would probably germinate, but
this remains to be proven.
A forth conclusion is that the amount of Reiki given to
the seeds made a difference, both in the number of
sprouted seeds and in the vitality of the small plants.
There was not enough evidence to determine the
type of dependence developed in the seeds on the
total duration of Reiki sessions, and it is possible that
this dependence to reach a plateau after a certain
amount of Reiki sessions.
A fifth conclusion is that the maximum height of the
plants was not affected by the Reiki energy or the
amount of Reiki energy. This was to be expected,
because all the Reiki energy does is make the plants
reach their true potential, which was genetically
written in their seeds.
The sixth conclusion is that the Reiki energy cannot be
contained in an enclosed space, but it is irradiating
around that space, creating a gradient of energy. The
non‐treated plants in the control lot benefited from
the Reiki energy given to their neighbors, creating the
uneven height of the plants in the control lot.
Because of that last conclusion, in future experiments
and for more accurate results, the identical light and
temperature conditions have to be created without
placing the plants in each other’s proximity.
Dorinel Patriche, P.Eng., RT‐CRA
This article can be view at: http://reiki-do.ca/reiki-do.ca/wp/en/?p=120

CRA Fundraiser - YTB (Your Travel Biz) Fundraiser
Late last year the CRA introduced a fundraising
program to increase revenue for the association. The
suggestion to take on the challenge of a fundraiser
came from Oscar Mandap, the CRA’s Certified
Chartered Accountant. He felt that although we are
finally out of the red we are not growing or moving
forward financially as he would like us to be. I
hesitated to suggest that we increase membership
fees to improve revenue during these financially
troubled times. The Board was challenged to procure
an idea that would not only financially serve the CRA
but where all members can work together in a group
setting or individually promoting our fundraiser.
Late last year I was approached by an affiliate
member of YTB. I listened to the presentation of what
this company has to offer and what it will do for the
Canadian Reiki Association. It certainly did meet the
criteria of what the Association needed. We are such
a diverse group and our membership base is from
coast to coast. This program definitely would meet
our needs.
The following is a recap about the company and the
concept and what YTB (Your Travel Biz) can do for the
association and possibly for you personally.
YTB is two businesses with one incredible idea. First
there is YTB Travel Network Canada and then ytb.com
Canada. It is an American based company founded in
the year 2001. In the year 2007 YTB was rated by
Travel Weekly as the 37th largest travel company in
the world. Travel Weekly’s Power List of 2008 now
ranks YTB as 26th of the World’s Largest Travel
Company. It is a publicly traded company with a staff
of over 300 employees and an office space of 120,000
sq. feet. They brought the company to Canada in
February 2008 and have exceeded their expectations
of growth in such a short period of time.
YTB is a virtual based travel/shopping internet
business. By joining YTB and in our case, it immediately
makes the CRA a “Travel Affiliate” and with ownership
of a Travel & Marketing site. It works on the
same premise as Expedia, Travelocity and Orbitz. The
exception is that we offer far more than the other
internet travel sites.
To truly understand what our site has to offer you
need to visit www.cratravel.ca.
You will see that anyone who visits this site will be
able to book whatever their travels needs are, from
flights, hotels, car rentals, golf tee times, excursions,
resorts, packages and cruises.
What the other sites do not offer and what we do :
Free Bridal Registry Package: The engaged couple
would receive a web page to write their own story
and inform every one of their honeymoon plans. Now
family and friends have an opportunity to make their
honeymoon a dream vacation by purchasing special
dinners, massages, excursions or maybe the hotel and
flight for the couple.
Registry: A brand new addition to the site is the Anniversary
Registry. It is the same concept as the Bridal
Registry. If you missed out on a honeymoon the first
time, now is the chance to have one or plan one for
your parents. What a great gift.
Concierge: Then there is the Concierge where you can send
flowers and gift baskets across the country.
Tickets: Next
there is an area to buy tickets at the Best Prices for
attractions, book tickets for indoor and outdoor
events, then for your transportation needs. What
about a reservation for dining while on vacation? The
list just goes on.
Are you looking for tickets for a special concert or
sporting event? Our site has that to offer as well. I
checked it out for one event and found it had better
availability and seating location than the other wellknown
web ticket site for the same date and time of
the event.
Brand new to YTB is Aisle 19
Aisle 19 works with retail consolidators to offer cash
back to their customers. The portal retailer’s offer to us is free, but you must be invited by another Aisle 19
customer to sign up for your own. You will receive
your invitation from the CRA. Once you have received
your invitation you will be able to invite your family
and friends to join as well.
This exciting new strategic alliance will allow us to
expand our client base and earn commission on
millions of products! Through Aisle 19, customers will
gain access to over 600 stores, and it is growing every
day now with Canadian Stores.
$6,000.00 Guarantee
Another new exciting offer with YTB is the $6,000.00
Guarantee. We will be sending out 25 DVDs a month to
our members. The DVD has information about the travel
and marketing site. YTB guarantees that if we do no learn at least $6,000.00 in commissions they promise to
pay the difference. What do we have to lose?? I will be
going through the membership data‐base but if you
would like to receive yours sooner please contact reiki@reiki.ca.
The CRA will earn 60% on all commissions made through
our site at www.cratravel.ca and I hope you now can
understand how we can all play a part in this endeavour.
We want to be able to take the CRA to new heights
where we can offer more to our members than ever
Does this concept inspire your entrepreneurial juices?
Many among us want to work their Reiki Practice fulltime
but just don’t have the financial ability to do so. This
may be your key to continue your dream. You will also
have the ability to travel as an insider and earn 60% of
the commission on your trips and purchases.
Visit our
sites at www.growingwiththecra.ca or www.ytbup.com. It may just be the fit for you or it may not but watch the
clip to learn if it is something that resonates with
you. We have a strong base for training and support with
our team and connections with YTB. You will not be
alone if you choose to join the team.
This is a large undertaking for the Association and with
our effort we will succeed in our goal to make the
Canadian Reiki Association financially healthy.
In the coming months we will be keeping our members
up to date by sending emails and notices so you can
share this information with all your family and friends.
Peace and Wellbeing,
Bonnie Smith

Raise Your Reiki Energy Level
As Reiki practitioners or teachers, one of our goals is to raise our own Reiki energy level. By doing this, we become a
better Reiki channel and we bring ourselves closer to the
ultimate objective of Reiki, which is absolute inner peace or “Anshin Ritsumei”, in the words of Usui Sensei. The Komyo
Reiki Kai First Degree manual suggests we can achieve this
by doing the following:
- Keep striving to cultivate your mind and spirituality.
- Receive Reiju (attunement) as often as possible.
- Do a daily Gassho meditation before bed and after
rising for about 15 – 30 minutes.
These three things can be integrated into your life, and
there are many different ways to do this.
1. “Keep striving to cultivate your mind and
I think this works well with the Reiki precept ‘Today only… work diligently.’ This precept does not relate so
much to employment and such endeavours, but
rather to the work we do to become better Reiki
practitioners and teachers. We do this by cultivating
our mind and spirituality, which can be achieved by
reading books that increase our knowledge of Reiki
healing, watching television and films that inform and
uplift us, and by living the best possible way we can.
We are lucky to live in the Information Age, when we
have unprecedented access to many forms of knowledge. A few months of reading and research can now
garner the same amount of knowledge that once took
a lifetime to achieve.
2. “Receive Reiju (attunement) as often as possible.”
Unlike numbers one and three, we cannot do number
two on our own – we need a Reiki teacher in order to
receive an attunement. We can do this in a couple
ways. The first is to take a Reiki class, and receive
Reiju as part of the lesson. The second is to attend
Reiki shares or student practice nights. At these the
Reiki teacher(s) present will usually give an attunement
to anyone who is interested in receiving it. This
is known as an Open Reiju. Reiki lineage does not
matter, you can receive an attunement from someone
who is not your teacher, and you do not need to
be a Reiki student to receive this attunement.
3. “Do a daily Gassho meditation before bed and
after rising for about 15 – 30 minutes.”
This stems from Usui Sensei’s advice to his students,
recorded in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Kyogi
Usui Reiki Ryoho Kyogi (Teaching Principles)(Translated by Hyakuten Inamoto):

Usui Reiki Ryoho Kyogi Teaching Principles
a) 心身改善: Mind/Body Improvement
b) 臼井靈氣療法: Usui Reiki Healing Art
c) 教義: Teachings (Principles)
d) 招福の秘法: Mystic art to invite happiness
e) 萬病の霊薬: Miraculous medicine to cure all
f) 今日丈けは: Today only
g) 怒るな: Do not anger
h) 心配すな: Do not worry
i) 感謝して: With thankfulness
j) 業をはげめ: Work diligently
k) 人に親切に: Be kind to others
l ) 朝夕 : Morning and evening
m) 合掌して:Doing Gassho
n) 心に念じ:In mind bearing
o) 口に唱へよ:With mouth chant
My first meditation teacher |
Usui Sensei told his students to meditate morning
and evening on the Five
Precepts. Meditation is a
key element of a Reiki
practitioner or teacher’s
quest for Anshin Ritsumei.
Unfortunately for most
Westerners, meditation is
not something we are
introduced to in our childhood.
I was no different, and did not learn about
meditation or try to do it until I was in my twenties.
There are numerous ways for us to learn to meditate.
Anapanasati is a simple meditation based on counting
your breaths. Count each breath on the inhalation
and the exhalation, and count to five. Then go back to
one and count to six. Continue this until you have
reached ten, then return to one to five. Visually, it
looks like this:
a) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5
b) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6
c) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7
d) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8
e) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9
f) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9, 10-10
If a thought comes to mind, just return to your counting.
If you lose track of which number you are on,
return to the first sequence. Continue counting your
breaths until you do not lose count, and when you
find you can do so, you can stop counting and just
focus on your breathing.
Another meditation method is to repeat a word over
and over. ‘Peace’ or ‘love’ are good examples. This is
easier for beginners as it allows them something to
think of, rather than the daunting challenge of ceasing
all thought.
Technology can help us build our meditation practice
as well. I recently found a number of Podcasts that
offer guided meditation. The quickest way to access
these is to download iTunes, go to the iTunes store,
click on Podcasts, click on Health, click on Alternative
Health, and browse through the selection to find the
Podcast(s) that work best for you. If you are not
computer savvy, but are still interested in Podcasts on
meditation, ask a friend or family member to help you
out. There is also a Reiki Podcast series created by
Bronwen and Frans Stiene which may be of interest,
have a look for it.
Large cities in Canada often have meditation groups
that hold meetings and workshops on meditations.
This can be a good way to meet new people and learn
some new techniques.
Most importantly, remember that there are no ‘mistakes’ in meditation. Whatever you are able to do
(no matter how brief or disjointed you may feel
your meditation abilities are) is fine. Meditation
is not about achieving perfection or erasing all
thoughts, it is simply a practice that takes you away
from the world of duality (good/bad, black/white,
desirable/undesirable) into moments of mindfulness
and awareness.
By working on cultivating your mind and spirituality,
getting attunements whenever possible, and adding
meditation to your daily routine, you will find yourself
living a more calm and peaceful life, and you’ll raise
your Reiki energy levels as well.
Jennifer Thibodeau B.A., B.Ed., is a Reiki teacher and
practitioner in Surrey, B.C., and a new member of the
Vancouver Zen Group. Her teacher is Hyakuten
Inamoto, founder of Komyo Reiki Kai. She lived in
Japan for five years, and studied traditional Japanese
Reiki in Kyoto, the birthplace of Reiki. Her website is

CRA Luncheon - Ontario
The Canadian Reiki Association hosted a luncheon for
members on January 12th in Mississauga at the Canyon
Creek Restaurant. This was the result of a survey
completed by members who expressed a desire to have a
luncheon where they could network and share their
Our guest speaker was Bob
Thomas of Mindful Matters
and YTB. With the aid of a
power point presentation he
informed our group in detail
of what The CRA Fundraiser
with YTB has to offer. Our
Fundraiser has huge potential
to help the association grow financially. Bob also
discussed the added on bonuses of what this site has to
offer besides travel. The benefits the Canadian Reiki
Association will receive from the www.cratravel.ca site
are commissions of 60% on all purchases made when
members, their friends and families make purchases from
this website. Bob also explained in detail how we personally
could join YTB and make/earn an additional income
for our business. YTB now has a $6,000.00 guarantee
for its Referring Travel Affiliates. If you would like to learn
more please go to www.growingwiththecra.ca or our
team website at www.ytbup.com. You may also contact
Bonnie Smith at www.soulsjourney.ca if you would like
further information.
I would like to thank Bob for taking time out of his
busy schedule to join us and share this very important
information with our group.
We had an excellent turnout, and I would like to thank
all those who joined us. As this was the first get together,
we have a better idea on
how to plan the next event. I
would like to thank the staff
of Canyon Creek. The meal
was fabulous and the staff
handled all of our needs
with the utmost professionalism.Finally, I would like to
thank our Director Louise Vigneault for hosting this
enjoyable event.
Out next CRA Luncheon will be held on April 27th,
Time and location TBA
Many Blessings,
Bonnie Smith

Massage Tables
- Elongated, ergonomic 6 way adjustable face cradle
and a cushion designed to fit your face with extreme
- Solid platform, deluxe
adjustable arm rest
- Raised front table
- 3 inch memory foam
with CFC-free
- Solid hardwood frame and legs
- Weighs 35 wide mattresses
- 24" - 34" (adjustable)
- 70" long (bed only), 82" (overall with face cradle)
- Cream, brown and black models
- Deluxe case included!
Colours and styles will vary |
The CRA is pleased to announce that it has entered into
an agreement with a distributor of Master Massage
Tables that will enable you to purchase a beautiful,
quality portable massage table at an excellent price for
your Reiki practice and/or other needs.
All tables are brand new but have a small mark (eg.
scratch, cut, scrape) as a result of shipping, which has
greatly reduced the price.
These completely portable, professional tables all have a
solid wood base (exclusive Northern Hardwood coated
legs with a triple-coated DuraSeal protection) and a
multi‐layered Small Cell™ memory foam mattress.
All tables are 6 feet in length with the deluxe face cradle
and cushion extending it to 7 feet. They’ll hold all body
weights and sizes, adjust in height and are fully
The tables are shipped via FedEx and will arrive promptly
after your order is placed.
"When mortals are alive,
they worry about death.
When they're full, they worry about hunger.
Theirs is the Great Uncertainty.
But sages don't consider the past.
And they don't worry about the future.
Nor do they cling to the present.
And from moment to moment
they follow the Way.:"
~ Bodhidharma |

You and the Privacy Act – It’s the Law
Did you know that we had to have a privacy
policy if we work with the public?
I didn’t.
It was only after taking a local business course that I
found out about this privacy act. The federal government
enacted this legislation in 2004 as a way of
protecting the collection of personal information that
we gather on our clients. All the material on the Canadian Reiki Association and
the Client Information form is confidential and by law,
needs to be kept under lock and key.
Our Doctors [modern medicine, chiropractor, naturopaths,
homeopaths, osteopaths] are required to
follow this legislation, as are registered massage
therapists, as do banks, insurance companies, car
companies, internet providers and so on. It seems
that we mind body and spirit practitioners for some
reason are out of the loop, we normally don’t have
these policies.
It is the same with liability insurance; some practitioners
don’t have it, as their modality of choice is not
strenuous, and they do not manipulate or in any way
are harmful, so why have insurance? Having insurance
and a privacy policy is important because it lends
credibility to us, the practitioner, and to our Association.
Given that science – that gold standard, to which all
things are measured, has not really found a way to
dissect Reiki into something explainable, why give the
general public another opportunity to not take our
modality seriously. In short a privacy policy would
show your client and the general public that you are a
professional and you want to be thought of as such.
The following is a brief overview of what a privacy
policy is all about. For a more detailed study go to this
federal government - www.privcom.gc.ca. And yes, I do have a privacy policy which can be
viewed online at www.a-w-etherapies.ca.
Lorinda Weatherall is a Registered Teacher with the
Canadian Reiki Association. She has a thriving holistic
practice in Barrie, ON.
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Privacy Legislation
Compliance guidelines for your business
Does this apply to me?
The federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act comes into effect on January 1, 2004. As a
result, all businesses are subject to new stringent guidelines
regarding the collection, storage and disclosure of private
and personal information collected on individuals. Failure
to comply with the Act can result in lawsuits and the awarding
of punitive damages.
Businesses located in Quebec are already regulated
under provincial privacy legislation (for information
on Quebec’s legislation go to the website for La
Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec
www.cai.gouv.qc.ca). The following is a brief
outline of how the privacy legislation affects your
What is Personal Information?
The Privacy legislation defines personal information
as: age, name, weight, height, medical records, ID
numbers, income, ethnic origin, blood type, opinions,
evaluations, comments, social status, employee files,
disciplinary action, credit records, loan records,
existence of a dispute between a consumer and a
merchant and intentions (for example, to acquire
goods or services, or change jobs.)
What the Act Covers
Accountability: The Act states that organizations must
have a documented Privacy policy, and appoint an
internal Privacy Expert/Commissioner who is knowledgeable
about the legislation and able to train
persons who will be collecting, using, or disclosing
personal information.
Identification of Purposes: Individuals must be
informed of the purpose for the collection, and how
the information might be used or disclosed to other
outside organizations.
Consent: There are three types of consent that
can be used:
A. Express Consent/Permission (Opt-in),
B. Negative Option (Opt-out), and
C. Implied Consent.
Information of a more sensitive nature (health,
medical, financial) will require stronger methods of
obtaining consent (Please refer to the Privacy
Commissioner web site for a detailed description of
these options.)
Limiting Collection: Gather only the information that
is necessary for the identified purposes.
Limit Use, Disclosure, and Retention: Personal
information must only be used for the purposes for
which consent has been given. Only keep the information
for as long as it is necessary.
Accuracy: Personal Information should be accurate.
Processes/procedures must be put in place for
persons to flag and rectify inaccuracies in their own
personal information.
Safeguards: Measures must be taken to ensure that
personal information is secured, such as locked
cabinets, electronic firewalls, and limited staff access
Openness: Privacy policies and practices should be
available in a public document or web site.
Individual Access: Ability to inform individuals how
their information was collected, used and disclosed,
including a list of with whom their information has
been shared.
Provide Recourse: Privacy policies should describe
complaint resolution procedures.
Compliance Tips:
- Obtain consent when collecting personal
information from a customer. Consent can be
obtained in person, by phone, by mail, by fax or
via the Internet.
- Make sure clients fully understand how their
information will be used.
- Define your purposes for collecting data as clearly
and narrowly as possibly. This allows less data to
be collected.
- Limit who has access to personal information.
- Protect personal information against loss or theft.
Store it in a locked cabinet, using a program that
only a few employees have access to, use an
encryption program for electronic data, use
passwords on files.
- Let the customer know why you need to collect
the data.
- Inform customers, clients and employees that
you have policies and practices for the management
of personal information. Make these
policies available and easy to understand.
- Develop customer complaint procedures and
investigate all complaints received.
What the Act Doesn't Cover
- The Collection, use or disclosure of personal
information by federal government organizations
listed in the Privacy Act;
- Provincial or territorial governments and their
- An employee’s name, title, business address or
telephone number;
- An individual’s collection, use or disclosure of
personal information strictly for personal
purposes (e.g. personal greeting card list); and,
- The collection, use or disclosure of personal
information solely for journalistic, artistic or
literary purposes.
Where to Get More Information
For up to date announcements and useful links to
privacy related sites please reference the CFIB
Privacy page on the National Affairs website:
To access the official documents or to receive more
detailed information on the issue please refer to
Resource Centre on the Privacy Commissioner of
Canada’s website http://www.privcom.gc.ca or call
Provincial Legislation
The federal privacy legislation meets international
requirements allowing Canadian firms to do business
internationally. Although the federal Act covers all
organizations across Canada, some provinces have
decided to draft legislation which exceeds the scope
of the federal legislation. Currently only Quebec has
passed private sector privacy legislation, however
legislation is in the works for Ontario, British
Columbia and Alberta.
La Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec: www.cai.gouv.qc.ca/ or call toll free 1.888.
Privacy Questionnaire (from the Privacy
Commissioner’s website)
The following are some common sense questions you
can use to help your organization implement the
Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act. The questionnaire may be used along
with the description of the Act in this guide.
If you are unsure about whether or when the Act
applies to your organization, please refer to the
section is your organization subject to the ACT of this
Not all of the following questions will apply to all
organizations, as the Act applies to a wide variety and
size of organizations. Consider each question along
with your organization's current practices. Answering "no" indicates areas that need to be addressed or
Here’s the link: www.cfib.ca/legis/national/pdf/5197.pdf

Shares & Exchanges
Canadian Reiki Association
1st Saturday of the month
Time: 1:30 to 4:30 pm
Nikkei Japanese Heritage Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent
Donation: $5
Comments: All levels of Reiki are invited. Newcomers are welcome. Come and try out Reiki. We begin with a meditation and Reiju Empowerment for anyone who would like to participate.
Contact: Judy Cain, RP-CRA
Phone: 604.525.1764
Email: reiki@reiki.ca
Tri-Cities Reiki Exchange
2nd Friday of the month (generally)
Location: Aura Wellness Centre, Coquitlam
Time:7 pm to 10 pm - Doors close at 7:15 pm
Donation: $2.00
Comments:: It is open to all who would like to experience
a 15-minute sample session of Reiki & connect with likeminded
people. For those of you who do not have Reiki,
a Light Empowerment is offered so that you can experience
working with the energy for the evening. The
exchange is on‐going & year‐round. Remember to bring
your CRA CEU Form so I can sign off on your practicum
hours. Limited space so book early. Free parking. Please
call Lyn for more details or see our website for dates.
Contact: Lyn Ayre, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.524.8565
Email: LynAyre@telus.net
Website: www.LynAyre.com
The Q Healing Centre Reiki Share
1st Friday of each month
Location: The Q Healing Centre, 20443 Fraser Hwy, Langley
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm
Cost: by donation
Who is welcome: Everyone is welcome - newcomers, students and all levels of Reiki.
Comments : This event is hosted by Virginia Smith of Harmony Healing. We begin with a guided meditation and an Empowerment for those who wish to receive. We spend the rest of the evening exchanging Reiki. Please remember to bring water. For those who are working on your practicum, bring your CEU forms.
Contact : Virginia Smith 604.574.9974 or v_smith@telus.net or Mary at The Q
Reiki Healing Night
Last Wednesday of the month. The date varies.
Time: 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Location: Please email for details.
Comments: Reiki practice night for all levels. Meet
and share Reiki energy with other healers.
Newcomers are welcome. Come and try Reiki.
Contact: Junko Kawabata, RP-CRA
Phone: 250.758.6190
Email: junkomassage@hotmail.com
3rd Friday of the month
Time:7:00 pm to 9:0 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: This is an opportunity to share our experience & discoveries, and to receive further coaching if necessary. Meditation and Healing open to all. Please call or email that you are attending.
Contact: Claudette
Phone: 604.275.7774
Email: wingdove@telus.net
Website: www.wingsofdove.ca
Vancouver Reiki Share
Date: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month
Place: Knight St. & Kingsway area, Vancouver (exact address given to attending members)
Time: 7:00 to 9:30 pm
Cost: $2.00 suggested donation
Who Is Welcome: Reiki Level 1 and higher, plus all paths of Reiki
Comments: We will focus on sharing stories and techniques, discuss problems or issues, give support and suggestions and practice Reiki through one-on-one or group healings. Join group through:
www.reiki.meetup.com/369 (meetup.com site)
Contact: Margaret Jang, RT-CRA
Website: www.onesourcelearn.com
Vancouver Skills Exchange
Dates: The 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month Time: 10:00 to 1:00 pm.
Dates:The 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month
Time: 6:00 to 9:00 pm
Location: near 14th and Granville (address to be
provided with RSVP)
Admission: $10
RSVP: The exchanges are limited to 5 people, please call or email to reserve a spot. Non-Reiki and Reiki Practitioners are welcome. For more information please contact Daniel.
Comments: The focus is on a skills exchange and developing our High Sense Perceptions while having fun. We will take turns giving, receiving and witnessing in a safe environment.
Contact: Daniel Shevchuk, RP-CRA
Tel: 604.216.5003
Email: daniel@findyourwayhome.ca
Website: www.findyourwayhome.ca
Date: Every 3rd Sunday of the month
Place: Contact info@templeofalexandria.com for address location or call 403. 272.1598
Time: 3:00 to 9:00 pm
Cost: Drop in fee $5.00
Who is welcomed: Everyone
Comments: RSVP to info@templeofalexandria.com, or call 403. 272.1598
Contact: Lynn Holman RT-CRA
Canmore/Banff Area
Date: Every 3rd Thursday of the month
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Location: Canadian Rockies School Division, Canmore
Drop in Fee: $ 10.00 – register on-line
Comments: Open to everyone with First Degree Reiki and higher.
Note: Dates are subject to change (due to availability of spaces), please visit www.reiki-rocks.ca for up-to-date information.
Contact: Norja Vanderelst RT-CRA
Reiki Shares/Healing Circles
Held regularly every last Monday of the month
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Location: 12221 54 Street.
Donation: $5.00
All levels & lineages welcome
Comments: RSVP - email or register at
Email: ewg@telusplanet.net
Contact: Marianne Goetsch RT-CRA
Phone: 780.479.0620
1st Monday of every month
Location: 170 Cresent Lake Road Saltcoats, Sask. (only 15 minutes from Yorkton)
Time:7 pm to 9:00 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: Every level welcome. Please call ahead to confirm attendance.
Contact: Pat Bjarnsson, RT-CRA
Phone: 306.744.8122
Website: www.aquamarinehc.com
Reiki Circles
Second Tuesday of each month
Location: Aquamarine Healing Centre, 522 Duchess St, Saskatoon
Time: 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Donation: $2.00 off sets the cost of cups & water
Comments: Reiki Level 1 is required to be a part of our share. We ask interested Reiki people to contact us if you are interested in joining us.
Contact: Darlene McGrath, RT-CRA
Phone: 306.933.2800
Email: darlenemcgrath@sasktel.net
Reiki Shares / Healing
Held regularly every 2nd month
Donation: Voluntary donations accepted to cover expenses for the evening.
Comments: For Practitioners, Teachers and their
invited guests. Call or email for dates and additional
Contact: Shelly, RT-CRA
Phone: 204.724.6855
Email: mayers@mts.net
Down to Earth
Dates: October to April - 3rd Sunday of the month
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Dates: May to September - 4th Monday of the month
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Location: 7745 Highway 21
Donation: donations accepted
Comments: Call or email one day prior to share to let
us know you are coming.
Contact: Lorraine Noseworthy, RT‐CRA or Wade Noseworthy
Phone: 519.934.0004 or cell 519.270.7782
Email: togs@gbtel.ca
3rd Friday of every month
Location: Masonic Temple, 68 Murray St
Time: 7:00 to 10 pm
We welcome all people for sample sessions.
Comments: All are welcome to come and experience Reiki. Open Reiju will be given to those who wish it.
Contact: Donna Hibbert
Phone: 519.736.2473
Om Sweet Om
Date: 2nd Tuesday each month & the 4th Thursday (except December, July and August)
Place: Om Sweet Om, 250 Dunlop St W, 2nd Floor, Barrie , ON Time: 7 - 10 pm
Donation: none
Comments: This share/exchange is open to all students of different teachers, and the general public
Contact Name: Lorinda Weatherall, RT-CRA
Phone: 705.818.6563
Email: bliss@a-w-etherapies.ca
Website: www.a-w-etherapies.ca
3rd Wednesday night of the month
Location: Kiwanis Youth Centre for Sports Excellence, 247 McMurchy Ave S, Brampton
Comments: Those interested please call or email for details
Contact: Mark Brewer RT-CRA
Phone: 905.791.8320
Email: mark@reikitoronto.com
last Tuesday of each month
7:00 to 9:30 pm
Location: Breast Cancer Support Services (BCSS), 695 Brant St
Park in the drive or across at the Post Office
Donation: $5
Comments: Open to all Reiki levels & lineages. Tables are welcome, or bring a pillow & blanket. If you need practice for CEU's bring your Practicum form. Registration is required due to space limitations.
Contact: Jo-Anne Stevens, RT-CRA
Email: info@essentialwellnesscentre.com
Carlisle/Flamborough/Hamilton Reiki Share
3rd Thursday of every month
Time: 7:00 to 9:30 pm
(Please view website www.circle-of-light.ca or email for any updates or to find out about extra shares.)
Where: Carlisle Memorial Hall
Location: 273 Carlisle Rd Carlisle, ON L0R 1H2
Directions: For step by step driving directions go to
www.mapquest.com Click on Directions . Input the
above address into the Ending Location section.
Parking: available behind building
Donation: $6.00
Who is invited: All levels of Reiki are welcome.
Comments: Come on out and give a treatment and receive a treatment! We will begin with a short meditation and Reiju empowerment for anyone who would like to participate. We will then exchange reiki treatments. Teas, and water available. Please bring a massage table if you have one or a pillow and a couple of blankets. Please RSVP if possible via phone or email so I can co-ordinate enough tables for participants. For those students collecting CEU's to register with the CRA please bring your forms to have signed. You can download them from the CRA web site. Thanks.
Contact: Kerri Fargo, B.A., RT-CRA
Phone: 905-690-8081
Email: info@circle-of-light.ca
Guelph Reiki Share
2nd Wednesday of the month
Time: 7:00 to 10:00 pm
Location: Soul Connection, 12 Oakridge Crescent
Donation: $5
Comments: Welcome Level One and higher. You must call or email a day or two in advance of each Reiki Share to confirm your attendance and get directions on where to park. Any changes to the Reiki Share will be posted on the Soul Connection calendar of the website at: www.soulconnection.ca/event
The Reiki Share includes: snacks, a circle time to share insights and ask questions, guided mediation, group distance sending and 2 hours practice time towards CRA practicum.
Contact: Barbara McKell, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.823.2162
Email: barbara@soulconnection.ca
Guelph Learning and Sharing Reiki
Last Wednesday of Sept, Oct & Nov 2008
Location: Contact for location
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Donation: $5 - $10
All Reiki Practitioners welcome.
Comments: Hosted by 3 Reiki Masters
Contact: Anne Harauz, RT-CRA, 519.763.7566 or
Holland Landing
Monthly Reiki Practice Group
2nd Sunday morning of the month
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
Comments: Welcome are those with 1st degree Reiki or higher. No cost
Contact: Judy Watson, SM-CRA
Phone: 905.868.0804
Email: judy-wolf@rogers.com
1st Tuesday of each month from 7:00—9:30 pm
Donation: $10.00
Comments: Require an RSVP. Everyone is welcome!
Anyone who has taken Reiki or would like to come
and experience what Reiki is all about. Come to be
treated, treat others, share Reiki stories or exchange
new information about Reiki.
Contact: Judy Watson, SM‐CRA
Phone: 905.868.0804
Email: judy-wolf@rogers.com
1st Tuesday of each month and require an RSVP
Location: Sacred Journeys Healing Arts Centre,
654 Barnsley Cres, Kingston
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm
Donation: $10.00
Comments: Everyone is welcome! Anyone who has taken Reiki or would like to come and experience what Reiki is all about. Come to be treated, treat others, share Reiki stories or exchange new information about Reiki.
Contact: Cheryl Hiebert, RT-CRA
Phone: 613.634.8220
Email: info@sacredjourneys.ca
Website: www.sacred-journeys.ca
Date: The 3rd Monday of the month
Place: Academy of Holistic Modalities Inc (AHM), 460 Frederick Street
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm doors open at 6:30 pm
Donation: $5 for AHM/CC students: & $10 all others
Comments: All levels welcome. We begin the evening with a guided visualization/group healing, answer questions and share related experiences; move into hands-on where everyone gives and receives. After the share, for those who wish, refreshments are served/social time. Bring your CEU forms for signing.
Contact: Niki Klein
Phone: 519.745.5971
Email: aohm@rogers.com
KW Energy Healer’s Support Group & Healing Exchange
1st Sunday of each month (except long weekends
then the 2nd Sunday)
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Location: Dragonfly Centre for Change, 130 Dalegrove Dr, Kitchener
Comments: This is a time to refresh, renew, & share! We give so much to others that we often forget to
tend to ourselves. Socialize with other healers, ask
questions or share information, participate in a healing
exchange time & earn CEU’s towards your Reiki
Practitioner or Master credentials with the CRA. For
more details or to register for monthly updates see
Contact: Irene Arndt, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.576.3507 or cell: 519.497.8428
Email: dragonflyer@rogers.com
Website: www.dragonflycentreforchange.com
Reiki Shares once a month.
Time & Date: Email for a list of dates
Donation: $5
Comments: Share, learn and experience Reiki. Have questions about Reiki? Would like to experience a Reiki treatment? Would you like to share or practice with Reiki? Then please join us.
Contact: Cindy Pearce
Email: cindy_pearce2002@yahoo.com
Website: www.crystalrainbows.ca
Reiki Hands
When: 1st and 2nd Degrees ~ in general, the second Monday of each month, unless otherwise noted. 3rd Degree (ART) ~ in general, the fourth Monday of each month, unless otherwise noted. (Please check the website for actual dates.)
Place: Windsong Holistic Therapies, Whitehills London
Time: 7:00 to 9:00/9:30pm
Donation: $5.00
Who is Invited: Any Reiki practitioner interested in group practice sessions is welcome to attend. At present, Reiki Hands is open to anyone who has completed Reiki 1st, 2nd or 3rd Degree (ART) training, regardless of lineage. Those who have not studied with me are requested to bring their highest degree Reiki certificate the first time they attend.
Comments: During each gathering (depending on the level of training), several things may happen: guided meditation; Reiju; Q&A session and discussion; distant sending as needed; exploring new techniques - and of course each session will include the opportunity to exchange Reiki treatments! For those students collecting CEU's for registration with the CRA, please bring your forms and I will be happy to sign them.
Further Information: Please visit the Windsong website (address below)
Contact: Susan Hay, RRPr, RT-CRA, ICRT
Email: windsong1@rogers.com
Website: www.windsongtherapies.com
Waves Fitness and Lifestyle Centre
2nd Sunday of every month at 10 am
200 Davis Drive , Unit #1
Donation: $5.00 suggested
Comments: All interested in Reiki - all practitioners any style of Reiki
Contact: Gill Skyvington
Phone: 905.967.1112
Email: gill@holisticpathways.net
Reiki in Action Share
Date: last Thursday of the month
Location: James Street Wellness Centre, 20 James
Street, 2nd Floor
Time: 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Cost/Donation : $12
Who is welcome: open to all levels
Comments: Join us to give or receive Reiki. There will be a short guided meditation to open. Please RSVP in order for us to plan tables.
Contact: Catherine Bastedo
Phone: 819.778.2590
Email: cbastedo@visionreiki.com
Website: www.visionreiki.com or www.juliedesmarais.ca
Date: The last Thursday of the month
Time: 7:00 - 9:00pm
Location: 30-C North Street, Perth
Donation: Free. Proceeds to Make a Wish Foundation
Comments: Everyone welcome! Includes group meditation and Reiki exchanges.
Contact: Denise Carpenter RT-CRA
Phone: 613.264.8165
Website: www.reikiassociates.com
Email: denise@reikiassociates.com
Please register by email if you plan to come
Place: 615 Yonge Street, #403
Donation: something for snacking
Comments: All who have Level I Reiki or Learning Path
Integrated Technique are welcome to join us.
Contact: Diane Young, RT-CRA of Circle of One
Email: diane@circle-of-one.com
Reiki Share in Toronto
3rd Saturday of each month (except December)
Location: Intersection: Mt Pleasant & Eglinton Ave East - Contact Claudia for directions
Time: 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Cost/Donation: $5 ( includes beverages/snacks)
Who is welcome: All Reiki practitioners welcome.
Comments: Please RSVP via phone or email as space is limited to 10 participants. We will begin with a short meditation and then we will exchange reiki treatments. Claudia will teach Japanese Reiki Techniques for those who are interested. Bring CEUs' forms to have signed if you are collecting hours to register with the CRA.
Contact: Claudia Bertotto, RT-CRA - Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
Phone: 416.519.5161
Email: claudiabertotto@yahoo.com
Website: www.reiki-soul.com
Toronto Reiki Intro. Talk & Share
Call for next dates
Time: 1:00 to 5:00 pm
Location: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave, Council Chamber 2nd Flr, street parking free where available!
Donation: $10 admission and $8 for students, seniors and low income.
Comments: An icebreaker will be followed by a guided meditation, Reiki sessions & light refreshments. Bring something to lie on: pillow, foam or yoga mat, bad sheet, pillowcase, towel. Massage tables are greatly appreciated too! I also facilitate trades between holistic healing practitioners of all modalities & run volunteering & practice nights. People can also join the ‘Toronto Reiki Healing Shares Group' at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/-Torontoreikihealingshares to be informed of our ongoing Reiki shares.
Contact: Stephanie Norwich RT-CRA
Phone: 416.785.3611
Email: sgiver@yahoo.com
Spadina & Dupont
Date: Last Wednesday of the month
Time: 6:00 to 9:00 pm
Location: 250 Dupont Street, Toronto
Donation: Donation
Evening Activities: Guided Meditation, Group Reiki Sessions, Discussion
Reiki Practitioners: Earn Continuing Education Unites (CEU) towards CRA membership.
Contact: Vivian eilON, Reiki Master
Phone: 416.457.3330
Email: info@vivianeilon.com
Website: www.vivianeilon.com
Toronto Hypno Healing Reiki Share
Every 4th Monday
Time: 6:30 to 9:00 pm
Place: Hypno Healing Institute Inc, 355 Keele St
Donation: by donation
Comments: This is open to all Reiki Practitioners or members of the public who wish to join us. The purpose of this gathering is to inform people about the benefits of Reiki, and to receive a Reiki treatment to promote healing in their everyday life. Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone you think may be interested. To join our Reiki Share please call our office.
Contact: Debbie Papadakis, RT-CRA
Phone: 416.760.8996
Email: Debbie@hypno-healing.com
Reiki Share at Holly Oak—The Gathering
2nd Thursday of the month
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Location: The Opening Way Studio, 24 Regina St N
Donation: $5.00
Comments: All people with Reiki Level 1 or higher. Join
us for an evening of treatment exchange, discussion,
questions & answers, mutual support & engaging with
fellow Reiki Practitioners. The evening is facilitated by
Cindy Pearce of Crystal Rainbows. If you know you are
attending please call ahead to confirm - also accept drop-ins
if numbers allow.
Contact: Holly Oak - The Gathering
Phone: 519.725.2681
Website: www.conscioustraveller.com
Place: Welland, ON
Please visit website exact dates
Donation: $2.00
Comments: Come enjoy interesting discussions on Reiki and other energy healing modalities as well as the Reiki share.
RSVP: Please contact me to confirm date and attendance.
Contact: Debbie Boehlen RT-CRA
Phone: 905.714.0298
Website: www.indianheadmassagecanada.com
Reiki for Kids
Workshop for Kids 6-12 and Teens 13+
For more information
Contact: Karen Mosuk RT-CRA
Phone: 514.856.3435
Email: karenmosuk@hotmail.com
Nova Scotia
The last Wednesday of
each month
Location: 142 Braemar Dr, Dartmouth
Time: 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Comments: Everyone with Reiki Level I and above are welcome.
Contact: Gail Piccott Bannister
CRA & AURA Member
Phone: 902.463.1775
Whitehorse Reiki Exchange
Comments: If interested in an exchange please phone.
Contact: Faye Eby RT-CRA
Phone: 867.667.4830
"Treat the other man’s faith gently;
it is all he has to believe with.
His mind was created for his own thoughts,
not yours or mine."
~ Henry S Haskins |

At the request of our members we have a Facebook
account.. We have also started a CRA Facebook Group as
well. Please join us and share you stories. Search for
Shop at The Reiki Corporate Store
For your convenience we offer PayPal® through the internet
Corporate Store to pay for all store products plus new and
renewal of memberships.
Our newest item in the Corporate Store is our two Corporate
“Reiki in the Work Place Setting”
When presenting Reiki to the corporate world and explaining the benefits of Reiki in the work place, this package is
ideal. It contains an introductory letter explaining the benefits of Reiki in the work place and several well written
articles to further explain what Reiki is along with the new
CRA Brochure. Just add your own business brochure and
business card to the package and the presentation is
“Reiki in a Volunteer Setting”
When presenting Reiki to a hospital, nursing home, cancer
clinic or any type of care facility on a volunteer basis, this
package is ideal. It contains an introductory letter explaining
the benefits of Reiki volunteers offering Reiki in a care facility and several well written articles to further explain
what Reiki is along with the new CRA Brochure. Just add
your own business brochure and business card to the package
and the presentation is complete.
“What is Reiki” Brochure
It covers: What is Reiki, The History of
Reiki, How it Works, A Reiki Session. The brochure is in simple
language for the non Reiki person. Our intention is to give you
another resource for seeking out potential clients. When a
potential client has a better understanding of Reiki, they may be
more inclined to book a session with you. They are $3.95 for 12
plus S&H.
CRA Logo Lapel Pins: These beautiful pins are an ideal gift for
yourself or as a gift for your Reiki students when they complete a
class for only $5.00. Buy 5 pins for $25.00 and get 2 free with your
Don’t forget we have generic Certificates for Level’s I, II, III and
Master for members and non‐members. Email for pricing or go to
our on-line Corporate Store. In addition to the Reiki Certificates we
offer to include your students name to the certificate. A minimal
charge of 50 cents per name for this service will be added to the
cost of the certificate along with the shipping and handling. Cost
is: 1 certificate for $3.50 or 4 certificates for $5.50 S&H included.
This 17 minute guided Chakra Meditation CD
is perfect to use at Reiki Shares or Exchanges.
It is a lovely way to bring the group together
while relaxing and centering them at the
same time. It is also perfect for personal use
to relax and refresh you in just 17 short minutes
and makes a perfect gift for anyone. $15.00 plus $5.00
Send cheque or money order to:
Corporate Store, c/o The
Canadian Reiki Association,
Box 54570, 7155 Kingsway,
Burnaby, BC V5E 4J6
Don’t forget you can pay on‐line through
The CRA is interested in ways to bring the membership
together so they can get to know each other by sharing ideas
and experiences. For those who frequent the Internet via
e‐mail and website browsers, the CRA has set up a members
only e‐mail list discussion group; subscribe at:
Reiki Certificates for Reiki Teachers to present to their
student’s upon completion of the Level they were
attuned to are available in the Corporate Store.
In addition to the Reiki Certificates we offer to include
your students name to the certificate. A minimal charge
of 50 cents per name for this service will be added to
the cost of the certificate along with S&H.
Example of Cost: One certificate would be $3.50 or four
certificates would be $5.50.

Affiliate Program with Embroidme
The corporate store now carries CRA Shirts, Track
Pants, with matching Jackets, Blouses, Vests and Polar
Fleece blankets ‐ just the right size for your Reiki table.
They are now available through the Corporate Store.
The product is competitively priced and is of excellent
quality. The shirts, blouses, jackets and track pants are
made out of high quality cotton and you will have a
choice of styles and wide range sizes of shirts and
jackets. There is also a variety of colours to choose
We will be starting with a few products at first but the
opportunity to introduce more in the clothing line will
depend on how well we do with the orders.
I would like to mention that the CRA logo is
embroidered on not a transfer that has been ironed on
as it was with the old style of shirts.
We know how everyone felt about the old shirts so we
are pleased that we have found a way to update the
product line and bring other items in without the
costly overhead. With our Affiliate Program from
Embroidme in place it is without a doubt the best way
for the CRA to provide a good quality product without
the expense and storage that we experienced with the
previous order of shirts.
We Welcome to Victoria, BC
International House of Reiki from Australia
Presenting 3 Days Shinpiden 111 Reiki–Master Teacher
Workshop ~ Reiki as a Spiritual Practice from a
Japanese Perspective
For Reiki Teachers Masters & Level 2 Reiki Students
Victoria, BC ~ March 21, 22, 23
March20, Friday 7‐9pm—Talk in Victoria
This course is suitable for Level II Practitioners desiring to become
Reiki Master/Teachers or established Reiki Master/Teachers
desiring to upgrade their knowledge. Certification permitting you
to teach and initiate into Usui Reiki Ryoho. Frans Stiene will guide
you over three days, deep into the truths at the heart of these
Japanese teachings. Based on factual historical research these
teachings will give you the confidence to be the Reiki practitioner
you always wanted to be. Belong to an international healing
community, the International House of Reiki, and receive all the
benefits of the centre's legendary support systems including the
'student's only website'- access it no matter where you live -
COST: Shinpiden Level 111- $1,600 Cdn
$1,350 if paid before January 31, 2009
Call Catherine 250.298.8191 or reikivictoria@gmail.com
Frans is recognized as a leading Global Reiki Researcher and
Teacher for more info on website: www.reiki.net.au |

Amethyst Bio Mat |
Negative Ion & Far Infrared Therapeutic Treatment System
Call for further information, to book a treatment, or a complimentary demonstration.* |
Ask about becoming an Independent Bio Mat Representative. |
Stephanie Cookson
Reiki, Sekhem, SSR Teacher, Registered Nurse (MH-UK) MBA
Downtown Toronto
Tel: 416.916.2980
Bonnie Smith
Reiki Master/Teacher
Reflexology Teacher
Burlington, ON Tel: 905-63-5980
Barb Weston
Reiki Master/Teacher
North Vancouver, BC
Tel: 604-985-7302
Bobbi Casey
Reiki Master/Teacher
North Vancouver, BC
Tel: 604-929-2952
Holistic Healing
* Valid for first time visit only. |
Love with a joyful soul……
Sekhem & Reiki natural energy, treatments,
classes (all levels), Retreats, events,
selection of worldly goods (meditation cards,
books, cds, singing bowls, statues, crystals)
Stephanie Cookson
Holistic Practitioner
Reiki, Sekhem, SSR Teacher
Registered Nurse ( MH- UK ), MBA
Canadian Reiki Association Teacher
556 Church Street (upper level)
Toronto M4Y 3A2
Website: www.transense.ca
Email: stephanie@transense.ca
“My Teachers Wear Fur
By Susan Mack
and Natalia Krawetz
Lessons From Reiki With Pets
Available from Amazon
and bookstores
Reiki & Cultural Sacred
Journey to Kyoto, Japan
Birthplace of Usui Reiki
April 7-22, 2009
With Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei ~
Buddhist Monk &
Reiki Master/Teacher
Experience the beauty of the
Magnificent Cherry Blossoms....
only 3 spaces left
Non-Reiki partners also welcome.
Includes all meals, accommodation, tourist activities
& cultural events and ceremonies, entrance fees, our
own private transportation, admissions to all temples
and shrines - with Hyakuten Sensei our
Japanese/English Speaking Buddhist Monk
Reiki Master and Hiromi Sensei our Japanese
Oomoto Shinto Priest
& English Speaking Tour Guide
Single or Double Accommodation Same Price
$3,950 Cdn.$ all inclusive
JAL Group Flight Rate Secured
For details please contact Catherine Harvey
CRA Reiki Master/Teacher
Jikiden Reiki Seminars
September 25 ~ 27, 2009
Date: September 25~27, 2009
Location: Listel Hotel on Robson St
Vancouver, BC
Teacher: Tadao Yamaguchi
(with English translator)
Cost: $775 (Shoden & Okuden)
What is Jikiden Reiki
J i kiden means “di r ect ly passed down”,
because Mr. Yamaguchi has been teaching
what his mother Chiyoko had learned directly
f rom D r . C h uj i r o Ha ya s h i i n 1 9 3 0 s .
Since 2004, Jikiden Reiki started to hold
seminars overseas. We have visited Germany,
England, Hong Kong, France, US, Canada,
For more info and
in English / Japanese
Mari Okazaki
(Jikiden Reiki Shihan, RP-CRA)
Phone: 604-703-8098
or himawarimari@telus.net
“Believe that you can do it,
under any circumstances.
Because if you believe you can,
then you really will.
That belief just keeps you
searching for the answers,
then pretty soon you get it.”
— St. Francis of Assisi |

Indian Head Massage Course
Through the Canadian Centre for Indian Champissage
Contact Debbie Boehlen at 905.714.0298 or
website at www.indianheadmassagecanada.com
for upcoming workshop dates and locations across Canada.
Build Your Reiki Practice
Get this FREE, 22 page report:
"67 Surefire Ways to Attract Clients"
at: www.julietaustin.com
"My Teachers Wear Fur Coats"
Stories about lessons learnt sharing reiki with the animal world. By Susan Mack and Natalia Krawetz. Inquire at your local book stores or order from www.amazon.ca.

Aura Wellness Centre
Offering Chakra & Ch'i harmonizing, crystal healing, drumming/journeying, EFT, Life Coaching, Reiki, and sound sessions.
Through Academy of Energy Healing enjoy in-person, email or correspondence courses.
We are accredited and offer the Certified Holistic Energy Practitioner™ program Info: 604.524.8565 or
Wings of Dove Holistic Centre
Sacred space for Personal Empowerment
Usui Reiki Sessions & Training L1-2-3-MT
CranioSacral Therapy
Healing Matrix - Multidimensional Healing
Animal Communication & Healing
Spiritual & Mediumistic Sessions
Metaphysical Education
Classes Workshops Retreats
604.275.7774 - 1.866.275.7776
"Treat the other man’s faith gently;
it is all he has to believe with.
His mind was created for his own thoughts,
not yours or mine."
—Henry S Haskins |

@2003 - 2007 Canadian Reiki Association
May not be reprinted without written permission.