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Message From The President
I have just a few items of interest that I would like to bring to your attention. We now have CRA logo pins for sale in the Corporate Store. They will make an ideal gift for yourself or as a gift for your Reiki Students. You will be able to purchase them on line or contact Judy to have them sent out to you. Buy in quantity and save. We have had a lot of inquiries from the non Reiki Community regarding our Practitioner and Teacher listings. In the past we have permitted all other modalities that we practice or teach in this listing. It has been confusing. The board of directors have decided that we will list only what is related to Reiki in this area. To compensate for this change we have added a CRA Logo button in this section that will link to your picture and bio. Once again the CRA will be at the Toronto Whole Life Expo held in Hall B of the Metro Convention Centre on the week-end of November 24, 25, & 26th. Please stop by our booth, #141 and say hello. Just a reminder that the next Annual General Meeting will be at the Lonsdale Quay Hotel in North Vancouver on May 26th, 2007. With the success of our 2006 AGM this meeting will be opened to non-members as well. We are looking for door prizes. If you would like to contribute a prize or a service please contact Judy at reiki@reiki.ca. As of September 2006, Jennifer Thibodeau joined the CRA as an intern as part of her Post-Baccalaureate Diploma of Journalism through Thompson Rivers University. In this volunteer position, she will be writing articles and book reviews for the CRA newsletter as well as helping with Media Relations, such as writing press releases to help publicize CRA events in the media. Her first article for the CRA, "A Day Trip to Mt. Kurama", is included in this newsletter. She is currently living in Osaka, Japan and studying Reiki with Hyakuten Inamoto. You can visit her web site at www.mountainskyreiki.com. Note to RM's: Please review the revised Educational Guidelines at: www.reiki.ca/application.htm. Love & Light
About the CRAThe Canadian Reiki Association: We provide our members with a national voice; encouraging high educational standards through our Code of Ethics, promoting ethical practices and teaching; assisting the public with referrals to Practitioners and Teachers; and is committed to enlightening and educating our communities about Reiki.
We welcome your comments, criticisms, and feedback. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
Member in Focus is ...
"Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor." |
As a Reiki person, I know I'm fortunate. I live in the city of Osaka, Japan, and a trip to Mt. Kurama is a relatively easy day trip for me. Within about two hours, and four
. According to his memorial stone in Tokyo, Mikao Usui was spiritually awakened and received the gift of Reiki while fasting and meditating on Mt. Kurama. After he received this
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After getting off the train at Kurama Station it is only a short walk to the first entry gate, where carved gods stand guard at either side. It's impossible not to be struck by the beauty of the mountain. Everything is perfectly arranged, simple and elegant. Orange painted lanterns line the walkways, thick braided ropes connect to the prayer bells in the Shinto shrines, and rich brown wooden beams are placed together to form the Buddhist temples. The pathway proceeds up the mountain, sometimes with a gradual incline and sometimes with broad steps designed for kimono-wearers to walk safely upon.
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For an affordable 200 yen (about two dollars) you can take a cable car part of the way up the mountain - we chose this option to help save our legs! Our plan was to go to the summit and then walk down the entire way. Interestingly, the museum that leads to the cable car station has a plaque on the wall that is believed to be the inspiration for the second symbol. Inspiration for the Second Symbol
The mountain is bejeweled with a number of shrines and temples, and in front of Mt. Kurama Temple is a beautiful sacred stone. Hyakuten-sensei told me that long ago this stone was used as the lid for a stone box holding sacred Buddhist scriptures. When I passed my hand over the stone I could feel a cool and clear energy from it.
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Finally we came to a level space near the summit where Usui-sensei is believed to have been when he was given the gift of Reiki. There were many old-growth trees and the sunlight fell on us in dappled beams. There we sat on some wood benches, drinking Japanese tea and having some snacks, and Hyakuten-sensei discussed Reiki for a while. Then we went to a near-by shrine and meditated while the shrine's incense burned. When we were finished he gave me a Reiju (Reiki attunement) and then it was time to head back down the mountain.
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I really didn't want to leave. Although we had spent about an hour at the summit it felt like it had been no time at all. The tranquil energy and peacefulness of the location were intoxicating. In fact, although I was there less than a eek ago at the time of this writing, I can't wait for my next visit. If there is ever a way for you to travel to Mt. Kurama, and especially if you are a Reiki person, I highly recommend that you do so.
Jennifer Thibodeau is a Reiki Practitioner living in Osaka, Japan.
To see more pictures of Mt. Kurama, please visit the Mt. Kurama Photos page on her website at www.mountainskyreiki.com
The scene is a tranquil, sunlit room. Delicate flowers grace the wide windows and polished wooden floor with their fragrance. A Reiki practitioner sits in meditation, robed in silence, focusing their spiritual strength on their mantra: "anger, worry, anger, worry".
What's wrong with this picture?
We all know Usui-sensei had great compassion for us, his students. His life and work are a testament to the enlightenment he expressed in the teachings and system of Reiki Ryosho. Like us, his words and thoughts were shaped by the society he lived in.
When Usui-sensei adopted the Gokai, or Reiki principles, which are the last instructions of the Meiji Emperor, he used the words in which incorrect behaviour was defined, and warned against. Just like many of the great rules of behaviour laid down by religion and law, these principles were expressed in a negative way: "thou shalt not."
The Meiji Emperor was very wise to write these principles, and Usui-sensei was very wise to pass them on to us as life instructions. It would, however, be even better for us if they worked.
The understanding of how people think and learn has come a long way since 1922, when the Gokai were adopted. Back then, speaking of avoiding bad behaviour and immorality was a common and accepted way of communicating, both to others and in our own internal dialogue.
Through the work of great researchers and observers, we have learned now that many of the language rules we took for granted are both ineffectual and counterproductive. We now know, through the body of work known as NLP, or Neurolinguistic Programming, that your deep mind doesn't actually hear the words: "do not". Your mind just focuses on the instruction following those words.
"Negatives exist only in language, not experience. the unconscious mind does not process the linguistic negative and simply disregards it. A. teacher who tells a child not to do something is ensuring the child will do it again" (Pg. 120, L. NLP)
This is where the story of the pink elephant in the corner comes in. Now don't think about it. there's no pink elephant, no elephant. Now what's on your mind?
"What you resist persists, because it still has your attention". (Pg. 120, L. NLP, O'Connor, Seymour).
As children, we have tended to hear from parents, "Don't do that" rather than "Please do this instead". Getting caught eating with my fingers when young more often brought: "don't be rude" instead of "clean up & be polite". Of course, understanding that the subconscious doesn't register negatives, I know now that all that sank in from my mother's admonition was "be rude". Hmm.
When we recite the words of the Reiki principles morning and night, as instructed by Mikao Usui, why are we repeating the names of the emotional states we don't want to have in our minds? Focusing on the positive state we want to achieve just makes more sense. The last three principles are wonderful as is, however the first two "Just for today..."s can produce the opposite effect than what is intended.
"Usui-sensei created Gokai as the base of Reiki. to heal heart and soul first." Pg. 191, Doi). Since this is Usui's goal, it is important that we follow the goals and spirit of his teachings. To better reach these goals, we need to use the knowledge of language we have in a purposeful and effectual way.
"Teacher/ trainers should be totally positive in their approach" "#4 of 13, Accelerated Learning, Woodsmall, 1988).
A new way of phrasing these principles is in order then, in keeping with Usui- sensei's conclusion that "the ultimate purpose of life is to... live in peace". (Pg. 47, Doi).
"Just for today, be joy".
The opposite emotion of anger is joy. One of the ways we get joy is through laughter, and it is impossible to be angry while laughing freely.
"Just for today, be peace".
The opposite emotion of worry is peace, having faith in that knowledge. This was, after all, Usui-sensei's stated goal!
The end result of meditating on these words is the emotional states of joy & peace, with no thought of anger or worry in your being.
Using NLP, we have an excellent exercise (to) help you move faster and more fluidly in the achievement of the states of joy and peace that Usui-sensei recommends that we adopt.
Anchoring, a technique to help us learn better and retain it, is very useful to us here.
"Imagery principle - correct recall for vivid pictures is 99% or higher". (#10 of 21, Learning Strategies, Woodsmith, 1990).
Using our own senses completely, including pictures, helps us much more than just words. Try this exercise in a quiet place where you will be undisturbed.
Settle yourself as usual to begin meditating as instructed by Usui-sensei. As you repeat the first principle: "Just for today, be joy" think of a time where you felt intense joy, or imagine what it would be like to feel it. Let yourself feel, see, smell and sense this joy. As it reaches its peak, perform a small physical action to anchor the feeling, like making a fist, or touching your ring finger to the heel of your hand. Make the action quick and brief, as well as something you don't normally do. Make sure the action happens as the feeling is building and at its peak, not as it's fading. Repeat this three times as you meditate on the first principle.
Next, repeat the second principle. "Just for today, be peace". Think of a time when all was right with the world and you were in the flow, obviously connected to the cosmic rhythm, or imagine what it's like. Just as with joy, fully experience peace; do a different action to anchor the peace, perhaps with the opposite hand. Complete the exercise as with joy.
The end result of this exercise, after only a couple of days, is being able to do your small, discreet physical action and immediately experience the emotional state of joy or peace you anchored there. Of course, this technique will also work for the last three principles.
Picture again the sunlit room, with the figure focused on "joy, peace, thankfulness, diligence, compassion". Feel the amazing energy coming from and through this Reiki practitioner, and know it can be you.
The words of the Gokai or Reiki principles are found in the monument erected to Mikao Usui's memory in Bodhi temple, Tokyo. They were written in 1927 by Juzabura Ushida and Masayuki Okada, Usui-sensei's students. This translation is by Hiroshi Doi and Tetsuyuki Ono.
1. Don't get angry today.
2. Don't be grievous.
3. Express your thanks.
4. Be diligent in your business.
5. Be kind to others.
(From Lyashino Gendai Reiki- ho by Hiroshi Doi, 2000.)
NLP is the art and science of excellence. It is a set of models, skills and techniques for acting effectively in the world. NLP, or neurolinguistic programming, began in the early 1970's when John Grinder and Richard Bandler studied the three top therapists of their day, and codified the patterns and skills which made them the best.
"NLP is one of the fastest growing, and most effective, developments in applied psychology."
(O'Connor, Seymour)
Doi, Hiroshi. Iyashino Gendai Reiki-ho. 2000. Fraser Journal Publishing: Canada.
James, Tad; Woodsmall, Wyatt. Training for Excellence. 1990. Advanced Behavioural Modeling, Inc.: Arlington, VA.
O'Connor, J.; Seymour, J. Introducing NLP. 1995. HarperCollins: London.
Mary Catherine Darling M.A.Psych. is an author, energetic teacher, Reiki Master (Western & Japanese) and NLP Master Trainer who has been helping women become "Energetic Mothers" for years. From teaching health professionals in college, to coaching new mothers in her professional practice, her expertise, enthusiasm and gentleness lets women from all walks of life learn techniques of energy healing in a fast, effective, yet simple, way. Visit Mary Catherine at: www.energeticmother.com.
THRIVE, a guide to optimal health & performance through plant based whole foods is an excellent book for vegans, vegetarians and omnivores who want to reduce stress and promote health.
Written by Brendan Brazier, one of the few professional vegan athletes in the world, the book clearly and concisely explains how to implement a simple nutritional plan and helps the reader to understand why certain foods create stress while others improve health and decrease biological age.
The Foreword, written by Dr. Zoltan Rona, discusses why illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis and arthritis are increasing and how nutritional stress may be the most underestimated cause of suboptimal health.
The book itself is very fast and easy to read and clearly demonstrated how to correctly implement a simple nutritional plan that would quickly reap the following benefits:
On a personal level, I managed to kick the coffee habit overnight with no cravings and absolutely no caffeine withdrawal. I no longer crave chips and chocolate and I have effortlessly lost 18 pounds and gained significant muscle mass.
This book is available at Capers, Whole Foods or from Amazon.ca.
Viva la Veggie!!
Since the day I realized I was going to follow the path of a healer, up until today, still early in my journey, my excitement and profound awe has only amplified. Yet as I get closer to achieving my dream, bliss in close approach, I must admit the journey has brought forth several obstacles and challenges.
The beginning was fun. I had another job that paid the bills, and in my spare time I was taking courses for my personal transformation. It was great. Then before I knew it, I was qualified to practice Reiki professionally, and I was a certified Reflexologist. What now could be holding me back from starting my own practice?
I have a beautiful healing room. I live in a gorgeous neighbourhood. I am very good at what I do. I am ready to do it! Ah yes, the challenges now start popping up. The healing business really is all about putting positive intention into everything you do. I had put 100% of my intention into my business yet in practice I was still working as a waitress in the family restaurant.
Challenge #1: The Family
Close family would say, "You really think you can survive doing this? Well, don't quit your day job yet. Plus, the family needs you at the restaurant."
Extended family and friends: "What is that massage thing you do again? (after having patiently explained that Reiki is not massage, for the fifth time). Right.. ok. so, how's work at the restaurant? Busy?"
A loving family will support you in every decision of your life. Most of my family trusted my healing abilities and they loved that I was doing something for myself. Others could not comprehend what I was doing. My problem was that they lacked faith in the potential of a full time healing business and that was very hard for me. They didn't think I could do it. I allowed this to delay my plans. I learned my lesson, NOT to listen to negative attitudes and to follow my INTUITION.
Within a very short time I received a phone call at the restaurant for a take out order. I still believe today that this person was my spiritual guide coming to my rescue. I am so grateful for that phone call! What had started out as a take-out order somehow developed into a conversation about spirituality and manifesting one's goals, raw food diets and motivational books. At the end of this long conversation I had a list of resources. One of the recommendations this person gave me was to see "The Secret", a film about the Law of Attraction. A most motivating and inspirational movie! I believed it and I still do. Set your mind through positive affirmations to focus on your goal and it will start unfolding right in front of your eyes! I wrote my affirmations on paper.
"I am a successful healer. I make a good living working from my home. I am good at what I do." I repeated these affirmations throughout the day. I visualized these things happening to me. I felt it.
Strange things began to happen. I continued to attend to my duties at the restaurant, not particularly enthusiastic but content, though I noticed that the people in my work environment became more abrupt, verbally aggressive, rude and not cooperative. There had been a negative vibe there to begin with, but this was turning into complete chaos. I kept telling myself to get through the evening and not take things personally. As the "attacks" continued and people became more disrespectful towards each other, this toxic environment started devouring me. I was losing it! Within two weeks of this I had a panic attack and quit my job in the middle of a busy shift. I'd had it! Obviously the Universe was working in a strange, but effective way to get me out of the restaurant business.
Challenge #2: Money and responsibility
I was raised to be a worker. Most women in my family have been workaholics. Hard work 'til you drop is associated with pride in my family. How was I to continue being a proud Greek woman without a full time job? This became a worrisome subject immediately. Debt that was planned to be paid off next month was put off indefinitely. My fiancé's salary didn't appear to be enough for both of us and of course I felt guilty for not doing "my part". My stomach was in a permanent knot. I had some clientele in my healing business, but it was not busy, not even steady business. It was improving, but slowly. Then guidance came to my rescue once again, this time in the form of a realization, followed by a special "appearance" in my sleep.
" Without the restaurant job, I will NOT become homeless - I realized I still have shelter and it won't be taken away from me.
" Without the restaurant job, I have NO STRESS - I could now have peace of mind.
I can still afford to have food to eat and to pay my bills. So why do I worry about these things? Focus Tania on what matters! Focus on building your business.
Special Appearance: I was stirring in my dreams, in a half awake half asleep state, trying to figure out how to become a busy healer. A vibrating presence appeared and spoke to me. I heard, "Use your energy towards building your business." It was my earlier realization reaffirmed!
All this time I was draining myself with worries. And they got me NOWHERE. I immediately started putting all my positive energy into the business. I woke up in the morning, focused on my affirmations, expressed gratitude for the clients I already had, and trusted that there will be more people that I will soon be able to help in their healing endeavours. I started receiving phone calls from new clients. They had found my website on the internet and felt a connection with me. Folks, this is a good time to add a side note and mention that having a website is very important in this business. Everybody is on the internet and people want to do their research before trusting their bodies and souls with you. And it is vital to do it in the most professional manner possible. I paid for mine and had it designed professionally. It was worth every penny! (Thank you Mark!)
I had learned another fundamental lesson: Stop worrying NOW, this moment, and start thinking POSITIVELY. Negative thinking will only attract more negatives into your life!
Now I was ready to get down to business! I was oozing positive attitude, I was loving life, loving myself, smelling the roses and. waiting for the phone to ring.
Challenge: Why isn't the phone ringing off the hook? I'm oozing positive energy here!
This was an opportunity to give in to panic, but I promised myself not to worry. My third and last lesson for the time being: Putting the energy out there will help you and the Universe will answer and give you opportunities, but it won't do the work for you! This is the time to pick up on the signs that the Universe is laying out for you.
Ask for guidance and it will come, my friends. But don't forget to do something about it!
I received a lot of "advice" that came to me in the form of "out of the blue" ideas and epiphanies, saw many signs, and felt that helping hand reaching out to pick me up when things were getting gloomy. I opened myself up to my intuition and followed my powerful GUT FEELING.
Where am I today? Things are not busy yet because up until yesterday I had done very little to promote myself. Now I am working at it passionately and lovingly. I just booked a series of ads in a local health and wellness magazine. I have no money, so I went a little deeper in debt for it. No worries; I know it will be paid back and will be worth it.
I distribute my brochures everywhere I can find, without being intrusive and aggressive. I make friends everywhere, and aside from business, this part is good for ME. I'm giving out love, and I'm getting it back tenfold. Could I ask for more? This is beautiful. I am also participating in Reiki & Reflexology events promoting the healing techniques. I'm staying in the loop and I'm working with people in the same field. So this is my final word of advice to those in the same boat as myself; stay involved, and if you don't have that many clients yet, treat your friends and family to free sessions when you can. Volunteer somewhere. We may be in business and hope to make a decent living through our healing skills, but let's not forget that aside from being business owners, we are healers and should share this gift as often as we can. Everything else is already coming into place.
I look forward to writing about "A Healer's Success Story" sometime soon!
-- Dag Hammarskjöld |
I have taken many master's levels in various types of Reiki: Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, Sacred Flames Reiki, Seichim Reiki and Gendai Reiki in the past including crystals, past lives, psychometry with photo and objects, medical intuitive, soul mates, dreams, pendulum, meditation, breath work classes, intuitive linking, psychic attack, chakra energy, colour therapy channelling, awareness, astral travel, sacred breath, ethereal crystals, spiritual dancing, physiogamy, spiritual healing, and inter cranial sacral. Some courses I have done a few times and with different students in the classes another dimension is added. Plus I read, read, read anything in alternative health and healing modalities. Every course just builds and opens us to more and more connective-ness with source. I do see and sense. I had always thought this was reiki until I went for my Master level of Reiki and was told by the master that it was a gift that I had outside of Reiki.
My Reiki friends and myself had always wondered when we were going to see, feel, smell or sense what each other were experiencing. One friend had the sense of smell, another friend was very good in the vibrations and I was in the seeing and sensing. I found that I was very empathic. We all had gifts that were different and we accepted that. When we worked together, wonderful healing took place. It was just awesome! Even though my gifts are more of the empathetic nature, I just open myself to all that I can experience. I ask my personal ego to step aside so that I am a clear channel for the Reiki energy. I always ask God to only show me what I need to see or sense to help someone. I do not want to invade the privacy of peoples' minds and personal space. I believe that we all have things that are our own personal space and that needs to be respected. I usually see past or now and I did not feel comfortable seeing future. I would usually close that part of myself. A wise teacher once told me that I was limiting myself by closing that part. As I have grown over the last few years, I do not limit myself now. I did not believe in past lives but ironically, most of my healing journey took me into the past lives space. Being that I was not great in school in history and geography when I was young, the things that I've seen in my past lives experiences I could validate by looking on the internet for verification of the facts of times, attire, etc. It was mind boggling, the things that I could verify. It sure made a believer out of me! All my life I would have things happen and would boil it down to deja-vu or coincidence but the more I allowed, the more I could see. I have really learned not to limit my thinking or myself and just be as one with God and the Reiki Energy. I believe we all can see, sense, feel etc. We just need to open to the highest and best to all that we are and let our gifts guide us to all the good that there is to experience.
I am thankful every day for who I am and where I am in my healing journey. Every day is better than the day before. Reiki is certainly given me my life back. I live and breathe Reiki. When I was very sick for a number of years, I was introduced to Reiki and I have never looked back. I only look back to see how far I have come and it sure has been a marvelous journey of personal growth.
I am thankful everyday for my healing journey, the people in it and live my life to 'Paying it Forward'. I was taught the old oral tradition of Reiki. I was told that I could not even look at anything written or my Reiki would be taken away from me. At first I was scared and then I thought that there is more, more, more. I remember the first person that I was in contact with on the internet, who gave me a lot of information and resources. This opened many avenues for me. That was back in 1999. I just knew that there was so much more. I have many books, tapes etc. I have attended many Reiki courses, Reiki retreats and just learn, learn, learn. I did not teach for many years after I became a Reiki Master because I did not feel comfortable teaching what I had learned. I knew there was more. As more information came out of Japan about Reiki, I then felt comfortable about teaching. I remember that I was taught that I could not give Reiki away as a gift. That did not feel right for me. I felt I got plenty in return by just helping someone. I do teach the students the hand positions and then to also see where the client's body guides them to be. I tell them, "Let Reiki teach you." I remember one of my teachers would always say.
"Let Reiki teach you", and I would question and question. I would think that she did not know or would not tell me the secret of it all, but Reiki DID teach me and continues to teach me. That was the best advice I have ever received. I believe we should not limit our knowledge of Reiki and other healing modalities. We will know what healing modalities will speak to us and we will gravitate in that direction. The Reiki energy guides and totally engulfs me. I live and breathe REIKI!
A few C.R.A. Members have come forward with concerns regarding the C.R.A.'s membership criteria and the Practicum and Case Study forms. The issues have been over the Privacy Act and releasing client's names to the Canadian Reiki Association.
The C.R.A. Practicum and Case Study Forms require three pieces of client information which would be their name, telephone number and an e-mail address if they have one. The volunteer client's signature on the form gives the Reiki Practitioner permission to release this information to the C.R.A.
We do not require detailed personal information on the session itself but we ask you to share your commentary or interpretation of the Reiki session and what you may have experienced. This information will go on the forms.
Finally, I have consulted a lawyer on this issue and was advised we are within our legal rights to request the information for the purpose it was set out for. The format of the Practicum and Case Study Forms will not change and we encourage all Reiki Practitioners who are working towards their Registered Membership status with the Canadian Reiki Association to continue on their Practicum and Case studies.
Thank You .... Roland |
Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses. |
British ColumbiaBurnabyCanadian Reiki Association
Exchange CoquitlamThe
Tri-Cities Reiki Exchange Richmond3rd Friday of the month AlbertaBanff4th Monday of the month
Canmore2nd Thursday of the month
EdmontonReiki Sharing Circle
SaskatchewanSaltcoats4th Thursday
of the month SaskatoonHealing Co-op Reiki
ManitobaBrandonReiki Shares / Healing
OntarioAmherstburg, ON3rd Friday of every monthMasonic Temple 68 Murray Street 7 pm to 10 pm Donation: none Comments: We welcome all people for sample sessions. All are welcome to come and experience Reiki. Open Reiju will be given to those who wish it. Contact: Donna Hibbert, RT-CRA Phone: 519.736.2473 BarrieIn the Spirit of Truth Brampton3rd Wednesday
night of the month Burlington2nd Tuesday of every
month Burlington CRA Hosted Exchange2nd Wednesday of each month CambridgeAura Care Reiki Balance
Centre GuelphGuelph Reiki Share | OntarioGuelphGuelph Pathways Healing Share Guelph Learning and Sharing Reiki Holland LandingMonthly Reiki Practice
Group Kingston 1st Tuesday of each
month LondonLondon Reiki Share Ohswekeh3rd Tuesday
of each month PerthReiki Associates Toronto2nd
Thursday of each month Toronto Community Reiki Share
Central Reiki Clinic Bathurst & Eglinton - Reiki Share WellandWelland
Reiki Share
for Kids
Nova ScotiaHalifax-DartmouthThe last Wednesday of
each month YukonWhitehorseWhitehorse Reiki Exchange Reiki Share/Exchange Format Please send your notice of Reiki gatherings in your own area to reiki@reiki.ca. Format Name of the Share/Exchange
For your convenience we now offer PayPal® through the internet Corporate Store to pay for all store products plus new and renewal of memberships.
Our newest item in the Coporate Store is our CRA Logo Lapel Pins. These beautiful pins are an ideal gift for yourself or as a gift for your Reiki students when they complete a class. $5.00 ea. Buy 5 pins for $25.00 and get 2 free with your order.
Don't forget we have generic Certificates for Level's I, II, III and Master for members and non-members. Email for pricing or go to our on-line Corporate store.
![]() |
This 17 minute guided Chakra Meditation CD is perfect to use at Reiki Shares or Exchanges. It is a lovely way to bring the group together while relaxing and centering them at the same time. It is also perfect for personal use to relax and refresh you in just 17 short minutes and makes a perfect gift for anyone. $15.00 plus $5.00 S&H.
CRA merchandise featuring our logo is available! T-shirts in navy and red available in sizes S (red only - limited), M, L plus we have ball caps in navy. $15.00 plus $5.00 S&H.
Please include size and colour preferences where applicable!. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.
Send cheque or money order to:
Corporate Store,
c/o Canadian Reiki Association
Box 54570, 7155 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5E 4J6
The CRA is interested in ways to bring the membership together so they can get to know each other by sharing ideas and experiences. For those who frequent the Internet via e-mail and website browsers, the CRA has set up a members only
e-mail list discussion group; subscribe at:
Extra copies of the newsletter are available for special events or to use for promotional purposes. They are great to have for Reiki Shares & Wellness Shows. For additional copies contact: Judy Cain at: reiki@reiki.ca.
We are always looking for items of interest for our members & the public. Send in your articles, special sayings, up and coming workshops, and notices that you would like included in the newsletter.
To keep the newsletter going send in your articles and book reviews.
Why not become the Member in Focus?
For information email: reiki@reiki.ca
We thank you for your overwhelming response to our plea for articles. What has not been published this time around will be included in our
January 2007 Newsletter.
Path to LifeCarol L. Romanella, D.H.M.H.S., H.D., RP-CRA Wings of Dove Holistic Centre"Sacred space for Self Empowerment" Reiki Sessions and
Training CranioSacral Therapy & Healing Matrix Multidimensional
& Past Life Healing Metaphysical Education Upcoming Intensive
Weekend Retreat November 11th is a very important time in the esoteric world where the "Gateways" to other dimensions are most acccessible. We travel to the higher realms to acquire greater wisdom & understanding of our own soul's courageous journey to Earth. This is an intensive spiritual weekend of discovery and of great transformation. Place: Edenvale
Retreat Ctr - Abbotsford, BC CIRCLE OF ONEIn Toronto, Ontario,
Canada REIKI FOR KIDSWorkshop
for Kids
Sharlene McLearonR.N.,
Through the Canadian Centre for Indian Champissage. 10.5 CEUs. Contact Debbie Boehlen at 905.714.0298 or see website at www.iaw.on/~debb
"The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance or the help of others: it is in yourself alone. " -- Orison Swett Marden |
@2003 - 2006 Canadian Reiki Association
May not be reprinted without written permission.