October 2004 | Light 4 - Ray 3

Tucked Under Spirit's Wing
“Tucked Under Spirit's Wing”
© Lyn Ayre 2003

Message From The Our President, Barb Hudson

I am pleased to report an excellent and productive Annual General meeting this past July in Toronto. Barb Weston was officially elected to the board and appointed as CRA Vice President. As well we have two new board members, Tona McMurran from the Vancouver area and Joselin Ratto from Toronto.

After three joyous years of service to the CRA I resigned as President and board member at the end of July to more actively promote my new healing practice Blue Matrix Energetics. I always liked the idea of giving others a chance to develop through leadership opportunities and am very excited to welcome Bonnie Smith as your new CRA President. Already she is doing an excellent job.

In This Issue

Bullit About the CRA
Bullit Member in Focus
Bullit The Seven Chakras
Bullit Success in Manitoba
Bullit Article - Do Animals Feel
Bullit Book Review
Bullit AGM 2004 - Directors
Bullit Licensing Issues
Bullit Reiki Shares & Exchanges
Bullit Announcements
Bullit Advertising

I leave with fond memories of members increasing their contributions to the CRA through ideas and the dedication to ethical, impeccable practice of Reiki in communities across Canada. I wish for all of you many blessings and good fortune in your future!

With Love,

Barbra Hudson


'I am responsible for my own well-being, my own happiness. The choices and decisions I make regarding my life directly influence the quality of my days.' -- Kathleen Andrus





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About the CRA

The Canadian Reiki Association provides its members with a national voice; encourages high educational standards; through our Code of Ethics, promotes ethical practices and teaching; assists the public with referrals to Practitioners and Teachers; and is committed to enlightening and educating our communities about Reiki.

Editorial Committee

Editor: Mark Weston
Layout: Judy Cain
Website: Sue Chepelsky, Sue Studios

Board of Directors

Bonnie Smith
Barbara Weston
Carol Romanella
Joselin Ratto
Tona McMurran

Mailing Address

PO Box 74072, Hillcrest RPO
Vancouver, BC V5V 5C8

Phone: 1.800.835.7525 or
Local: 604.669.9049
Fax: 604.521.9557
Email: reiki@reiki.ca or members@reiki.ca
Website: www.reiki.ca

CRA Newsletter is Published on:

January 15, April 15, July 15,                 October 15
We are sorry to say that the July   issue was not published this                         year.

'Great People are ordinary
people with extraordinary amounts
of determination.'

We truly welcome your comments, criticisms, and feedback. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.



Advertise your business, sell merchandise or place job ads in the newsletter. On review of the content, non-members can also advertise in our newsletter.

Ad Size


Non Members

Full 6.5” x 8.5” $140 $280
1/2 3” x 8.5” $70 $140
1/4 3” x 4.25” $40 $80
1/8 3” x 2.125” $20 $40
1/16 3” x 1” $10 $20

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Member in Focus - is

Louise Vigneault, RP-CRA, Ontario

Tell us how you were introduced to Reiki

I became interested in Life Force Energy in the 1980's. It was at this time that my "inner eyes" were opened and I began realizing that there was something beyond our human nature, which could help the world heal itself.

In 1987, I became familiar with White Light /Universal Energy. I began using it to the best of my knowledge, in order to help my working environment - especially for protecting those in need of protection or those requiring some form of help.

Then in 1989, I was in a car accident that left me badly injured. I had to learn how to walk again, which led me to learn more about the human body in order to allow my own body to heal. This experience taught me to listen to my body and to do everything within my power to protect myself in every sense of the word. I did not get angry about the accident because I knew I would learn something very positive from this experience.

After a year of medication, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture and several other therapies, I realized that I needed to take responsibility for myself and for my own healing. My family doctor made it very clear to me that my condition would only get worse if I remained inactive so I joined a gym. Prior to the accident I was active in other sports but working out at a gym was not something I was interested in. Much to my surprise, as my strength increased, I became "hooked" on bodybuilding as well as the endorphin rush associated with it and after many years I became a personal training coach and fitness instructor.

My interest in White Light/Universal Energy was still strong and I believe we are guided to what we need in life. I was taken to a free Reiki Session and was amazed by the energy I felt, which led me to taking my Usui Reiki Level One and Two Training in 1993. My teacher wanted me to take the Reiki Teacher Training which I wasn't interested in it at that time as it wasn't in my plan. I did not feel confident enough to become a teacher then, as I wanted to assimilate and learn more about Reiki first. From that moment on, Reiki became part of my everyday life along with Raja Yoga. I feel like I am doing my work honestly as I have been practicing yoga for over 35 years now since having discovered it back in the 60's.

After moving to Toronto, I began attending yoga classes at the gym where I was teaching. I loved the physical aspect of yoga especially the way one specific teacher taught it. I was doing something for myself and I just love everything about yoga.

I experienced different styles of yoga with this teacher and after a few years of yoga training for my own personal enlightenment, I was asked to take over her classes for two weeks while she was away. I just wanted to enjoy yoga -- not teach classes. I told myself not to worry, I felt like I owed her a favor so I accepted the challenge and another yoga teacher was born.

I went to a few yoga retreats with this teacher and that's where everything happened. A participant at one of the retreats was going through a rough time. Since she knew I had taken Reiki training, she asked for a Reiki session but I didn't feel confident, as I had not done a Reiki session for over 5 years. Reiki had been part of my everyday life, as a lifestyle (like meditation), but not as a modality that I was practicing.

I agreed to do a Reiki session with her calling upon Universal Life Force Energy and all the Reiki Guides to help me. What happened during the session was amazing. As I touched each of the energy bodies, I began channeling information as well as Life Force Energy and I immediately knew the time had come for me take the next level of Reiki training. In 2002, I became a Reiki Master and Teacher and as usual, I always give thanks for my many blessings.

I taught my first Reiki class a year later, it was quite an experience. When doing something for the first time, I often feel challenged, as my confidence level is low. Trusting in Reiki to help me in this case, I didn't worry for that day.

What is your major focus for 2004?

At the yoga studio, I scheduled a Reiki Level One class for January 23rd and 24th, 2004. I had four students register but only one student showed up for the class. I believe this was meant to be as the student was a 23-year-old man who was involved in the fitness industry.

Asking my Reiki Guides to help me with my first Reiki class and giving thanks to them all, I performed my first attunement and showed my student how to do a self-healing session. I suggested he do a session on himself that evening and I asked him to become more aware of what was going on around him and to write down any dreams he may have.

He quickly began to notice many changes. People were talking to him more often than usual, they seemed to be drawn directly to him. He also realized that his palms became activated when he thought about Reiki plus his dreams became more active than ever before.

I performed the second attunement on day two and demonstrated the hand positions necessary to complete a full Reiki session on another person. While performing the second attunement, I knew I was missing something so again I called upon my Reiki Guides to help. I had someone guiding me through every movement - like being a child and having an adult guide me through a dance. It was a wonderful feeling and I felt so humble and energized at the same time. An indescribable feeling of gratefulness came upon me.

Since becoming a Reiki Teacher, I have realized my intuition is stronger than ever and the more attunements I receive, the greater capacity I have to channel Life Force Energy. My first experience as a Reiki Teacher was wonderful and I look forward to teaching more classes in 2004 as a Registered Teacher with the CRA.

Tell us about the contribution you see yourself making to the CRA

As a Registered Teacher and Registered Practitioner with the CRA, I see myself contributing to the well being of those who come to me to experience and learn Reiki. I believe that in order to be well, we need to be balanced in BODY (physical), MIND (emotional) and SPIRIT or SOUL (spiritual).

1.  My BODY reminds me everyday that I am a Divine human being.
2.  I work every single day learning new choreographies for my fitness classes and personal      training programs for individuals I coach.
3.  I have Reiki and meditation to bring enlightenment into my SOUL and open my SPIRIT to

As Reiki Practitioners, we have the ability to channel information and help with the healing process. Along with this, we need to become more responsible in our lives by becoming aware of everything we do and say. Life is a process; we are energy and always remember to BE KIND TO YOUR NEIGHBOURS AND ALL LIVING THINGS.

I would like to finish with three quotes from three movies:

1. WITH POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY (Be responsible for what you do or say)
2. THE POWER BE WITH YOU (Use Reiki as many times as you can. Heal the World)
3. FREE YOUR MIND (Meditate every day, you will find inner peace, joy and enlightenment)

Louyse E. Vigneault, RT-CRA
www.nutri-fitness.com or www.5elementsyoga.com
C: 416.921.3465
E: louyse@hotmail.com

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By Devinder Dhawan, RT-CRA, KRM

The Seven Chakras we commonly refer to are only the largest part of our endocrine system. In actual fact, we have about 108 different Chakras in our body. The seven major Chakras are as follows:

Crown Chakra (Sanskrit name "Sehestrar")
Violet in color. The "seat of our soul" is connected to the Penial glands in the shape of a lotus flower with thousands of petals. According to old transcripts, the Crown Chakra is situated about two inches above our body! It is divine in nature and can never be controlled. This is the life-giving chakra - control this chakra and you can become immortal! It has 972 small vortices, which are connected to the upper brain and right eye.

Third Eye Chakra (Sanskrit name "Ajna")
Indigo in color. The seat of distant and divine vision. Connected to the Pituitary glands, it has 96 small vortices in a lotus flower shape with 2 petals. It is related to the lower brain, left eye, ears, nose and nervous system. This is also a divine chakra, which can only be controlled through Reiki and intense meditation. It is the center of enlightenment - control of this chakra leads to control of all the others.

Throat Chakra (Sanskrit name "Vishudha")
Light blue in color. Connected to the Thyroid glands in the shape of a lotus flower with 16 petals. 16 small vortices are connected to the bronchial and vocal apparatus, lungs and alimentary canal. Of the five elements, the Throat Chakra represents the "Sky" element and is linked to our worldly life as our "speech power". This chakra is also the seat of emotions such as gratitude and grief.

Heart Chakra (Sanskrit name "Ananhat")
Green in color. Connected to the Thymus glands in the shape of a lotus flower with 12 petals. It is related to the heart, vagus nerve and circulatory system. Of the five elements, the Heart Chakra represents "Air" or "Wind". In our worldly life, it is connected to our relationships - love, friends, relatives, etc. - and represents emotions of love, hate and pity.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Sanskrit name "Manipur")
Yellow in color. Connected to the Pancreas and Adrenal glands in the shape of a lotus flower with 10 petals. It is related to the stomach, liver, gall bladder and nervous system. Of the five elements, the Solar Plexus Chakra represents "Fire". In our worldly life, it is connected to our "Social Status" in society.

Sacral Chakra (Sanskrit name "Swadhishthan")
Orange in color. Connected to the Gonads in the shape of a lotus flower with 6 petals. It is related to the reproductive system and is the seat of all sexual emotion. Of the five elements, the Sacral Chakra represents "Water". In our worldly life, it is connected to wealth. This chakra was named by Dr. Usui as the "Hara" following the traditional "Hara-Kiri" performed by the Japanese (in today's world, people are doing much the same by running after money in their lives).

Root or Base Chakra (Sanskrit name "Mooladhar")
Red in color. Connected to the Supera Renal glands in the shape of a lotus flower with 4 petals. This is the seat of our "Kundalini" energy and is related to the spinal column and kidneys. Of the five elements, the Root Chakra represents "Earth". In our worldly life, it is connected to how much property we have.

This would be a very concise description of the chakras, although there are books written on this subject alone.

Devinder Dhawan, RT-CRA, Richmond, BC
Email: devinderdhawan@shaw.ca

'..the dream of yesterday
is the hope of today and
the reality of tomorrow'
-- Robert Goddard

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Success in Manitoba

Brandon had it's first CRA Reiki Share on February 29th 2004. It was a great success with 18 Practitioners and Teachers in attendance. We had an Aboriginal drummer/singer who brought tears to everyone's eyes with her playing and singing. Our Reiki shares/gatherings will continue every second month. Please contact Shelly at 204.724.6855 for information on the when and where of the next share/gathering.

Shelly Mayer, RT-CRA

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 A Heartfelt Look at Animal Communication
"Look closely into the eyes of an animal and you see their soul;
Look a little deeper, you see your soul."

by Kim Remillard, RP-CRA

When we hear a bark, a chirp, a grunt or a meow, we naturally assume that these are just "noises" or "sounds" an animal makes. But, have we ever stopped long enough to see and feel beneath what our ears hear? Any true animal lover will tell you that these are not just noises. They are expressions of thoughts and feelings from personalities much like our own.

I have loved animals since I was a child and always naturally assumed that animals had feelings. However, it was not until I began my career as an animal energy healer and communicator, that I learned one of the most moving profound truths of my entire life; like us, animals most definitely do think and feel. They do have opinions. They can form judgments and they are capable of a vast array of emotions including guilt, depression, grief, bitterness, paranoia, fear and loneliness. They can even hold onto past pain and hurt just like humans, to such an extent that it can affect their present life.

During treatments in the early stage of my animal healing career, I began to feel exactly what the animals were feeling. At first this was quite bewildering and sometimes a little frightening.  I would feel a flush of trauma through my body, anger, fear, and sadness; sometimes I would even start to cry uncontrollably.   I was feeling the personality of these beautiful beings, their emotions, their mental state and every feeling. Some-times I felt their happiness, sometimes their sorrow, and on a couple of occasions even their journey towards death.   Feeling so close to them, I felt naturally inclined to talk to the animals while I performed Reiki treatments on them.  It was wonderful when I realized that, not only were they thinking and feeling, but they were listening and were most certainly capable of making decisions for themselves.  I spoke to the animals to calm them, to inform them, to reassure them and often to give them advice on how to help their situation.

I smile back on the fond memory of a little dog-named Skippy.  Skippy had already undergone open-heart surgery as a puppy and as he was approaching his first birthday he suffered from a luxating patella.  The doctors were sure that surgery was going to be needed.  The owner was distressed about the fact that she had to keep Skippy quiet for the next few weeks.  Anyone who has had a puppy knows this is a near impossible task.  When I performed the energy healing on Skippy's leg I began to talk to him about his injury. I began to describe to him what had happened to his leg, what the doctor's prognosis was (the possibility of surgery) and the fact that he needed to take a few days to be very still to rest the leg.  I urged him to remain in a state of relaxation so that the leg would receive the full benefits of the healing without interruption.  I empathized with how difficult this would be for him due to his age but stressed that it was necessary for his recovery.  In closing, I reminded him that the choice was entirely his.  The next day, the owner called me to say that Skippy was being extremely quiet and had been resting on her lap for almost the entire day. Oddly enough, she said that all the other dogs in the house were also being quiet as if a sort of calm had come over the entire household.  This news was a complete inspiration for me as not only did this show me that Skippy had taken my advice and done something to help his own situation, but there was also a communication between him and the other dogs in the household.   As a result of Skippy accepting the energy healing and helping in his own recovery, his knee healed and his surgery was cancelled that following month.

I have also worked on several aggressive animals.  During the healings, I have talked to them about their aggression and the fear they are feeling which is causing them to act out.  I met a bustling little Bichon named Rocco last year. Rocco greeted me by running towards me growling and showing his teeth for about 2 minutes.  He then ignored me for about a half hour while he walked around taking charge and controlling all the other Bichons in his house.  He reminded me of the head leader of an orangutan group; he even had the same disposition and stride.  I did an energy treatment on Rocco and immediately upon connecting with him, he looked at me with the most heartfelt suffering eyes.  Looking at me were the eyes of a young pup trapped inside the body of a bucking bronco of a dog.  I could feel his helplessness, his suffering and his exhaustion from carrying this role.  I spoke to him about opening his heart to the world around him. I assured him that all in the house would respect him and that there was no need to be so aggressive.  I told him that his behavior would lead to illness if he did not modify it.  I gave him lots of kisses and hugs at the end of the treatment and told him to do what was right for him, as I was only there to lovingly advise.  About 2 hours later, another visitor came to the house.  Rocco ran to the visitor, let out a very short growl and then went to play with the others.  The owner was shocked and thereafter continued to email me with positive progress reports on Rocco.  I visited Rocco again just 2 months ago and he spent most of the visit on my lap licking my face and playing with the others (as opposed to his previous domination of them).  His disposition had improved for the better making him a happier dog with less stress in his life.

I believe that animals are our teachers.  If we open our hearts to them in every way, we can learn much from them.  Animals emote pure unconditional love.  They know no other way to relate than through love unless they have been victimized or misunderstood.  Even then, they often continue to come from a place of love. Can we say the same about ourselves?  I could spend hours telling you beautiful anecdotal stories; each a testimonial to the fact that animals do most certainly have feelings and thoughts.  By opening my heart and compassion to them, they have, in return, opened their world to me. I speak to them with love, respect and honesty, and they are receptive.

Since I began my work healing animals, I have acquired a whole new appreciation for vegetarians and animal rights advocates.  I now see that these people are acutely respectful of all living beings and their thoughts and feelings.   The great tragedy is the lack of awareness in our society, the denial and lack of conscience, which have allowed us to treat animals thoughtlessly in such cruel ways.   Have you ever stopped to think about what a living, feeling animal had to endure to end up on your plate of food or on the soles of your feet?  Or how some poor little caged fox suffered in a cruel trap and died in fear and panic just to frivolously adorn someone's lapels?

Recently scientists discovered a section of animal brain that governs a full capacity of emotions, proving unequivocally that animals do indeed, feel.  Perhaps this evidence will mark a gigantic shift in how we as individuals, and as a society, treat animals.   More research is underway to determine the scope of animal persona.  A Michigan veterinary study demonstrated that dogs not only grieve, they are better able to accept the loss of a companion if they are able to spend time with the corpse.  This gives them a chance to acknowledge the death of their loved one, grieve their passing, and gain closure, enabling the animal to carry on with daily life.  Dogs that were not given this time with their dead animal companions became despondent as they continued to wonder why their loved one was suddenly absent.

In closing, I want to stress that we need to get out of our heads and our notebooks and resort back to what we know is true and real from the moment we are born, what never fails us or lies to us. our hearts and the love that emanates from that special place.   This is where the focus needs to be for all living beings from ant to elephant.   We do our kindred brethren a huge injustice when we look at them and assume that they cannot feel or think for themselves. The question is not "can animals feel or think?"   The question is "are we really listening?"

"Love of animals is a universal impulse,
a common ground on which all of us may meet.
By loving and understanding animals,
perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other."

Dr. Louis J. Camuti

Kim Remillard is an animal healer & communicator residing in Grimsby, Ontario & Michigan.
Kim helps animals and their owners throughout North America and England.
For information and testimonials see www.pristine-inspirations.com or
Email kimberlie@pristine-inspirations.com
P: 248-601-3803

Boldness has genius; power
and magic in it.

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Book Review

"Reiki Best Practices"

Wonderful Tools for Healing for the First, Second, and Third Degree of Reiki
by Walter Lubeck and Arjava Petter
Lotus Press ISBN 0-914955-74-8

Reiki Best Practices

'Reiki Best Practices' is a book, which gives excellent examples of how creative Reiki is. First it is important to understand that Reiki is not a technique. Reiki is Reiki, "the unlimited supply of creative life force energy". We learn the technique of the hand positions for self-treatment and treating other in First Degree Reiki. In this book Walter and Arjava take it much farther than that, describing many effective ways in which to use Reiki for healing and manifestation.

The techniques are well laid out in a series of chapters, with instructions on creating specific effects with Reiki. Each method or technique gives the reader a detailed explanation, explaining the Level of Reiki needed for each technique, technical instructions, the use, philosophy, variations and personal experiences.

The authors have worked with the techniques and outline the time needed for each method. They also include an explanation of what works and what doesn't work. Many of the methods are very simple to learn and easy to use. There are valuable methods of working in the Aura. One of my favorites is the Aura Massage. Have someone try this technique on you so that you can feel the wonderful effects of it on your aura.

The book recommends that you try these techniques and use what works saying "Only when you have discovered that something is true and correct on the basis of your own experience will it have value for you."

Walter and Arjava have done a wonderful job putting these techniques together so that we all may benefit from them. This book will help you in your use of Reiki so that you will not be limited by just a few techniques. The Reiki Practitioner will find something beneficial to integrate into their practice and expand their use of Reiki.

Review written by Barbara McKell

One never knows what each day is going to bring.
The important thing is to be open and ready for it.
-- Henry Moore

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Left to right: Carol Romanella, ON; Barbara Weston, Vice President, BC; Barbra Hudson, Past President, BC; Bonnie Smith, President, ON; New Directors are Joselin Ratto, ON; not in attendance is Tona McMurran - see below.


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Licensing Issues

Changes to by-laws regarding the "body rubbers" and Alternative Health providers in Municipalities across Canada are occurring. Your CRA Board Members are here to provide representation on these matters and to protect your rights.

Municipalities usually publicize these meetings in the local paper prior to the by-law meeting-taking place.

We ask all of our CRA members to watch for these notices and to contact a board member in your area or notify Judy Cain at the CRA when such a City Hall meeting is advertised.

We thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter.

Bonnie Smith
CRA President

'When you arise in the morning,
give thanks for the morning light,
for your life and strength.
Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living.'
--Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief


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Reiki Shares & Exchanges

British Columbia


Canadian Reiki Association Exchange
First Saturday of each month, subject to change
Nikkei Japanese Heritage Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby
1:30 to 4:30pm
Donation: $5
All levels of Reiki Practitioners are invited. Newcomers are welcome. Come and try out Reiki.
Comments: We begin with a meditation, and a Reiju Empowerment for anyone who would like to participate. Then we exchange Reiki. Bring your pamphlets and business cards to share.
Contact: Judy Cain, M-CRA, Secretary
Phone: 604.525.1764
Email: reiki@reiki.ca


Last Wednesday of each month, excluding December at Always J Wellness Center in Coquitlam
6 to 10 pm
Free to the public. Anyone who would like to enjoy a free Reiki treatment is welcome.
Comments: 25-minute sessions. Please call to book your time as space is limited.
Contact: Juliane Teves, RP-CRA
Phone: 604.945.9324
Email: online@alwaysj.com


The Tri-Cities Reiki Exchange
Second Friday of every month at Aura Wellness Centre in Coquitlam
7 to 10 pm - Doors close at 7:15 pm
Suggested donation of $2.00
We welcome all for sample sessions.
Comments: Cozy space so book early. We have room for two tables and one chair-Reiki set-up at our current location. Please call ahead for directions.
Contact: Lyn Ayre, RT-CRA, 604.524.8565
Email: LynAyre@telus.net or NormanAyre@telus.net

North Delta / Surrey

First Saturday of each month
Delta Room, North Delta Recreation Centre
11415 – 84th Avenue, North Delta
6 to 9 pm
Donation: $5
Comments: All participants will receive a Reiki
Attunement and a mini Reiki Treatment during the Reiki Share provided they are willing to receive the gift.
Contact: Lee Dutta, M-CRA, International Institute of Holistic Healing
Email: lee_dutta@dccnet.com

White Rock

Reiki Social Night
Last Wednesday of every month; the date varies. Please email for details
7:30 to 9:30 pm
Comments: As Reiki is meant to be shared, I am holding a social night once a month at my home in White Rock, BC. This evening is meant to discuss Reiki specifically, with other practitioners in the area. I believe it's beneficial for all of us who really want to practice Reiki and be involved with it on a daily basis, to share experiences and information that would benefit others. A Reiki table will be set up for demonstrations or short sessions. Please email me if you would be interested in coming.
Contact: Nanci Caljouw, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.531.6171
Email: howdy2@telus.net
Website: www.ReikiandRhyme.com



Every 4th Monday of the month
The Banff Seniors Centre, except July & August
7 to 9 pm
Drop-in Fee: $5.00
Comments: Dates subject to change due to availability of space please visit
www.reiki-rocks.ca for up do date information.
Contact: Noortje Vanderelst, RT-CRA


Every 2nd Thursday of the month
The Canmore Recreation Centre, except July.
7 to 9 pm
Drop-in Fee: $5.00
Comments: Dates subject to change due to availability of space please visit
www.reiki-rocks.ca for up to date information.
Contact: Noortje Vanderelst, RT-CRA



Reiki Shares / Healing Circles
Held regularly every 2nd month
Call or email for dates and additional information.
Voluntary donations accepted to cover expenses for the evening. For Practitioners, Teachers and their invited guests.
Contact: Shelly, RT-CRA, for information
Phone: 204.724.6855
Email: jsmayer@westman.wave.ca



Whitehorse Reiki Exchange
Once a month
Whitehorse Public Library
Contact: Fay Eby for more information
Phone: 867.667.4979



First Monday of the Month
Will be changing to Holland Landing latter in 2004. Call for details on location.
7 to 9 pm
Donation: Donation only, not necessary. We welcome anyone attuned to Reiki, all levels. Come and share Reiki Experiences, Reiki Healing and Meditation. The group is just starting so can evolve to what the group wants.
Contact: Judy Watson
Phone: 905.868.0804
Email: judy-wolf@rogers.com


3rd Thursday of the month
Call for more information
Comments: I am a Reiki Master / Teacher and Karuna practitioner. We hold a Reiki support group and have been doing this for the past year with great success!
Contact: Valerie Pickles, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.624.1733
Email: valerie6971@hotmail.com

Guelph Reiki Share

Second Wednesday of each month
Held at the offices of Hospice Wellington
75 Speedvale Avenue East, Guelph
7 to 10 pm
Donation: $5
Welcome Level One and higher
Contact: Barbara McKell, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.823.2162
Email: barbara@soulconnection.ca

Hamilton Reiki Share

Fourth Wednesday of each month
Call for location
7:00 pm start time
Donation: $10
Welcome Level One and higher
Contact: Mary Catherine Darling, RT-CRA
Phone: 905.318.8630
Email: soulhealer3@yahoo.ca


Email for date, time, and location.
Comments: I am in London, Ontario and have been holding group Reiki exchanges so we can have evenings together. It is often a small group of 6 but we all truly enjoy the time together and go away feeling light and refreshed. Some, who come and do not practice Reiki other than on friends and family members, are pleased to join together and experience receiving a treatment.
Contact: Mercedes@execulink.com


Second Thursday of each month
Email for details on location
6 to 9:30 pm
Donation: not noted
All who have first level Reiki or Learning Path Integrated Technique are welcome to join us.
Contact: Diane Young, RT-CRA, of Healing Integration.
Email: diane@healingintegration.com

Reiki Share with Guided Meditation & Icebreaker
Date: Call for next dates. (Not a ‘church’ event)
United Church, 300 Bloor St W, 3rd Flr, Rm 31
6 to 9:30 pm
Cost: $5.00 (Donations are encouraged with thanks since the admission is very minimal.)
Everyone welcome – healers of all modalities, and the public
Comments: Includes a guided meditation, icebreaker to meet new friends, followed by Reiki treatments. Please bring to a cup and something lay on or bring a Reiki table, if you have one. Feel free to forward this info to family & friends. These events are building a loving supportive community so we can help each other. People often leave feeling happier and more peaceful than when they came in and excited from having made new friends and connections.
Contact: Stephanie Norwich, RT-CRA
Phone: 416-377-9059
Email: sgiver@yahoo.com

Toronto Central Reiki Clinic
Every Wednesday
At College and Spadina. Please call for details.
6:30 to 9:00 pm
Requested donation $10
Open to general public and all channels from all Masters
Comments: Time in the clinic is tracked for CRA qualification. New first-time channels must complete a short intro course on clinic procedures and group hand positions, as we work in teams of 2 or more. Cost: $45.00. Proof of current Reiki Level is required.
Contact: Roman Szymczak, RT-CRA
Phone: 416.531.1141
Email: Roman@HandsOfaHealer.com


Every second Thursday of each month
Call for location
7 to 10 pm
Comments: We welcome any new “Reiki Types” for an evening of discussions on various matters before group treatments.
Contact: Debbie Boehlen, RT-CRA, 905.714.0298
Email: debb@iaw.com

Reiki Share/Exchange Format

Please send your notice of Reiki gatherings in your own area to Enews@reiki.ca.


Name of the Share/Exchange
Date (and is it ongoing?)
Who is welcome
Contact info (name, phone, email)

'Just remember, when you're over the hill,
you pick up speed.
-- Charles M Schultz


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Shop at The Reiki Corporate Store:

CRA merchandise featuring our logo is available! T-shirts in navy and red available in sizes S, M, L, XL plus we have Navy baseball caps all available for $15.00 each. Send cheque or money order to: Corporate Store, c/o Canadian Reiki Association, PO Box 74072 Hillcrest RPO, Vancouver, BC V5V 5C8. Please include size and colour preferences where applicable! Allow 4 weeks for delivery. BC Residents please add GST.

The CRA is interested in ways to bring the membership together so they can get to know each other by sharing their ideas and experiences. For those who frequent the Internet via e-mail and website e-mail list discussion group; subscribe at: cra_news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Extra copies of the newsletter are available for special events or to use for promotional purposes. They're great to have for Reiki Shares & Wellness Shows. For additional copies contact Judy Cain at: reiki@reiki.ca.

We are always looking for items of interest for our members & the public. Send in your articles, special sayings, up and coming workshops, and notices that you would like included in the newsletter.

The Yukon Senior Elder Active Association is hosting the Canada Games for Seniors in September and a committee is being formed to offer Reiki, massage and other healing modalities to the athletes. More on this as it develops.
Contact: Faye Eby, RT-CRA at fjeby@yukon.net

Reiki Drum Healing Reiki Drumming

With Barbara McKell

October 16th & 17th
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Aura Wellness Centre
Elks Hall, Burnaby, BC

Aura Wellness Centre is sponsoring Barbara McKell, from Toronto, Ontario, to instruct a workshop on Reiki Drumming this autum. Have you ever considered how deeply healing it is to combine the power of Reiki Energy with Shamanic drumming? Come, learn, and experience this remarkable event. It's happening October 16/17 fro 9:am to 4:30 pm at the Burnaby Elks Hall. To guarantee your space in these workshops, please have your registration in by September 1, 2004. Of course, you can still sign up after that. For complete details, call Lyn Ayre at 604.524.8565 to request a registration package or visit my webiste at: www.ayresdigitaldoodlings.com/AuraWellnessCentre.htm. Please contact Barbara at barbara@soulconnection.ca between the dates of August 28th to Sep 12th as I will be out of town. Thank You.

*Barbara McKell will also be teaching the Reiki Drumming course in Guelph, Ontario on October 30 and 31, 2004. For complete details visit Barbara's website at www.soulconnection.ca or call Barbara at 519.823.2162



'Dreams are touchstones of our character'
--Henry David Thoreau


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ButterflyBlue Matrix Energetics

Blue Matrix Energetics Workshop

An Energy Healing System for the New Millennium

Friday October 1st to Sunday October 3rd

From 10 am to 4 pm
At Quality Hotel & Exceutive Suites
754 Bronte Road ~ Oakville, ON

For the Toronto area
Presented by Barbra Hudson

This workshop has been specially formatted for Reiki Level II and higher trained practitioners. What you will learn in this three-day seminar are all the components you need to practice and teach Blue Matrix Energetics featuring:

  • Understanding what areas of the brain process what frequencies, the different levels of healing frequencies and how to move into them at will with specific applied focus.

  • The genetic matrix and how to access it to activate dormant DNA in yourself and clients, resulting in rapid healing, age reversal and stoppage.

  • The bio chemical process of the emotional body and how it can wreak havoc on health.

  • Neurological reprogramming of the brain in healing work to eliminate harmful attitudes and habits.

  • Sensory remote view through a client's time lines for optimal health.

  • The Blue Matrix Merkaba technique that augments energy at an astounding rate.

  • Performing Blue Matrix Activations.

  • Connecting through the Matrix to all life and impacting the eco system.

You will receive all course handouts and manuals on CD as part of your course. The cost to CRA members is $1000.00 for both practitioner / instructor. Cost for non-members is $1275.00.

To register please contact Judy at reiki@reiki.ca
Very limited seating so book early
to ensure your spot
Registration deadline Friday September 24th 2004


In Coquitlam, BC, Canada
Offering Sessions & Courses in
*Chakras & Chi*
*Crystal Healing*
*EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)*
*Karuna Ki and Usui Reiki*
*Meditation Techniques*
*Aromatherapy, Massage, Sound Healing*

For more information, please call Lyn Ayre
604.524.8565 or LynAyre@telus.net



Reiki Symbol

Carol Romanella
P: 416.654.9538



Indian Head MassageThrough the London (England) Centre for Indian Champissage. 10.5 CEUs. Classes are available and ongoing throughout Canada.

Contact: Debbie Boehlen at 905-714-0298 or see website at www.iaw.on.ca/~debb for upcoming workshop

 The NLP Training Academy
of Ontario

"NLP may be the most powerful vehicle for change in existence" - Modern Psychology

"Become a Certified NLP Practitioner"
Visit our website for details
Fax: 519.482.9196
e-mail: info@nlptao.ca

ONTARIO COLLEGE Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine

332 Dupont Street
Toronto, ON M5R 1V9
T: 416.535.5995                        Carol L. Romanella
F: 416.535.2964                        Student Practitioner
E: info@ochm.ca

'I am responsible
for my own well-being,
my own happiness.
The choices and decisions I make
regarding my life directly
influence the quality of my days.'
-- Kathleen Andrus

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@2004 Canadian Reiki Association
May not be reprinted without written permission.