October 2007 |
Light 7 - Ray 3 |
Message From The President
"Snowy Egrets"

The winter solstice will soon be upon us and it is a powerful time to renew your Reiki connection when
the transformative shift of our planet begins the cycle of light once
again. This is a powerful time to repeat your Reiki Attunement if you
are already a Reiki Practitioner.
Take some time for yourself in the coming days to connect deeply with your own heart, with your own soul, with the higher aspects of your mind and with your highest emotions and feelings. Take care with yourself. This can be a very busy time, but set aside some quiet moments so that you are able to fully receive the true gift of the holiday season and the gift of the birth of an ever-greater loving consciousness within yourself.
I would like to inform our members that Rita Bonnici resigned her seat as Director. Rita's career in marketing and her Reiki background has lead her on a new journey. The Board wishes her much success in her new business adventure of Marketing for Holistic Practitioners.
Stepping in the role of Acting Director for the completion of her term will be Carell Mehl from Calgary, Alberta. This will be an exciting time for the CRA as we now have a Board Member directly representing the Prairies. Carell is currently planning to represent our Association at the 1st Annual Health Show. The date for this event will be on February 9th & 10th 2008 at the Calgary Stampede Grounds.
Our next AGM will be held on May 31, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Select in Oakville, Ontario. The newly renovated hotel is just of the Q.E.W. and within walking distance from the G.O. station. We have a larger venue for this event so we will have space for up to 100 members and non members. Once again we will showcase a mini market place. If you are interested in selling your products please call or email Judy to reserve your space. Also, if you have a product or service you would like to donate for a door prize please let us know. Mark the date on your calendars and plan to
show your support by attending.
Love, Peace and Wellbeing
Bonnie Smith

About the CRA
The Canadian Reiki Association: We provide our members with a national voice; encouraging high educational standards through our Code of Ethics, promoting ethical practices and teaching; assisting the public with referrals to Practitioners and Teachers; and is committed to enlightening and educating our communities about Reiki.
Editorial Committee
Doug Feltis
Layout: Judy Cain
Website: Sue Chepelsky, Sue Studios
of Directors
Bonnie Smith
Barbara Weston
Tania Bakas
Louise Vigneault
Carell Mehl (Acting Director)i
Mailing Address
Box 54570, 7155 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5E 4J6
1.800.835.7525 or
Local: 604.669.9049
Fax: 604.521.9557
Email: reiki@reiki.ca
or membership@reiki.ca
Website: www.reiki.ca
Newsletter is Published on:
15, June15,
September 15
"Striving for perfection is the greatest stopper there is...
It's your excuse to yourself for
not doing anything.
Instead, strive for excellence,
doing your best."
-- Sir Laurence Olivier |
We welcome your comments, criticisms,
and feedback. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
Advertise your business,
sell merchandise or place job ads in the newsletter. On review
of the content, non-members can also advertise in our newsletter.
Full |
6.5” x 8.5” |
$140 |
$280 |
1/2 |
3” x 8.5” |
$70 |
$140 |
1/4 |
3” x 4.25” |
$40 |
$80 |
1/8 |
3” x 2.125” |
$20 |
$40 |
1/16 |
3” x 1” |
$10 |
$20 |

Member in Focus Marlene George, RT-CRA
Brampton, ON
Tell us how you were introduced to Reiki
The first healing modality that I learned in the early 1980s was Therapeutic TouchTM. People that I was interacting with in the healing arts raved about Reiki and what it did for them and for those people that they were treating.
I took my first class in Reiki in August 1990. I did a lot of practising on my friends and family. Once I had a clear understanding, I found these two modalities, Therapeutic TouchTM and Reiki, worked well together in treating clients and so I started to combine the two modalities in my treatment.
As I liked what I saw about how powerful Reiki was in treatment, I decided to take the Second Degree in October 1990.
I continued giving treatments sometimes using Reiki only, if that was what the client wanted to take, and sometimes I would just use Therapeutic TouchTM , but I would combine both when the client requested because they liked the combination of the two.
In Therapeutic TouchTM we learned Absent/Long Distance Healing and we also learned Absent/Long Distance Healing in Second Degree Reiki. With the Reiki Absent/Long Distance Healing, I liked the idea of being able to incorporate the symbols as needed. Up to today, I am still amazed at the power and magic of Absent/Long Distance Healing and how, with the client's permission, it can facilitate and assist in his/her healing journey.
As I am passionate about teaching and helping others, I have been facilitating workshops for eighteen years. I teach many workshops such as "Learning to Move Forward," "Healing Circle," "Discover your Inner Healer," and "Healing through Breathing." I felt it would be a natural transition to also teach Reiki classes. In December 1993, I took my Reiki (Master) and I have been teaching Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki (Master) ever since. My student body is international as I have taught Reiki in South Africa and New Brunswick, Canada. The students who have come to me for Reiki classes or Reiki treatment are from places such as Australia, Ireland, Caribbean, Greece, South Africa and the United States to name a few.
Of all of the contributions I feel that I have made, one of my most memorable experiences was having the opportunity to teach Reiki I in a prison environment in Canada. The prisoners, 15 males, were delighted with the experience and they learned quickly because they were so intuitive. Their interactions with one another showed how sensitive they were to each other, a fact I found heart-warming.
Since my practice started in 1987 as a Life, Wellness and Business Coach, I have been coaching and counselling my personal practice on an international scale of private consultations, workshops, lectures, teleclasses and guest appearances on television and radio. Thus, one of my strengths is my in-depth experience in helping those Reiki practitioners, Reiki (Master), and entrepreneurs expand on the businesses that they already have. As well, my expertise can help those people who are starting up their businesses.
My professional undertakings include my first book, Your Life Is Now! in which I teach the Nine Skills for Joyous Living to improve clients' relationships with themselves, their work and their significant others utilizing exercises and inspirational visualizations complemented by three CDs, Health, Happiness, Harmony and Celebrating Birth.
My second co-authored book, Loving Mother … NO MATTER WHAT! approaches our relationship with our mothers, the discovery of re-occurring themes in the stories that we hope will inform, enlighten and inspire readers through heroic challenges and appreciation for mothers utilizing exercises and visualizations to assist the readers on their journey of discovery.
As a Certified Teleclass leader, the transformational teleclasses are highly interactive with lecture, questions, and discussions whereby the clients/students receive timely tips, tools, strategies and techniques over the telephone to benefit their lives and businesses immediately. Just like a live seminar, the clients/students may participate as much or as little as they wish.
What is your major focus for 2005?
My major focus for 2007 is to continue the work that I have been doing since 1987, to find as many opportunities to present motivational speaking and presentational engagements to organizations and groups highlighting my skills. I shall continue to offer my Reiki I and II classes and Reiki (Master) and also workshops and demonstrations for businesses and organizations who show an interest in Reiki. I will also continue to make myself available for past and new students to answer any of their questions or concerns that will help to improve their Reiki skills or help with their businesses.
My next project is to work on my third book, (its title to be decided), which will offer skills for businesses and their employees such as stress and conflict management in order for businesses to be more efficient and successful.
Tell us about the contribution you see yourself making to the CRA
As a member of CRA, I plan to uphold and support what the professional association stands for; namely, the health and well-being of my clients and students with the utmost truthfulness, respectfulness and dignity of their persons with sworn confidentiality.
I believe that acknowledged membership in such an association will profess to my own professional integrity and goodstanding in the eyes of the CRA and the public in general, and so I will encourage all of my students to become members of the CRA for this reason.
Marlene George
Holistic Healer, Inspirational Speaker
Author, Life & Wellness Coach, Business Coach
1.800.475.5368 , RT-CRA

Reiki Garden Party By Suzanne Dobinson, RT-CRA
June 2nd, 2007 in Innisfil, ON
Getting together with Reiki friends always proves to offer great opportunities and friendships. Thirty two Reiki practitioners gathered together at the home of Suzanne Dobinson in Innisfil Ontario on June 2nd. The afternoon was open to both members of the Canadian Reiki Association and non-members. Although the weather forecast was rain, we knew that with that many Reiki people at a garden party we would be kept safe, dry and in the sun. Everyone arrived with food or drinks to share, ready to meet new people or connect with familiar faces.
After chatting for a bit, and walking the labyrinth, we gathered into a large circle to introduce ourselves and explain how Reiki fits into our lives and practices. It didn't take long for everyone to feel comfortable with each other and enthusiastic to share more. With three treatment tables set up on the grass and deck, people came together to either receive or offer a treatment.
It was so wonderful to see how each person offered their special brand of healing, through hands on treatments or demonstrating and explaining a unique method. The didgeridoo healing was a great hit with everyone receiving, by just being present in the circle, while others received an Intuitive Reading at the other end of the deck. Everyone was so open and ready to share their gifts.
The afternoon passed by so quickly leaving everyone who attended asking when the next get together would be. Since June 2nd I have received e-mails asking if the next gathering could be all day, and could we have more sharing of specific skills in the style of possibly half hour presentations. Sounds like we are on to something. I look forward to seeing many more people at the next Reiki Day!
Suzanne Dobinson, RT-CRA
(look for more pictures throughout the newsletter)

The Place of Reiki in the New Paradigm ~
A Channeled Message From Source
There are many on the healing path that choose Reiki as their main modality and cling strongly to its traditions. There are others who incorporate non-traditional healing techniques into their repertoire. Neither one is better or correct.
There are many versions of Reiki that have emerged as people vibrate higher and learn to connect with different spiritual masters, both in physical realm and spiritual realm. We are blessed to have so many teachers who are willing to share their knowledge.
There is always room for new information and the new paradigm is indeed based on this principle. It has been in humanity's consciousness since the beginning and now we are helping each other to awaken and remember why we are here. Without new information, new experiences, there cannot be growth or progress.
Reiki is encased within a structure, a framework - it is not the structure itself. When the structure is changed, the essence still remains. Do not be afraid of "breaking tradition" if what you find on your path opens new possibilities for healing. That is why we are all here. To heal, to help each other heal, and to remember our connection to all things.
Selina Khan is a Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, and Spiritual Counselor who lives in Toronto. You may contact her at selina.m.khan@gmail.com.

Reiki in Action ~ Derek's Story By Isabella Ferguson, RT-CRA
Campbell River, BC
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama
Imagine if you will a young, enthusiastic teacher - in his mid 40s with two children and a wife who is his best friend. He is a skilled musician, both in piano and guitar, a knowledgeable ornithologist, an encouraging track and field coach, a vibrant lover of travel and camping, bouncing with energy and full of life. Suddenly one day, without warning, this young man experiences a catastrophic stroke. A frantic transport to the hospital and a new drug quickly administered in the wake of the emergency saves the life of this man but leaves him changed forever.
So it was eight years ago for my friend and colleague Derek. From one breath to the next his life became one of basic survival. After a period of hospitalization and physical therapy Derek came home. His mobility was limited, he had trouble speaking, had forgotten most of his vocabulary, had little energy, and needed to relearn the basic tasks of daily life. At first it was difficult, if not at times almost impossible; to communicate verbally with Derek and his fatigue precluded all but very short visits. It was distressing to see the terrible toll this event had taken on Derek, his family and friends.
We are a small community and try as best we can to support each other in times of crisis. This can take the very important form of practical matters, such as filling freezers with prepared meals, helping with gardening and chores, offering rides when needed. All are blessed acts of kindness in themselves. I am fortunate to belong to a meditation group which includes a number of Reiki masters and it seemed clear that the gentle, healing energy of Reiki would have much to offer to, not only Derek, but also his grieving family as they struggled to come to terms with their new reality.
On approaching Anne, Derek's wife, she was open-minded and grateful for the offer of support. A few quick telephone calls and we had a core of Reiki folks ready to do what they could to help. So it became the routine that every Sunday afternoon a number of us headed out towards the tranquil area in which the family lived. Greeting each other and the family with warm hugs, we clasped hands to balance our energies and, with Derek stretched out on the dining room table, would begin to channel unconditional, compassionate energy. Not only did Anne and her best friend Lisa join us in offering healing sessions, but Megan and Kalen also became curious and soon we had two enthusiastic young recruits, eager to participate in this loving connection to their father.
Week after week Derek would be saturated with Reiki energy, warm palms upon loving hands, sometimes so many passing the gift of this healing touch that we would channel Reiki to Derek through each other as we ran out of body space to hold! Laughter and tears would punctuate periods of incredible peace and stillness as we did our best to support the family on this challenging journey. Derek's courage and dignity were an inspiring lesson to us all.
As the weeks passed and fall flowers gave way to sprinkles of snowflakes we continued our sessions. Derek greatly looked forward to the variety of personalities who would arrive to work with him each Sunday and slept well after our sessions. As he dozed peacefully after treatments we would congregate nearby and discuss life, spirituality, recovery, the insights becoming clearer as we worked together. These times were not somber but infused with lively discussion, shared stories, experiences of past lives together, many jokes and lots of tea! Although we could not reverse the physical damage done by the stroke we began to affect emotional healing and to feel the miracle of new friendships based on our spiritual connections. As the family worked to understand and accept the way things were now, all had a desire to be attuned to the Reiki energy. It became time to move to the next level.
In November 1999, five "new" practitioners were attuned to Reiki 1. Anne, Megan, Kalen, Lisa and Derek himself had deep understanding of the true heart of Reiki and together we worked through the other information they needed to know. Gradually they took over the healing themselves and Derek's life changed again as care aides came into his home on a daily basis and Anne returned to part time work. The processes Reiki had fostered continued and Anne and Lisa followed their spiritual path, joining our open and accepting group and embracing new ideas and approaches. Two years later Anne, Megan and Lisa became attuned to Reiki 2. We keep learning together.
The years have passed and the children have left home. Megan has now graduated from BCIT and credits her Reiki background as being of strength to her in times of need. Kalen is busy being a teenage lad and we know his powerful connection to Reiki will be there when he calls upon it. Both youngsters were confident participants in a large Reiki share held locally some time ago. Anne has now been a long time member of our meditation and Reiki group and can often be found with us at a hospital bedside or offering healing energy to someone in need. Derek himself is now a resident of a care home and his indomitable spirit is a source of enjoyment to those around him. Time moves on.
Those hours spent with Derek and his family, were unique. Over the years I have found Reiki to be a most blessed gift, especially when serious illness presents itself. What could be more rewarding than sitting by the bedside of another in peace and quiet, needing no conversation to fill the space and sharing unconditional love through Reiki energy? I imagine these moments to be the essence of Dr Usui's vision for Usui Reiki Ryoho - "To lead (a) peaceful and happy life, heal others and improve (the) happiness of others and ourselves."

Healing Powers of Cleansing and Detoxification TAKEN FROM ALIVE MAGAZINE Novemer 2002 issue
You clean your house, wash your clothes and change the oil and filters in your automobile. You wash your hair and you brush your teeth. But how often do you cleanse the inside of your body?
Think about how many toxins your body has to contend with daily in our chemically based society: air pollution from traffic and industrial emissions, pesticides and herbicides from food, and exposure to chemicals in just about everything from household to personal care products. It's estimated that in 1996 alone, more than two billion pounds of chemical pollutants were released into the environment in the US.
The detoxification team
The human body, in its infinite wisdom, has six self-cleansing mechanisms that all work together as a team to clean it from the inside out. The digestive tract eliminates stool. The kidneys eliminate urine. Skin eliminates sweat and the lungs/respiratory tract expel carbon dioxide and mucus. Lymph nodes eliminate allergens, viruses and bacteria. And, as the team captain, the liver has the largest responsibility of all: When a harmful toxin comes through, it chemically transforms it so that one of the other eliminative organs can excrete it.
Most of the time, your beautifully designed body cleanses so efficiently you don't even have to think about all the hard work it's doing - until it begins to strain under the heavy workload. There is a natural law of the body that most people break, and then wonder why illness sets in. The law is simple: If you have a higher ratio of nutrients to toxins, your body will prevent illness and heal itself. But if you have a higher ratio of toxins to nutrients, your body will become diseased.
Our bodies are wise, but often we're not. If we don't feed our bodies high quality, nutritious foods, our organs, which essentially act as filters, will get clogged up with toxic debris. As a whole, western society does not eat a cleansing diet, nor are people cleansing their bodies on a regular basis. This combination is literally lethal. It makes the westerner more susceptible to diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, hormone imbalances, allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancer, to name just a few.
Common symptoms that your body may need a cleanse include: fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, right shoulder pain, poor appetite (especially before 10:00am), heart burn, nausea, irritability, depression, PMS, menopausal symptoms, infertility, cancer, endometriosis, prostate problems, skin rashes, allergies, weak immunity, addictions, fungus and parasites.
Four cornerstones of cleansing
Traditionally, people have cleansed their bodies in the spring and fall because the rhythms of their bodies coincide with the rhythms of the earth. Unfortunately, many people are ill right now, so I often suggest cleansing right away. Then, when you've built a strong foundation of good health, you can get on a regular program of cleansing with your natural rhythms.
Rule #1
The first and foremost rule in cleansing is: Treat the cause of the toxic overload. Eliminate all sources of toxins from your life, including poor food choices, toxic chemical use and even toxic thoughts. If you are using toxic chemicals in your home, workplace or hobbies, find safe alternatives. Replace toxic household cleaners with baking soda and lemon, for example, or pull up your dandelions and eat them instead of spraying them with weed killer. Change negative thoughts to loving and peaceful and keep both body and mind clean and strong.
Rule #2
Follow a cleansing diet for the liver to proceed to build-up in the body, many vitamins and minerals, antioxidants to fully loosen the toxins so they can be eliminated through our waste, sweat and breath. A cleansing diet is a good source providing the liver with those nutrients. If you are eating additional nutrients and fibre, switch to lots of raw or lightly steamed vegetables, fresh fruit and whole grains, quality fats and oils and adequate, easy-to-digest proteins. Live enzyme-rich foods such as raw sprouts, miso, tempch and sauerkraut are also cleansing. If you are eating good grown with hormones, pesticides and fertilizers, switch to organic. If you are consuming highly processed food that contains refined carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils, preservatives, food colouring and artificial flavouring, switch to whole, fresh prepared foods.
Rule #3
Get plenty of exercise - it's one of the best ways of eliminating toxins from your body. Moving and stretching stimulate and unplug your lymph glands, which act as your body's plumbing system, flushing and removing toxins to keep your immune system running smoothly. Aerobic activities such as running swimming and dancing get your lungs working to eliminate toxins through the breath and your skin to release toxins through sweating.
Consult a licensed professional such as a naturopathic physician, acupuncturist or herbalist to design a cleansing program specifically for your body. This is especially important if you have never detoxified your body before. There are many fasts to choose from. If you are using herbs, have the professional match the herbs to your constitution. If you are choosing a juice fast, have the professional monitor when it is time to break the fast. It is very important to have a professional choose and modify your cleanse to your specific health conditions, lifestyle and medications as well as to monitor your progress. You take your car into a mechanic and your aching tooth into the dentist, so take your toxic body to the natural-health practitioner.
Supplements, herbs and fasts are helpful, and even necessary in some cases for repair and healing of your eliminative organs. But a lifestyle of exercising regularly and eating a cleansing diet every day will keep all systems clear and in good working order. When they're in good shape, your body will feel energetic and strong enough to prevent a multitude of illnesses.
Cleansing Juice Recipes
Liver Cleanser
1 black radish or 6-8 red radishes
12 large green and yellow leaves curly endive
6 stalks asparagus
3 carrots
1 cucumber |
Kidney Cleanser
3 celery stalks
2 tomatoes
1 lemon, peeled
2 carrots
6 large green leaves endive lettuce |

Charting The Progress of Healing
From Hands-On Energy Healing
By Roland Berard, RT-CRA
Brossard, QC
This article introduces the Chakra Charting Method, a breakthrough in tracking, with charts and graphs, the progress of energy healing sessions. The particular modality used was Brennan Healing Science, but the method can be adapted for any healing modality where chakra readings are recorded. Several case studies are presented and data from over 90 clients is presented, analyzed and commented.
Brennan Healing Science is taught in a 4-year program at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, a college based in Florida , USA . The school is the only college in the world to offer a Bachelor's Degree in Healing Science. Brennan Healing Science was developed by Dr. Barbara Brennan and is described in her books Hands of Light and Light Emerging.
The Chakra Charting Method can be used to:
- Educate clients;
- Visually document and track the progress of healing;
- Visually indicate where images and limiting beliefs cause unnecessary suffering, which can then be used to support recommendations for deeper process work; " Compile the results from all healings with a client on a single page for easy reference;
- Document research;
- Help to inform traditional and other healing modalities about the healing modality.
The method can be adapted to track the progress of other modalities if chakra readings are used and recorded.

Chakra-Based Planetary Energy Balancing
By Jinny Rodrigo, RT-CRA
North Vancouver, BC
There are moments in one's life where one feels breathtaking joy. I have been blessed to have had experienced such moments; the birth of my daughter, the heady unexpected bliss of a budding romance where everything is new or even a gorgeous sunset comes to mind. There are also moments where we feel joy mixed with a sense of synchronicity - a synchronicity where we sense that seemingly unrelated components converge to metamorphose into a whole new connection. This is one of those moments and the moment is growing into a fascinating long-term study...
The weekend that I took my Reiki Master level training was not just a special one because I was taking my Master level, but something my Reiki Master, Barb Weston, said with an uncanny sparkle in her eye, triggered a flood of recognition for me and I spontaneously conceptualized a marriage of Reiki with Astrology that I have come to call, "Chakra-Based Planetary Energy Balancing." Barb Weston related to her students that when one is a Reiki Master, one is able to attune to any symbol. Any symbol. All of a sudden, I remembered the words of another great teacher, Jeffrey Wolf Green, the father of the Evolutionary Astrology that I practice. He revealed that he has only read a handful of astrology books. How he really learned astrology was, for example, by saying to God before going to sleep at night, "God, please teach me about Venus" and he would have vivid dreams of his own personal vision of the archetype. He always encouraged us to have our own relationship with the archetypes and symbols.
Now for some time, I have been observing that the Taurus/Scorpio axis is very prominent in the charts of Reiki Practitioners since the Scorpio archetype correlates -among other things- to uniting with symbols of power but this epiphany was nothing in comparison to what began to brew in my mind. If Reiki Masters could attune to any symbol, what would be the implications if one were to attune to the symbols of Astrology? I quickly realized that the benefit could be twofold. Primarily, as an astrologer, I could deepen my personal relationship with the astrology symbols- not just as Wolf recommended through dream, but also by attuning to and thus osmosing them! Consequently, for students of astrology who happened to be Reiki Masters, it could enhance the learning of the language of Astrology and enable them to absorb meaning deeply. Secondly, if I were noticing a challenging transit or natal configuration in a client's chart, then by sending them the symbols of the archetypes involved through a Reiki session, the intention would be to facilitate their integration of those archetypes.
I soon realized however, that the chances of having students who were Reiki Masters and interested in learning the complex language of Astrology and the art of chart interpretation were not impossible but relatively rare. Although I currently have astrology students who are Reiki Masters and exhibiting phenomenal progress, I wanted to create a method that would allow Reiki Masters to reap the benefits of attuning to the symbols without having to go through the process of learning everything about astrology. I also was concerned about people sending symbols based on the natal chart since it began to feel like "diagnosing" and not letting the Reiki energies "choose" the right energies to send. I then remembered that in Evolutionary Astrology, we correlate planets to the chakras and then it all came together. I could do a traditional Reiki session incorporating the sending of the symbols to the chakras that they correspond to - still with the intention that the energies be well integrated but leaving it up to the Source to decide what to do with those energies ultimately. All of the pieces synchronistically fell into place.
Sometimes in doing sessions, I will spontaneously feel a certain archetype that needs to be worked with and often it does correlate to what is going on in the client's natal chart. I also employ the use of gemstones, which correlate to certain planetary archetypes and placing them on the corresponding chakras in combination with the symbols of astrology has produced interesting and exciting results. It is early days to determine the explicit benefits of this method, yet I believe time will demonstrate positive consequences. I am currently working with an experimental group of Reiki Masters who have attuned to planetary energies and I have incorporated the Chakra-Based Planetary Energy Balancing into my services. I plan to prepare a manual for Reiki Masters interested in enhancing their Reiki sessions with this method and I will soon be offering classes to teach this process.
Reiki Garden Party
Innisfil, ON
June 2, 2007 |

Pele & Reiki I have been interested in Reiki since first learning about it about eight years ago, but it wasn't until I joined a Tai Chi class at our local community center that I came face to face with it. Our Tai Chi teacher was well versed in Reiki and so were several of my class mates and I was so taken by their Reiki stories that I signed up for level one, and a year or so later, level two from none other than our own Gabrielle Gietzen.
I am uncomfortable touching anyone beyond family and close friends so I didn't think I would ever become a Reiki practitioner. I did, however, begin to offer my black Burmese cat Pele Reiki treatments. The first time he turned around and looked at me as if to say, "What are you doing to me?" He quickly came to like it, as sometimes the area under my hand would get very hot as energy flowed into and through him. Other times it was a quiet, gentle flow where he'd nod off to sleep.
Five years ago I witnessed the power of Reiki first hand. Pele was outside looking over the railing of the upper deck, a favorite vantage point for looking down into our neighbors yard and over the lake. It was a Friday night and it was late in the evening when we suddenly heard the all-knowing sounds of a catfight. Odd, for we'd been in this house 3 years and there weren't any cats in our neighborhood.
We rushed to intervene but by then they had tumbled down two fights of stairs and were on the lawn in one rapidly rolling ball of fur and screams. We eventually yelled loud enough to break up the fight and drove off the intruder. Pele was beside himself with rage, so much so that we could not get near him, and he wouldn't come inside.
After our attempts to console him failed we returned to the house and waited. A short while later he came in but we could not get near him, he was still very upset. It was now very late. We decided to go to bed and give him time to settle down.
The next morning I searched in the usual places for him only to find traces of blood here and there. My eyes began to well as I began searching more urgently. I found him curled up in a ball with his back to me on a chair in the basement. I could see from the off-color and dullness of his fur that he was not well, so I got the idea to give him Reiki.
I wanted to help him feel better and to heal his emotional scars, especially since he didn't have front claws, something that was a long outstanding bone of contention between my husband and I. He had sworn to never forgive me for removing Pele's front claws to protect the furniture.
To my surprise, as the Reiki began to flow to Pele, he looked over his shoulder and slowly began to turn around. I realized he was repositioning his body under my hands and once he turned around, he slowly and obviously painfully pulled himself up and flipped over to his other side. It was torn wide open with a gash about 5 inches long.
A call to his vet and emergency surgery within the hour repaired his physical damage and he healed so well you'd never know he'd ever had the accident. Since the attack, however, Pele has become afraid of dark corners and often stays on guard throughout the night. The stray cat has never been seen again but we think Pele fears his return and stands on guard.
Pele is approaching his 19th birthday in June and we still enjoy our Reiki times together. He readily accepts Reiki with as much anticipation as he does fresh scallops from the fridge. My husband keeps asking when is he going to get his first Reiki treatment, and I tell him, only after Pele releases me from his exclusive contract!
Judy Beaton , AURA - CRA
Desk: 902.486.6734, Cell: 902.499.0501
1883 Market Street, PO Box 880, Station Central
Halifax, NS B3J 2W3

Testimonial for Vera Lynn Holman
I would like to say thank you to Vera for guiding me and teaching me the Usui Reiki way. It has been a blessing to me to have fallen upon such a beautiful form of healing. I am now applying her teachings to my own animal Reiki practice. Vera's great sense of compassion and drive for what she does is very motivating and the energy transmits and is infused into everything she touches. Thanks Lynn! Thanks to you I have found my purpose and reason to be on this beautiful planet.
Reiki Blessings,
Rachelle Hawthorne
Flying Changes Animal Therapy

By Marianne Goetsch, RT-CRA
Edmonton, AB
A young woman, her husband and 3 little kids, (twins 1 1/2 years of age and the other one 2 3/4) came to visit their parents here in Edmonton. Her parents are clients of mine. They suggested to the young mom to come to me for a session to rejuvenate and relax. Having 3 little ones can be quiet exhausting.
So this young woman came for a Reiki session. During the session I felt congestion in the reproductive area and worked on it for quite a while. I also realized that it was an emotional blockage. We talked afterwards about it, but she didn't know what it was. She felt very good, relaxed and energized. The next week, they all returned to Switzerland.
A few weeks later I received a call from her mother, telling me she had greetings from her daughter in Switzerland. Her daughter told her to tell me "that she is pregnant again"!
I said, "Oops", thinking of her other three babies and feeling pity for the young woman. But her mother told me,
"No, no! They're so happy…"
It turns out she has never been able to conceive the natural way, ever. All three of her children had been conceived by artificial insemination, until this one.
Thanks to Reiki, this is the first natural pregnancy and they are so happy.
Thanks God.
Love and Light
Marianne Goetsch, RT-CRA
Edmonton, AB

Shares & Exchanges
Canadian Reiki Association Exchange
Nikkei Japanese Heritage Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby
1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Donation: $5
All levels of Reiki Practitioners are invited. Newcomers are welcome. Come and try out Reiki.
Comments: We begin with a meditation, and a Reiju Empowerment for anyone who would like to participate. Then we exchange Reiki. Bring your pamphlets and business cards to share.
Contact: Judy Cain, RP-CRA
Phone: 604.525.1764
Email: reiki@reiki.ca
Anamcara Reiki Share
Date: 3rd Thursday of each month
Place: Anamcara, Centre for Kindness & Conscious Living
Location: 19273 - 80th
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm
Who is welcome: All levels of Reiki practitioners and newcomers.
Comments: We begin with a meditation and a Reiju Empowerment for anyone who would like to participate. Then we exchange Reiki. Bring your pamphlets and business cards to share as well as your CEU forms if you are working on your CRA practicum.
Contact: Virginia Smith, RT-CRA of Harmony Healing
Phone: 604.574.9974
Email: v_smith@telus.net
The Tri-Cities Reiki Exchange
2nd Friday of the month
Aura Wellness Centre, Coquitlam
7 pm to 10 pm
Doors close at 7:15 pm
Suggested donation of $2.00
Comments: All are welcome to come and experience Reiki. A Reiju Empowerment will be given to those who wish it and who have not yet been attuned to Reiki. Cozy space so book early. We have room for two tables and one chair-Reiki set-up at our current location. Please call ahead for directions.
Contact: Lyn Ayre, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.524.8565
Email: LynAyre@telus.net
Reiki Healing
Last Wednesday of every month from 5:00 to 7:00 pm
The date varies. Please email for details.
Comments: Reiki practice night for all levels. Meet and share Reiki energy with other healers. Newcomers are welcome. Come and try Reiki.
Contact: Junko Kawabata, RP-CRA
Phone: 250.758.6190
Email: junkomassage@hotmail.com
North Vancouver
St. Andrew's United Church Reiki Share
Dates: March 7th, April 4th, May 16th, June 13th, July 11th, August 8th, September 5th, November 14th, December 12th, 2007
Place: The gym at St Andrews United Church, 1044 St Georges Ave, North Vancouver. Entrance is off of 11th Street.
Time: 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Cost: Free
Who is welcome: All levels of Reiki practitioners and the public.
Comments: This event is hosted by Barb Weston of Inner Focus Holistic Healing. We begin with a guided meditation and an Empowerment for those who wish to receive and then for we do 15 minute Reiki sessions for everyone attending. Bring your CEU forms if you are working on your CRA Practicum.
Contact: Barb Weston
Email: barb@innerfocus.ca
3rd Friday of the month
Wings of Dove Holistic Centre
140 - 12031 First Avenue
Steveston Village, Richmond
7 pm to 9:30 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: This is an opportunity to share our experiences & discoveries, and to receive further coaching if necessary. Meditation and Healing open to all Reiki Levels. Please call or email that you are attending.
Contact: Claudette, RT-CRA
Phone: 604.275.7774
Website: www.wingsofdove.ca
Vancouver Reiki Share
Dates: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month Place: Knight St & Kingsway area, Vancouver (exact address given to attending members)
Time: 7:00 to 9:30 pm
Cost: $2.00 suggested donation
Who Is Welcome: Reiki Level 1 and higher, plus all paths of Reiki
Comments: We will focus on sharing stories and techniques, discuss problems or issues, give support and suggestions and practice Reiki through one-on-one or group healings.
Join Group Through: www.reikimeetup.com/369 (Meetup.com site)
Contact: Margaret Jang, RT-CRA Website: www.onesourcelearn.com
Vancouver Skills Exchange
Dates: The 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 10 am to 1 pm. The 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 6 to 9 pm.
Location: near 14th and Granville (address to be provided with RSVP
Admissions: $10
RSVP: The exchanges are limited to 5 people, please call or email to reserve a spot. Non-Reiki and Reiki Practitioners are welcome. For more information please contact Daniel.
Comments: The focus is on a skills exchange and developing our High Sense Perceptions while having fun. We will take turns giving, receiving and witnessing in a safe environment.
Contact: Daniel Shevchuck, RP-CRA
Phone: 604.216.5003
Email: daniel @findyourwayhome.ca
Website: www.findyourwayhome.ca
4th Monday of the month, except July & August
Banff Seniors Centre
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: Dates subject to change due to availability of space please visit www.reiki-rocks.ca for up to date information.
Contact: Norja Vanderelst, RT-CRA
Date: Every 3rd Sunday of the month
Place: Contact by email or call for address
Time: 3:00 to 9:00 pm
Cost/Donation: Drop in fee $5.00
Comments: Everyone is welcome. RSVP by e-mail or call
Contact: Lynn Holman, RT-CRA
Phone: 403.272.1598
Email: info@templeofalexandria.com
2nd Thursday of the month, except July
Canmore Recreation Centre
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation : $5.00
Comments: Dates subject to change due to availability of space please visit www.reiki-rocks.ca for up to date information.
Contact: Norja Vanderelst, RT-CRA
Reiki Sharing Circle
Held regularly every last Monday of the month
Location: 12221 - 54 Street
Time: 7:00 to 9:30 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: All levels and lineages welcome. RSVP by email or at www.wholistichealth.ca
Contact: Marianne Goetsch, RT-CRA
Phone: 780.479.0620
Email: ewg@telusplanet.net
4th Thursday of the month
Serenity Now Therapy
Location: 170 Cresent Lake Road, Saltcoats
Only 15 minutes from Yorkton
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: $5.00
Comments: Everyone level welcome. Please call ahead to confirm attendance.
Contact: Pat Bjarnsson, RT-CRA
Phone: 306.744.8122
Healing Co-op Reiki Share
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
Location: 165 - 3rd Avenue S (The Birks Building)
Time: Meet at the elevators between 7 pm & 7:15 pm
Donation: $2.00 off sets the cost of cups & water.
Comments: Reiki Level 1 is required to be a part of our share. We ask interested Reiki people to contact us if you are interested in joining us.
Contact: Darlene, RT-CRA
Phone: 306.933.2800
Email: healingcoop@shaw.ca
Reiki Shares / Healing Circles
Held regularly every 2nd month
We meet in front of the elevators between 7 pm to 7:15 pm
Donation: Voluntary donations accepted to cover expenses for the evening.
Comments: For Practitioners, Teachers and their invited guests. Call or email for dates and additional information.
Contact: Shelly, RT-CRA
Phone: 204.724.6855
Email: mayers@mts.net
Amherstburg, ON
3rd Friday of every month
Masonic Temple
Location: 68 Murray Street
Time: 7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: none
Comments: We welcome all people for sample sessions. All are welcome to come and experience Reiki. Open Reiju will be given to those who wish it.
Contact: Donna Hibbert, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.736.2473
In the Spirit of Truth
3rd Tuesday of each month (except December, July or August)
Time: 7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: none
Comments: Open to all students of different teachers & the general public. Call for location
Contact: Lorinda, RT-CRA
Phone: 705.722.4052
Website: www.inthespiritoftruth.com
3rd Wednesday night of the month
Kiwanis Youth Centre for Sports Excellence
247 McMurchy Avenue S, Brampton
Donation: not noted
Comments: Those interested please call or email for details
Contact: Mark Brewer, RP-CRA
Phone: 905.791.8320
Email: mark@reikitoronto.com
2nd Tuesday of every month
Breast Cancer Support Services (BCSS)
Location: 695 Brant Street
Park in the drive or across at the Post Office
Time: 7:00 pm sharp (meditation) to 9:00 pm
Donation: $5
Comments: Open to all Reiki levels & lineages. Tables are welcome, otherwise bring a pillow & blanket. If you need practice for CEU's bring your Practicum form. Registration is required due to space limitations.
Contact: Jo-Anne Stevens, RT-CRA
Email: info@essentialwellnesscentre.com
Contact: Kerry Fargo, B.A. RT-CRA
Email: info@circle-of-light
Hamilton/Waterdown/Flamborough Reiki Share
3rd Thursday of every month. (Please view website www.circle-of-light.ca or e-mail for any updates or to find out about extra shares.)
Where: Circle of Light Wellness Centre
Location: 50 Mill St North Waterdown ON L0R 2H0
Directions: For step by step driving directions go to www.mapquest.com Click on Directions . Input the above address into the Ending Location section.
Parking: for now on the street or in the driveway, you can also try across road at library, or up the street in Knox church lot..proper parking is coming in the spring
Time: 7pm-9:30pm
Donation: $6.00
Who is invited: All levels of Reiki Practitioners are welcome.
Comments: Come on out and give a treatment and receive a treatment! We exchange reiki treatments, and end with a short meditation. Teas, and water available. Please bring a massage table if you have one or a pillow and a couple of blankets. Please RSVP if possible via phone or e-mail so I can co-ordinate enough tables for participants. For those students collecting CEUS to register with the CRA please bring your forms to have signed. You can download them from here.
Contact: Kerri Fargo, B.A., RT-CRA
Tel: 905- 689-8100
E-mail: info@circle-of-light.ca
Website: www.circle-of-light.ca Guelph
Guelph Reiki Share
2nd Wednesday of each month
Held at: Soul Connection
12 Oakridge Crescent, Guelph, ON
7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: $5
Comments: Welcome Level One and higher
Contact: Barbara McKell, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.823.2162
Email: barbara@soulconnection.ca
Guelph Pathways Healing Share
Last Thursday of each month except for July, August & December
Time: 7 pm to 10 pm
Donation: Small donations or snacks, juice, etc.
Comments: Meditation and Healing share open to all levels and lineages. RSVP if attending.
Contact: Bonnie Adam, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.763.7948
Email: bonnie@pathwayshealing.com
Guelph Learning and Sharing Reiki
Last Wednesday of Sept, Oct & Nov 2006
Location: contact for location
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Donation: $5 - $10
All Reiki Practitioners welcome.
Comments: Hosted by 3 Reiki Masters
Contact: Anne Harauz, RT-CRA
Phone: 519.763.7566
Email: anne@spiritfilledhealing.net
Holland Landing
Monthly Reiki Practice Group
2nd Sunday morning of every month
Time: 10 am to 12 pm (noon)
Donation: no cost
Comments: Welcome are those with 1st degree Reiki or higher
Contact : Judy Watson, SM-CRA
Phone: 905.868.0804
Email: judy-wolf@rogers.com
Reiki shares are the 1st Tuesday of each month and require an RSVP
Donation: $10.00 drop-in fee
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm
Comments: Everyone is welcome! Anyone who has taken Reiki or would like to come and experience what Reiki is all about. Come to be treated, to treat others, to share Reiki stories, or exchange new information about Reiki.
Contact: Cheryl Hiebert, RT-CRA
Sacred Journeys Healing Arts Centre
Location: 654 Barnsley Crescent
Kingston, Ontario K7M 8X4
Phone: 613.634.8220
Website: www.sacred-journeys.ca
Email: info@sacred-journeys.ca
London Reiki Share
Call for date, time, and location
Comments: I have been holding group Reiki exchanges so we can have evenings together. Often a small group of 6 but truly an enjoyable time together and we go away feeling light and refreshed. Some, who come and do not practice Reiki other than on friends and family members, are pleased to join together and experience receiving a treatment.
Contact: Mercedes Mancari
Phone: 519.660.3664
Email: Mercedes@execulink.com
Waves Fitness and Lifestyle Centre
2nd Sunday of every month
10 am
200 Davis Drive, Unit #1
Donation: $5.00 suggested
Comments: All those interested in Reiki - All Practitioners any style of Reiki
Contact: Gill Skyvington
Phone: 905.967.1112
Email: gill@holisticpathways.net
Date: Second Thursday of the month
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Location: 106 - 2211 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
Donation: Free will - proceeds to Make A Wish Foundation
Comments: Everyone welcome! Includes group meditation and Reiki exchanges.
Contact: Gabrielle Aarons, RT-CRA
Phone: 613.726.8155
Website: www.reikiassociates.com
Email: denise@reikiassociates.com
Date: Last Thursday of the month
Location: 30-C North Street, Perth
7 pm to 9 pm
Donation: Free will - proceeds to Make A Wish Foundation
Comments: Everyone welcome! Includes group meditation and Reiki exchanges.
Contact: Denise Carpenter, RT-CRA
Phone: 613.913.2803
Website: www.reikiassociates.com
Email: denise@reikiassociates.com
Please register by email if you plan to come.
Donation: something for snacking
Comments: All who have 1st Level Reiki or Learning Path Integrated Technique are welcome to join us.
Contact: Diane Young, RT-CRA of Circle of One.
Email: diane@circle-of-one.com
Toronto Reiki Intro. Talk & Share
Date: Saturdays - call for next dates
1 pm to 5 pm
Donation: $10.00 and $8 for students, seniors & low income.
Comments: An icebreaker will be followed by a guided meditation, Reiki sessions and light refreshments. Bring something to lie on: a pillow, foam or yoga mat, bed sheet, pillowcase, towel. Massage tables are greatly appreciated too! I also facilitate trades between holistic healing practitioners of all modalities & run volunteering & practicie nights. People can also join the "Toronto Reiki Healing Shares Group" at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/-
Torontoreikihealingshares to be informed of our on-going Reiki Shares.
Contact: Stephanie Norwich, RT-CRA Reiki Master/Instructor, Licensed Holistic Practitioner, Masters of Education Candidate (Counseling).
Phone: 416.785.3611
Email: sgiver@yahoo.com
Bathurst & Eglinton
Date: Last Wednesday of the month
Time: 6:00 to 9:00 pm
Location: Bathurst & Eglinton -Toronto
Donation: $10 pay on-line or in person
RSVP: Come alone or invite a friend, space is limited, contact me to reserve your spot.
Comments: Everyone is welcome, non-Reiki & Reiki Practitioners. For more information please visit site.
Evening Activities: Guided Meditation, Group Reiki Sessions, Discussion
Reiki Practitioners: Earn Continuing Education Unites (CEU) towards CRA membership.
Contact: Vivian eilON, Reiki Master/Reconnective Healing
Phone: 416.457.3330
Email: Vivian@zanfree.com
Website: www.zanfree.com
Toronto Hypno Healing Reiki Share
Every 4th Monday 6:30 pm to 9 pm
Place: Hypno Healing Institute Inc, 3355 Keele Street
Donation: by donation
Comments: This is open to all Reiki Practitioners or members of the public who wish to join us. The purpose of this gathering is to inform people about the benefits of Reiki, and to receive a Reiki treatment to promote healing in their everyday life. Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone you think may be interested. To join our Reiki Share please call our office.
Contact: Debbie Papadakis
Phone: 416.760.8996
Email: debbie@hypno-healing.com
Welland Reiki Share
2nd Monday of the month
Visit my website or call to confirm date
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Please contact for exact location
Comments: Come enjoy interesting discussions on Reiki & other natural healing modalities and group treatments. Please contact me to confirm your attendance.
Contact: Debbie Boehlen, RT-CRA
Phone: 905.714.0298
Website: www.canadianchampissage.com
Reiki for Kids
Workshop for Kids 6-12 and Teens 13+
For more information
Contact: Karen Mosuk, RT-CRA
Phone: 514.856.3435
Email: karenmosuk@hotmail.com
Nova Scotia
The last Wednesday of each month
142 Braemar Drive Dartmouth
Time: 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Comments: Everyone with Reiki Level I and above are welcome.
Contact: Gail Piccott Bannister
CRA & AURA Member
Phone: 902.463.1775
Whitehorse Reiki Exchange
Once a month
Location: Whitehorse Public Library
Contact: Faye Eby, RT-CRA, for
more information
Phone: 867.667.4979
Email: fjeby@northwestel.net
Share/Exchange Format
Please send your notice
of Reiki gatherings in your own area to reiki@reiki.ca.
Name of the Share/Exchange
Date (and is it ongoing?)
Who is welcome
Contact info (name, phone, email)

Shop at The Reiki Corporate Store:
New at the Store -- "What is Reiki" Brochure
For your convenience we now offer PayPal® through the internet Corporate Store to pay for all store products plus new and renewal of memberships.
Our newest item in the Coporate Store is our "What is Reiki" brochure. It covers: What is Reiki, The History of Reiki, How it Works, A Reiki Session. The brochure is in simple language for the non Reiki person. Our intention is to give you another resource for seeking out potential clients. When a potential client has a better understanding of Reiki, they may be more inclined to book a session with you. They are $3.95 for 12 plus S&H.
CRA Logo Lapel Pins. These beautiful pins are an ideal gift for yourself or as a gift for your Reiki students when they complete a class. $5.00 ea. Buy 5 pins for $25.00 and get 2 free with your order.
Don't forget we have generic Certificates for Level's I, II, III and Master for members and non-members. Email for pricing or go to our on-line Corporate store.
This 17 minute guided Chakra Meditation CD is perfect to use at Reiki Shares or Exchanges. It is a lovely way to bring the group together while relaxing and centering them at the same time. It is also perfect for personal use to relax and refresh you in just 17 short minutes and makes a perfect gift for anyone. $15.00 plus $5.00 S&H.
CRA merchandise featuring our logo is available! T-shirts in navy and red available in sizes S (red only - limited), M, L plus we have ball caps in navy. $15.00 plus $5.00 S&H.
Please include size and colour preferences where applicable!. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.
Send cheque or money order to:
Corporate Store,
c/o Canadian Reiki Association
Box 54570, 7155 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5E 4J6
The CRA is interested in ways to bring the membership together so they can get to know each other by sharing ideas and experiences. For those who frequent the Internet via e-mail and website browsers, the CRA has set up a members only
e-mail list discussion group; subscribe at: cra_news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .
Extra copies of the newsletter are available for special events or to use for promotional purposes. They are great to have for Reiki Shares & Wellness Shows. For additional copies contact: Judy Cain at: reiki@reiki.ca.
We are always looking for items of interest for our members & the public. Send in your articles, special sayings, up and coming workshops, and notices that you would like included in the newsletter.
Keep the newsletter going by sending in your articles and book reviews.
Why not become the Member in Focus?
For information email: reiki@reiki.ca

Affiliate Program with EMBROIDME
The corporate store now carried CRA Shirts, Track Pants, with matching Jackets and Polar Fleece blankets - just the right size for your Reiki Table. They are now available through the Corporate Store. The product is competitively priced and is of excellent quality.
The shirts, jackets and track pants are made out of high quality cotton and you will have a choice of styles and wide range sizes of shirts and jackets. There is also a variety of colours to choose from.
We will be starting with a few products at first but the opportunity to introduce more in the clothing line will depend on how well we do with the orders.
I would like to mention that the CRA logo is embrodered on not a transfer that has bee ironed on as it was with the old style of shirts.
We know how everyone felt about the old shirts so we are pleased that we have found a way to update the product line and bring other items in without the costly overhead. With our Affiliate Program from Embroidme in place it is without a doubt the best way for the CRA to provide a good quality product without the expense and storage that we experienced with the previous order of shirts.

Take time to be still ... .....
........love with a joyful soul
Reiki and Sekhem
Natural energy healing
Wellbeing workshops
Worldly goods
Stephanie Cookson
Reiki Master/Teacher
Sekhem Practitioner
556 Church Street (Upper level)
Toronto M4Y 2E3
Website: www.transense.ca
Email: stephanie@transense.ca
Wings of Dove Holistic Centre
Wings of Dove Holistic Centre
Sacred space for Personal Empowerment
Usui Reiki Sessions & Training L1-2-3-MT
CranioSacral Therapy
Healing Matrix - Multidimensional Healing
Animal Communication & Healing
Spiritual & Mediumistic Sessions
Metaphysical Education
Classes Workshops Retreats
604.275.7774 - 1.866.275.7776 dovewing@telus.net
Build Your Reiki Practice
Get this FREE, 22 page report:
"67 Surefire Ways to Attract Clients"
at: www.julietaustin.com
Circle of One
In Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Offering workshops and
Sessions in Reiki
Learning Path Integrated Technique
Axiatonal Alignment
Energy Sensing and Clearing Techniques
Contact Diane: 416.690.6336

Life Enhancement Programs
Fitness, Nutrition, Energy Work
The Human-Dolphin Connection, Yoga & Setting Yourself Free
June 1 - 7, 2008
Join us in Bimini, Bahamas as we laugh, play and swim in the loving embrace of wild dolphins.
Contact: Dale Choquette N.D., L.B.E. at:
e-mail: dale_choquette@sympatico.ca
| Sharlene McLearon
Blue Matrix Energetics,
Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki
London, Ontario
Indian Head Massage Course
Through the Canadian Centre for Indian Champissage. 10.5 CEUs.
Contact Debbie Boehlen at 905.714.0298 or see website at www.canadianchampissage.com
for upcoming workshop dates.

Aura Wellness Centre
Offering Chakra & Ch'i harmonizing, crystal healing, drumming/journeying, EFT, Life Coaching, Reiki, and sound sessions.
Through Academy of Energy Healing enjoy in-person, email or correspondence courses.
We are accredited and offer the Certified Holistic Energy Practitioner™ program Info: 604.524.8565 or
"Believe that you can do it,
under any circumstances.
Because if you believe you can,
then you really will.
That belief just keeps you searching for
the answers, then pretty soon you get it."
~ Wally "Famous" Amos

@2003 - 2007 Canadian Reiki Association
May not be reprinted without written permission.