January 2006 | Light 6 - Ray 1 |
Forest Mist by Bonnie Buus
Message From The President
On behalf of your board members,
Barb, Nicole, Joselin, Rita and myself may we wish you all a Happy
New Year. We look forward to the coming year with anticipation as we
are working on new ideas and projects to keep our association moving
in the right direction.
Many changes were made to
the CRA last -year
and we thank all of you for your patience and co-operation.
New forms and documents that
were developed have caused some confusion for some of our members.
I will keep the letter of explanation on the front page of our website
to guide you along. The most important documents are the Code of Ethics
and Disciplinary Policy forms. If you have not done so, please sign
and submit these to head office.
We have good news for Toronto's
Reiki community. The C.R.A. was accepted to be on the list of Accredited
Associations. Licensing fees will remain the same and Toronto City
Council members voted on December 5th, to accept the Qualified Professional
Holistic Association Report.Effective immediately you must be a member
in good standing with your association to obtain a practitioner's/business
Finally, set aside May 27th,
2006 for the next A.G.M. You will find more detailed information in
this newsletter and in the coming months.
Love & Light
Bonnie Smith

About the CRA
The Canadian Reiki Association:
We provide our members with a national voice; encouraging high educational
standards through our Code of Ethics, promoting ethical practices and
teaching; assisting the public with referrals to Practitioners and
Teachers; and is committed to enlightening and educating our communities
about Reiki.
Editorial Committee
Mary Weston
Layout: Judy Cain
Website: Sue Chepelsky, Sue Studios
of Directors
Bonnie Smith
Barbara Weston
Joselin Ratto
Nicole Lafleche
Rita Bonnici
Mailing Address
PO Box 74072,
Hilllcrest RPO
Vancouver, BC V5V 5C8
1.800.835.7525 or
Local: 604.669.9049
Fax: 604.521.9557
Email: reiki@reiki.ca
or membership@reiki.ca
Website: www.reiki.ca
Newsletter is Published on:
15, June15,
September 15
are what we pretend to be,
so we must be careful what we
pretend to be"
We welcome your comments, criticisms,
and feedback. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
Advertise your business,
sell merchandise or place job ads in the newsletter. On review
of the content, non-members can also advertise in our newsletter.
Full |
6.5” x 8.5” |
$140 |
$280 |
1/2 |
3” x 8.5” |
$70 |
$140 |
1/4 |
3” x 4.25” |
$40 |
$80 |
1/8 |
3” x 2.125” |
$20 |
$40 |
1/16 |
3” x 1” |
$10 |
$20 |

Member in Focus
Mehl, RT-CRA, Calgary, AB
Tell us how you were introduced to Reiki
I started on my Journey
with Reiki in the fall of 1997. The course which set me on this journey
was a major emotional event that had occurred in my life,
which left me stunned and dumb founded. In an effort to better understand
this energy shift I went searching for answers. I went to a physic
fair and discovered a person who was in the show I knew from past
readings. She knew I had some major questions and concerns and could
only seem to scratch the surface. She then advised me to see the
woman across from her and mentioned she did Reiki and that it would
be a good idea to talk with her.
I had never heard of Reiki
until that moment. My girlfriend who had accompanied me knew about
Reiki and said it would be a good idea. The Reiki Master then explained
to me what she was going to do and a little bit about the therapy.
I must say that I had never experienced anything quite like it and
at the same time it managed to bring to light for me what was going
on! I was hooked and planned to attend the first class that she had
to offer. I had to learn more. And more I did!
It is soon to be 2006 and
the journey just does not end! I became a Reiki Master in the year
2000 and since that time my body, knowing of Spiritual growth and
enlightenment continues to be reawakened in so many different ways.
I started my Shamanic Studies in 2002 with Leap Program in Calgary
and became an apprentice in 2003 with the Sweet Sundance Medicine
Path, a healing path, along with Hot and Cold Stone Massage and Raindrop
I now work part-time as
the Office Manager for the Wild Rose Wholistic College and Clinic
and part-time at Shen-Om Therapy, which is a day SPA. Here I practice
my massage therapies and Reiki. I currently teach out of my home
as well...
In March of 2005 I formed
a Reiki Healing Team called, "The Celestial Trine of Reiki Earth
Healing" this team meets once a month for a general meeting
and does group healings the other 3 Tuesdays of the month for people
who are in need . Payment is an exchange in the form of a Heart gift
for each team member. This is to increase the awareness and the healing
for grandmother earth, which is so desperately needed in this time
of change. People who have had much emotional trauma and or serious
physical illness seem to be seeking out this form of healing and
somehow find us.
In October of 2005 I was
honoured with the task of being a birth support person for someone
who wished to have me present and provide Reiki with the birth of
their second child. It was an incredible experience and prompted
me to take the Doula course in November of 2005. I have always wanted
to be a part of this process for Moms. To be able to provide Reiki
for both Mom and baby was the most incredible service I had ever
done. It also showed me how powerful Reiki can be in holding a space
for women in the birthing process. Having had children of my own
it was a whole new perspective.
is your major focus for 2005?
My major focus for 2006
is to continue with the improvements of our healing team service,
expand my Doula Service and continue with my own personal healing
and growth through the healing team and other forms of knowledge
in the Wholistic field. I would like to get started working on getting
my Wholistic Practioner's Diploma as well. I also am expanding my
teaching process and getting my Web site completed.
us about the contribution you see yourself making to the CRA
The contribution that I
see myself making for the CRA is to continue to promote and support
the Association of membership by advising and sharing events and
articles with my students and team members in an ongoing basis. If
we keep putting that in front of the people we connect with, chances
are they will want to be affiliated in a professional manner as well.
Anyone who is serious about his or her professionalism in Reiki should
become a member!
My best wishes and continued
success in 2006 to everyone who travels the road to enlightenment!
Love and Light
Carell Mehl -RT-CRA

Reiki Can Do Miracles
Shelly Mayer, RT-CRA
Have you ever questioned the
effects of Reiki on your loved ones or those you have touched with your
hands and your heart while providing them with Reiki?
Do others not believe the effects
Reiki can have on their life? Well if that is the case share this story
with them.
This is a true story about
how the healing power of Reiki worked a miracle in the life of my mother
who lay critically ill in a hospital bed for 46 days.
I am a Reiki Master living
in Manitoba, Canada and I would like to share with others this story of
awe and wonder that is very dear to my heart.
Friday, March 26
of 2004 my mother, who was a very healthy and active 68 year old,
was scheduled to have a Hiatus Hernia removed with laparoscopic surgery,
a relatively safe procedure.
Living a few hours away from
my mother I was going into visit her on Sunday the 28 just for the day.
When I got there my mom was struggling for breath and they had found four
blood clots in her lungs and started to treat it. I decided to stay in
town over night to make sure everything was ok before I left to go home.
Before leaving my mother's
room that evening I told her to have a good sleep and my last words I
said were I love you, see you in the morning. I love you too she replied.
March 29, 2004
Not sleeping very well that night I awoke early and called the hospital
to see how things were. Much to my surprise things had gotten critical
during the night. My mom was having a panic attack and they asked me to
come and try to calm her down.
We got ready, my oldest daughter
and myself, and arrived at the hospital within an hour from the time of
my call. My mom was sedated and a machine was breathing for her when we
arrived. With tears in my eyes after seeing her I asked the nurses what
happened. They didn't know why her natural body process of absorbing blood
clots was not kicking in. I stayed with her all day and spent the night
in a hotel across the street.
March 30, 2004
I awoke early in the morning phoned the hospital. They said I should come
in to be with her. When I got there she looked even worse then the day
before. Her colour was yellow, and they said her kidneys were failing,
her heart was racing and her whole body was swelling. It didn't even look
like her anymore. Again I stayed with her all day with my daughter. My
brother and uncle came to be with her a few times during the day. Again
I stayed all day and spent the night at the hotel.
March 31, 2004
I arrived in the morning to be with my mom. Today was a very bad day.
Her body systems were shutting down more and more.
I spoke to the nurse asking
if it was safe to drive home to get a change of clothes because I just
had what I was wearing for my day visit. She looked me in the eyes
and said "I don't think that would be a good idea. If there is anyone
who needs to see your mom today would be the day". I called my brother
so he could contact all of the family and I called my friend in Brandon
to ask if she would come and support me during this time. She raced to
be with me.
My mom is the eldest of ten
and all her family came to be with her. This was very emotional as they
were coming to say good-bye to their sister. The hospital was very accommodating
to us during this emotional and stressful time.
My friend, who came to support
me, was with me as everyone else started to leave for the hotel room
for the night. We stayed with my mom, one on each side holding her hands
and doing Reiki for about an hour. I have been doing Reiki for some
years now and didn't know if the emotions while giving my mom Reiki
were my own or my moms, it was much different then I had ever experienced.
My friend also had said she felt a lot of energy being exchanged.
then stepped out so I could be alone with my mom before we left the
hospital for the night. Believing that this may be
the last time with my mom in this life I talked to her speaking all the
words I ever needed to say. I bent down to kiss her good bye and my labadorite
crystal fell out of its pendent casing, onto her bed. I didn't know what
to make of this as I left the hospital that night.
April 1
The next morning I was very nervous as I arrived at the hospital not knowing
what I would find. I walked in the room to see my mom, her colour was
better and her kidneys were starting to work better. She was still sedated
and had machines breathing for her and still critical. Needless to say
I was pleased and hopeful.
My mom has had two more surgeries,
a tracheotomy and a chest tube during the forty-six days in the hospital.
The doctors have no idea how she pulled through this. When they see her
at their office now they call her a miracle, because they had given up.
There was nothing left to give her or do for her that day.
Today my mom is home and doing
very well physically but still is dealing with the emotions of what has
happened. She has shared with me that she heard me talk to her that night
even though she was sedated, and wonders what we did for her. She tells
me she has a little boy angel that now stays with her, she recognized
him as my youngest son.
The night my friend and I did
Reiki on my mother as a team, made all the difference in the world. With
all the distant healing and prayers from around the world I believe from
the depth of my soul that friends, family and the kindness of strangers
increased my mother's strength during this time.
So in closing, the next time
you doubt the power of Reiki, even just a little, think about my story
and how it has truly changed my life forever. Just believe and Reiki will
fill your life with Universal Love and many wondrous things.
Shelly Mayer,
Manitoba, Canada
"We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn."
-- Mary
Catherine Bateson

Reiki & Sports
by Judith Campbell, RT-CRA
In June of this year, I received
an invitation to volunteer my time to giving a presentation in September,
to girls and women in the city of Ottawa on the subject of Reiki. The
city would be celebrating a 20-year milestone of shared sports facilities
throughout the city, previously monopolized by men and boys.
As a part of their programming,
they wanted to have a presentation on Reiki - another milestone, from
my perspective. Of all the possible women in the city of Ottawa whom they
might have selected to do a presentation, they chose me. They found me
through the CRA website! From there, they checked out my personal website
and then wrote to me with their request. I was honored to be asked to
do this, and saw it as a real opportunity to portray Reiki in a very professional
light, as both treatment and prevention.
I developed a power point presentation
to help me explain Reiki to my novice audience, and I tailored my presentation
to the subject of Reiki and Sports, something I had never considered before.
I invited two Reiki Master
friends to accompany me to do two fifteen-minute demonstrations during
my 35-minute presentation. One of my friends is a grandmother to two granddaughters
who also took part in the demonstrations. Their involvement was quite
deliberate, as I wanted the audience to see that all age groups can practice
Reiki. One of the girls was 20, the other 11 - both with level one Reiki.
I prepared a short explanation of Reiki within a release form, and left
instructions at the registration desk that anyone interested in having
a demonstration read and sign the release beforehand. This worked quite
Picture a small amphitheatre
with two Reiki tables, one on either side of the screen at the front of
the room, a Reiki Master standing at each doing a short treatment to a
member of the audience, and a chair positioned somewhere in between, with
two young woman - one working on the upper body of the third participant
and the other working on her feet.
In the midst of this, I am
standing over a computer, which is flashing my visual presentation on
the screen as I am filling in the auditory details.
We took a moment at the halfway
mark in the presentation for reaction from the first set of people having
the demonstrations, before the second set took their turn. The comments
were all quite positive, of course, and served to increase the interest
of the audience. I took time to speak of research that has been done in
Reiki and to ensure that it would be understood as a valid energy healing
modality that can be used for both treatment and prevention.
At the conclusion of the presentation
I then solicited remarks from the second set of audience participants
receiving the demonstrations. One of the women had tears in her eyes as
she shared with everyone that she felt that she needed to pray! These
demonstrations served to remind me, yet again, how powerful and healing
is this wonderful thing called Reiki, and how even a short treatment can
yield amazing results.

CRA Annual General Meeting
The C.R.A. would like to invite
you to our next Annual General Meeting on May 27th, 2006, in Oakville,
Ontario. The event will take place at the Quality Inn Hotel on Bronte
Road from 9:30 to 4pm.
We are in the midst of planning
an eventful day that we hope will be of interest to all. We will keep
you up to date as we move along with our program. At the moment we
are arranging for door prizes and looking for a few more contributors.
We are also looking for vendors to participate in our mini market bazzar.
If you would like further information or you are able to work with
us in these areas please contact Bonnie at: bonnie@soulsjourney.ca
or phone her at 905-639-5980. For our members out West who would like
to help out with a door prize please contact Judy Cain at reiki@reiki.ca.
This year we are opening the
meeting to non-members. We hope that we can interest you in joining
so please keep that in mind.
The registration fee of $10.00
for C.R.A. members and $20.00 for non-members includes a buffet luncheon.
We hope that if you have never
been to a C.R.A. AGM before you will now consider it for 2006.
We look forward to your continuing support and making this a great event.
Love & Light
Bonnie Smith
On the Ground
by Alex Chornyj, RP-CRA
You there on
the ground
Look up into the sky
When you're so inclined
May see more than vapour.
The world is a community
Is like one big house
We are all related
Though life, most take for granted.
Some wash their faces
In the early morning
You're not held back by yesterday
Breeze to you is no mere breeze.
You look at things
Like you're part of the wind
Give back more than you take
You are a true savant.
See things in their true light
Not with foggy spectacles
Natural wonders exist
For those with eyelids not welded shut.
At an auspicious moment
Feel non-gravitational pull
You glance the horizon
See a window to the stars.
Purple hues adorn
In its circumference
With eyes of a feline
Distinct with watchful orbs.
What this represents
Creative - female intuition
Look for stone, cat's eye
Connect dream to touch.
Destiny within this life line
Begins to be fulfilled
What some see as fiction?
You define as fact.
White light streams from the window
Voice heard from other side
You are nearing the time
When comes full comprehension.

Beyond Dis-ease
by Lyn E Ayre, Ph. D., RT-CRA
December 2005
Over the years, my health
was declining. Sometimes, my legs didn't work and I was overtaken by
exhaustion. I would go through periods where I couldn't hold onto anything
because my arm would jerk out of control. My speech became slurred
and my mind dull and slow. Symptoms such as these came and went and
came back again along with more symptoms, it was a slow progression
beginning with Trigeminal Neuralgia 26 years earlier.
My doctor thought it could
be Multiple Sclerosis. He made an appointment for me to see a neurologist
who booked an MRI. There were no lesions and no positive diagnosis
for MS.
My husband picked up the slack
in our daily routine and covered for me. I had become unreliable, and
it was impossible to predict how I would be on any given day.
A few years later, I was sitting at my desk when I suddenly felt an
icy-fire running through my legs and arms. It felt like pins and needles
and electric shocks and the bottoms of my feet were burning. My Doctor's
partner was on shift and prescribed percocet demi, telling me to get
my doctor to check me out for MS as it sounded like paraesthesia.
I went to see another neurologist. He suggested an MRI and evoked potentials.
The MRI showed eight lesions on the white matter, apparently only enough
to diagnose me with probable MS.
Whether or not I am ever definitively
diagnosed is neither here nor there. The fact is, no matter what it
is called, these were symptoms that I had to manage daily.
I had been so ill for a very long time. For about a month, I had been
praying for God's healing grace to enter me and restore me to health
and mental clarity. As each day passed, I became more and more willing
to change my thinking and let go of old outworn ideas, and belief systems
that no longer served me well and I felt a change begin to occur in me.
It was around that time that I was introduced to Usui Reiki - a Japanese,
light-touch wellness modality. A major component of Reiki is self-healing.
I began daily self-healing and improved enough that I did not require
my walking sticks, or the use of a wheel chair in shopping malls and
hospitals, and I sold my electric scooter.
Some days, I would forget to take my meds and still feel okay. With
my Doctor's blessing, I gradually went off all of my medications. This
is what happened to me and I'm not advocating that any of you, dear
readers, do anything against your doctor's plan for you. I had become
so completely willing to heal that I did the self-healing technique
almost every day. Over the last three and a half years, I have probably
missed a dozen days. Willingness is certainly one of the keys needed
in healing; persistence is another.
I was recently asked a question. "So, are you saying you are cured
of MS?" My response is simple. "No, I am not cured. The symptoms
sometimes bother me from time to time. I do say I am healed, though,
because the symptoms don't bother me often. When I was sick, I was getting
worse and worse with no lessening in between. I was on some pretty heavy-duty
medication with potentially devastating side-affects. I lost my job.
I lost feeling in various parts of my body. My vision blurred. I was
in a tremendous amount of pain. Now I feel well. I have energy from morning
to night and I'm improving every day. I am back into life. I feel whole
again." This, is my story.

Life Expo
by Bonnie Smith, RT-CRA
CRA President
The Expo was held in Toronto
from November 25- 27th. It was the third consecutive year for the Canadian
Reiki Association to have a booth and doing our mini Reiki sessions.
All the volunteers were kept busy by introducing Reiki, selling our
new Meditation CD, our T-shirts. and talking to the general public
about our Association. It was very interesting to see how many more
men were curious about Reiki and willing to try it for the first time.
This was a definite change from previous years. Our members who gave
their time to be at the Expo helped make this show a success. I would
like to thank Joselin Ratto, Rita Bonnici, Joe McAleer, Suzanne Dobinson,
Maralyn Wilson, Alice Creighton, Diane Peterson, Christine Baum, Carol
Romanella, Denise Raike, Simone Bowman, Shalini Agarwal, Sladana Ilic,
Mark Brewer, Inessa Manorik, Alain Passenaud, Louyse Vingneault, Alain
Support from our members helps
to keep the C.R.A. moving forward.
Love & Light
Bonnie Smith
I am an RP with the CRA and
just read one of the articles in the September newsletter which has
prompted me to write to you. The article was written by an RT in Mississauga.
She states that one of her
interests is to get corporations to pay for Reiki treatments. Oh, this
is an interesting topic! I have talked to several insurance companies
that deal with corporations as well as offering self-employed people
insurance coverage that includes "alternative therapies".
To my dismay, when services such as Reiki, Nutrition, Reflexology,
Crystal Healing, Therapeutic Touch, etc. are listed as covered services,
there is a catch. Here is the BIG catch: they are only covered in Ontario
if they are offered by a licensed professional! What is a licensed
professional you may ask? An MD, and ND (Licensed Naturopath) or and
RMT (Licensed Registered Massaged Therapist). This probably leaves
out the vast majority of Reiki practitioners.
I am self employed. I am an
RNCP (Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner) and Reiki Master
(practicing as an RP, I'm not teaching at this time) and I sell some
wellness products. I have a BSc from a recognized Canadian university.
I have a clean police check from the Durham Police (I practice and
live in Durham Region). I have errors and omissions insurance and 3rd
party liability (slip and fall). I am insured for a Reiki or Nutritional
claim against me. And still, people cannot claim my service invoices
for reimbursement. Insurance companies say they are following Revenue
Canada (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency) guidelines for tax deductible
So, beware of doing general
promotion of Reiki at corporations. This may leave most of us practitioners
out in the cold financially (so to speak) unless there is a demand
by the company that their insurer cover ALL CRA Registered Practitioners.
(for Reiki that means they have a CRA number). This doesn't mean we
seek to exclude licensed practitioners, but rather ensure that CRA
members are included, no matter what their other degrees or certifications.

Book Review: "Teach
Yourself Hand Reflexology"
by Denise
Whichello Brown
This is a terrific little
book absolutely filled with diagrams and simple instructions. This
comprehensive guide is effective whether you have a practice, or simply
want to take more responsibility for your own health. In addition to
the reflexology techniques and sequences, you are provided with information
about essential oils, the various methods of diagnosing, the structure
of the hands and steps to prepare for a treatment. Information is laid
out so well that the book contains a contents section, a common ailments
chapter and closes with a widely diverse index. In the "real" world
there are few of us who are able to attend courses on every healing
modality that interests us. Reading good "how to" books increases
our knowledge base however, making us more effective healers. To date
I have found the techniques in this book to be successful for both
my clients and myself.
Review written
Jo-Anne G. Stevens, RT-CRA
Essential Wellness Centre
Promoting Your Natural Ability to Heal
Conventianal & Holistic Treatments / Courses
"My grandfather once told me that we're two kinds of people: those who do
the work & those who take credit. He told me to try to be in the first group."
-- Indira Gandhi |

Shares & Exchanges
Canadian Reiki Association
Come out and see us at the 14th Annual Wellness Show on February
3, 4, 5th. The share will still be happening on February 4th and
will be hosted by Lyn & Norman Ayre.
Nikkei Japanese Heritage Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby
1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Donation: $5
All levels of Reiki Practitioners are invited. Newcomers are welcome.
Come and try out Reiki.
Comments: We begin with a meditation, and a Reiju Empowerment
for anyone who would like to participate. Then we exchange Reiki.
Bring your pamphlets and business cards to share.
Contact: Judy Cain, RP-CRA
Phone: 604.525.1764
Email: reiki@reiki.ca
Tri-Cities Reiki Exchange
2nd Friday of the month
Aura Wellness Centre, Coquitlam
7 pm to 10 pm
Doors close at
7:15 pm
Suggested donation of $2.00
Comments: All are welcome to come and experience Reiki. A
Reiju Empowerment will be given to those who wish it and who have
not yet been attuned to Reiki. Cozy space so book early. We have
room for two tables and one chair-Reiki set-up at our current location.
Please call ahead for directions.
Contact: Lyn Ayre, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.524.8565
Email: LynAyre@telus.net
3rd Friday of the month
Wings of Dove Holistic Centre
First Avenue
Steveston Village, Richmond
7 pm to 9:30 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: This is an opportunity to share our experiences & discoveries,
and to receive further coaching if necessary. Meditation and Healing
open to all Reiki Levels. Please call or email that you are attending.
Contact: Claudette, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.275.7774
Website: www.wingsofdove.ca
Social Night
Last Wednesday of every month; the date varies. Please email for
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Comments: As Reiki is meant to be shared, I am holding a
social night once a month at my home in White Rock, BC. This evening
is meant to discuss Reiki specifically, with other practitioners
in the area. I believe it's beneficial for all of us who really
want to practice Reiki and be involved with it on a daily basis,
to share experiences and information that would benefit others.
A Reiki table will be set up for demonstrations or short sessions.
Please email me if you would be interested in coming.
Contact: Nancy Caljouw, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.531.6171
Email: howdy2@telus.net
Website: www.ReikiandRhyme.com
4th Monday of the month
Banff Seniors Centre, except July & August
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: Dates subject to change due to availability of
space please visit www.reiki-rocks.ca
for up to date information.
Contact: Noortje Vanderelst, RT-CRA
2nd Thursday of the month
Canmore Recreation Centre, except July.
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: Dates subject to change due to availability of
space please visit www.reiki-rocks.ca
for up to date information.
Contact: Noortje Vanderelst, RT-CRA
Reiki Sharing Circle
2nd Thrusday of each month
Argyll Plaza Hotel (meeting room)
Corner of 99 St & Argyll Rd (63 Ave)
7:30 to 10 pm
Donation: $10
Comments: All levels and lineages welcome. RSVP by email
or at www.wholistichealth.ca
Contact: Marianne Goetsch, RT-CRA
Phone: 780.479.0620
Email: ewg@telusplanet.net
4th Thursday
of the month
Serenity Now Therapy
170 Cresent Lake Road, Saltcoats
Only 15 minutes from Yorkton
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: Everyone level welcome. Please call ahead to confirm
Contact: Pat Bjarnsson, RT-CRA
Phone: 306.744.8122
Healing Co-op Reiki
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
165 - 3rd Avenue S (The Birks Building)
We meet in front of the elevators between 7 pm to 7:15 pm
Donation: $2.00 off sets the cost of cups & water.
Comments: Reiki Level 1 is required to be a part of our share.
We ask interested Reiki people to contact us if you are interested
in joining us.
Contact: Darlene, RT-CRA
Phone: 306.933.2800
Email: healingcoop@shaw.ca
Reiki Shares / Healing
Held regularly every 2nd month
We meet in front of the elevators between 7 pm to 7:15 pm
Donation:Voluntary donations accepted to cover expenses for
the evening.
Comments: For Practitioners, Teachers and their invited guests. Call or email for
dates and additional information.
Contact: Shelly, RT-CRA
Phone: 204.724.6855
Email: jsmayer@westman.wave.ca
In the Spirit of Truth
3rd Tuesday of each month
(except December, July or August)
7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: none
Comments: Open to all students of different teachers & the
general public. Call for location
Contact: Lorinda
Phone: 705.722.4052
Website: www.inthespiritoftruth.com
3rd Wednesday
night of the month
Kiwanis Youth Centre for Sports Excellence
247 McMurchy Avenue S, Brampton
Donation: not noted
Comments: Those interested please call or email for details
Contact: Mark Brewer, RP-CRA
Phone: 905.791.8320
Email: mark@reikitoronto.com
Aura Care Reiki Balance
3rd Thursday of the month
130 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
6 pm Social; 7 pm check in/mediation
7:30 pm to 10 pm Reiki Share
Donation: Potluck snacks/drinks
Comments: Any/all levels and lineages. Special interest in
musical and/or alternative Reiki techniques. Bring a bed if you
have one! Please RSVP.
Contact: Laura Gautherier
Phone: 519.622.1269
Email: balance@auracarereiki.com
Reiki Share
2nd Wednesday of each
Held at the offices of Hospice Wellington
75 Speedvale Avenue East, Guelph
7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: $5
Comments: Welcome Level One and higher
Contact: Barbara McKell, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.823.2162
Email: barbara@soulconnection.ca
Pathways Healing Share
Last Thursday of each
month except for July, August & December
7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: Small donations or snacks, juice, etc.
Comments: Meditation and Healing share open to all levels
and lineages. RSVP if attending.
Contact: Bonnie Adam, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.763.7948
Email: bonnie@pathwayshealing.com
Reiki Share
4th Wednesday of each
Call for location
7:00 pm start time
Donation: $10
Comments: Welcome Level One and higher
Contact: Mary Catherine Darling
Phone: 905.318.8630
Email: soulhealer3@yahoo.ca
Monthly Reiki Practice
Group starting in 2006!
2nd Sunday morning of every month
10 am to 12 pm (noon)
Donation: no cost
Comments: First degree Reiki or more welcome
Contact: Judy Watson, RT-CRA
Phone: 905.868.0804
Email: judy-wolf@rogers.com
1st Tuesday of each
Sacred Journeys Healing Arts Centre
115 King Street West, Kingston
Donation: $10.00 drop-in fee
Comments: RSVP is required. Everyone is welcome! Anyone who
has taken Reiki or would like to come and experience what Reiki
is all about. Come to be treated, to treat others, to share Reiki
stories, or exchange new information about Reiki.
Contact: Cheryl Hiebert
Phone: 613.634.8220
Email: cdh@kingston.net
Website: www.sacred-journeys.ca
London Reiki Share
Call for date, time, and
Comments: I have been holding group Reiki exchanges so we
can have evenings together. Often a small group of 6 but truly an
enjoyable time together and we go away feeling light and refreshed.
Some, who come and do not practice Reiki other than on friends and
family members, are pleased to join together and experience receiving
a treatment.
Contact: Mercedes Mancari
Phone: 519.660.3664
Email: Mercedes@execulink.com
3rd Tuesday
of each month
Universal Energy Training & Learning Centre
2393 Sixth Line, Six Nations Reserve
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5 per person
Comments: An informal drop-in group. Any level of Reiki is
welcome. Please come and check out our facility. Refreshments provided.
Call for directions or more information.
Contact: Michelle Thomas or
Jane Burning
Phone: 519.445.1904
Reiki Associates
3rd Monday of the month
106 - 2211 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00 requested to be donated to Make a Wish Foundation
Comments: Everyone welcome. Check our website for confirmation
of time and place: www.reikiassociates.com
Contact: Richard Wardel, RP-CRA
Email: reikiassociates@superage.com
Reiki Associates
3rd Monday of the month
2368 Christie Lake Road, Perth, ON
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00 requested to be donated to Make A Wish Foundation
Comments: Everyone welcome. Check our website for confirmation of time and place: www.reikiassociates.com
Contact: Denise Carpenter, RT-CRA Phone: 613.913.2803
Email: reikiassociates@superage.com Toronto
Thursday of each month
Email for details on location
6 pm to 9:30 pm
Donation: not noted
Comments: All who have first level Reiki or Learning Path
Integrated Technique are welcome to join us.
Contact: Diane Young, RT-CRA, of Healing Integration.
Email: diane@healingintegration.com
Intro. Talk & Share
Date: Saturdays - call for next dates
1 pm to 5 pm
Donation: $10.00 and $8 for students, seniors & low
Comments: An icebreaker will be followed by a guided meditation,
Reiki talk and an afternoon of Reiki sessions.
Please bring something comfortable to lie on: a pillow, foam
or yoga mat, bed sheet, pillowcase, towel. Massage tables are greatly
appreciated too!
Contact: Stephanie Norwich, RT-CRA Reiki Master/Instructor
Email: sgiver@yahoo.com
Toronto Central Reiki Clinic
Every Wednesday
At College and Spadina.
Please call for details.
6:30 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $10 requested
Open to general public and all channels from all Masters
Comments: Time in the clinic is tracked for CRA qualification. New first-time
channels must complete a short intro course on clinic procedures and group hand
positions, as we work in teams of 2 or more. Cost: $45.00. Proof of current Reiki
Level is required.
Contact: Roman Szymczak, RT-CRA
Phone: 416.531.1141
Email: Roman@HandsOfaHealer.com
Every 2nd Monday of
the month
Please visit websie or call to confirm date
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
All Reiki practitioners
at Level 1 and up are welcome.
Comments: Come enjoy interesting discussions on Reiki & other
natural healing modalities and group treatments. Please contact
me to confirm your attendance.
Contact: Debbie Boehlen, RT-CRA
Phone: 905.714.0298
Website: www.canadianchampissage.com
Nova Scotia
The last Wednesday of
each month
142 Braemar Drive Dartmouth
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Comments: Everyone with Reiki Level I and above are welcome.
Contact: Gail Piccott Bannister
CRA & AURA Member
Phone: 902.463.1775
Whitehorse Reiki Exchange
Once a month
Whitehorse Public Library
Contact: Faye Eby, RT-CRA, for
more information
Phone: 867.667.4979
Share/Exchange Format
Please send your notice
of Reiki gatherings in your own area to reiki@reiki.ca.
Name of the Share/Exchange
Date (and is it ongoing?)
Who is welcome
Contact info (name, phone, email)
"All that
is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration
is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail."
-- Dorothea Brande

at The Reiki Corporate Store:
New at the Store -- CRA CD
This 17 minute guided Chakra
Meditation CD is perfect to use at Reiki Shares or Exchanges. It is a
lovely way to bring the group together while relaxing and centering them
at the same time. It is also perfect for personal use to relax and refresh
you in just 17 short minutes and makes a perfect gift for anyone.
CRA merchandise featuring our logo is available! T-shirts
in navy and red available in sizes S (red only - limited), M, L plus
we have Navy ball caps.
Please include size and colour
preferences where applicable!. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.
All Items available for $15.00
each plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Send cheque or money order to:
Corporate Store,
c/o Canadian Reiki Association
PO Box 74072 Hillcrest RPO
Vancouver, BC V5V 5C8
The CRA is interested in ways
to bring the membership together so they can get to know each other by
sharing their ideas and experiences. For those who frequent the Internet
via e-mail and website browsers, the CRA has set up a members only e-mail
list discussion group; subscribe at: cra_news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
Extra copies of the newsletter
are available for special events or to use for promotional purposes.
They are great to have for Reiki Shares & Wellness Shows. For additional
copies contact: Judy Cain at: reiki@reiki.ca.
We are always
looking for items of interest for our members & the public. Send
in your articles, special sayings, up and coming workshops, and notices
that you would like included in the newsletter.
We would also appreciate receiving your book reviews.
"Just don't give up
on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love
& inspiration,
I don't think you can go wrong."
-- Ella Fitzgerald

Wings of Dove Holistic Centre
Sacred space for Personal Empowerment
Usui Reiki Sessions
& Training
CranioSacral Therapy
Healing Matrix - Multidimensional Healing
Animal Communication & Healing
Spiritual & Mediumistic Sessions
Metaphysical Education
Classes Workshops Retreats
604.275.7774 - 1.866.275.7776
Circle of One
In Toronto, Ontario,
Offering workshops and
sessions in Reiki
Learning Path Integrated Technique
Axiatonal Alignment
Energy Sensing and Clearing Techniques
Contact Diane: 416.690.6336
University Research on Reiki and Social Work
I am
a MSW student seeking individuals in Ottawa with both
reiki and social work credentials to obtain perspectives on the
possible barriers, benefits and limitations of incorporating
reiki into
social work practice.
Please contact researcher:
Cheryl Grant
by telephone: (613) 260-7615 or email: skylark_69@hotmail.com
Sharlene McLearon
Blue Matrix Energetics,
Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki
London, Ontario
| Indian Head Massage Course
Through the Canadian Centre for Indian Champissage. 10.5 CEUs.
Contact Debbie Boehlen
at 905.714.0298 or see website at www.iaw.on/~debb
for upcoming workshop dates.

Aura Wellness Centre
In Coquitlam,
BC, Canada
Offering Sessions & Courses in
*Chakras & Chi*
*Crystal Healing*
*EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)*
*Karuna Ki and Usui Reiki*
*Meditation Techniques*
Sessions Only In:
*Aromatherapy, Massage, Sound Healing*
For more information,
please call Lyn Ayre
604.524.8565 or LynAyre@telus.net
Bridges To Health
A Non-Profit
Community Health Fair
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Central United Church
Sarnia, Ontario
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
For more information contact:
Joan Kenny 519-542-8025
Gillian Watts 519-344-6367
or e-mail: rwatts4@cogeco.ca
"It may be hard for an egg
to turn
into a bird:
it would be a jolly sight harder
for it to learn to fly while
remaining an egg"
-- C.S. Lewis

@2003 - 2006 Canadian Reiki Association
May not be reprinted without written permission.